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Chapter Eighteen

’One, two, three, four…’ I nervously counted the number of people who passed through the door to the Wright’s office. The Backstreet Boys and I were waiting impatiently while their management prepared to meet with us.

“Nick, you’re gonna be in so much trouble for this,” AJ said, leaning back in his chair, “One of the first things we were told was no matter how much provoked, don’t lose your cool.”

“Just how much trouble will Nick be in?” I asked cautiously.

“A lot,” Kevin stated, “Not only is the press interested, it will influence the fans and he could be charged.”

“Guys, you’re not helping.” Nick said, almost desperately. We all sat in silence . This was all my fault. I had to get him out of it somehow…

“Yeah… but what if it was me who punched Zack?” I asked suddenly.

“What are you talking about?” Howie asked, surprised.

“Well, I mean Zack wouldn’t want anyone to know he got beaten by a girl…and he told me that no one ever runs out on him. There was no other way to get to me than through Nick.” I concluded triumphantly, “and if it hurt Nicks career in the process…even better for Zack.” They all stared at me. Brian looked amused,

“You know guys, it’s so crazy it might just work.”

“But Brian, Nick admitted that he hit him.” Kevin protested.

“Only to us.” I smiled, pleased that my idea had impressed Brian. “Nick… what do you think?”

“I don’t know. I mean it could work, but if Zack took us to court or something…”

“Well, it’d be me who’s lying… please Nick, let me do this for you.” Nick stood up, took my hand and led me over to an empty space by the window.

“Laney, you’ve done more than enough for me,” he brushed my hair away from my face, “It’s time I took responsibility for my actions.”

“But Nick, it was my fault,” I protested. “If I had listened to you and not gone out with Zack none of this would’ve happened.”

“Laney, my motives for not wanting you to go were not ‘cos I was worried about your safety,” he grinned.

“Please?” I looked into his amazing eyes and almost passed out. They showed such emotion. He leant down, gently cupping my face and kissed me softly.

“Okay,” he said, “but… what if it goes wrong? We could get in even bigger trouble.” I smiled up at his worried face.

“Nick, there were only three people there. Two against one… we can’t lose.”

“Okay, go on in,” the receptionist called. Nick nodded at the other guys to show that we were going with my idea. I gripped tightly on to Nicks hand as we entered the grand office.

Step one was completed. The Wrights had believed our story, which meant we just had to wait and see what Zack would do. Meanwhile a press conference was being arranged so that the public could be told the ‘true story’. Nick was completely freaking, expecting Zack to take us to court at any moment.

“Laney, you’re too good for me,” Nick said whilst playing with my hair. I sat up from my place on his bed and looked at him.

“Don’t say that!” I scooted closer to him and kissed him softly, “Where did that come from anyway?”

“Well look at what’s happened,” he absently stroked the side of my neck. “You arrive and I’m a total jerk, yet you help me with my singing. I throw a guy you like up against some lockers, and you stop me getting into trouble. I break up with you, so you be the best friend ever and come round to give me a second chance. Oh and of course I punch a guy and you take the blame.” I laughed at his serious expression, “and we’ve only known each other just over three months.”

“Shut up Carter,” I smiled, pulling him closer. “Do you wanna know a secret?” I whispered into his ear. He nodded, “Ever since I met you, that empty space I hads been filled. And you know what else..?” I asked, kissing his neck.

“What?” he replied quietly.

“I think I just might be falling for you.” I smiled and moved my lips to meet his, gently biting his lower lip. He let his hands roam over my body, then slowly slipped them under my top. I was prepared to go all the way but suddenly Nick drew away.

“Laney,” he said, a little breathlessly, “I don’t want to do this, not with you.” I pulled away from him feeling hurt and embarrassed. “No,” he said, quickly taking my hand and pulling me back towards him. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

“So how did you mean it?” I asked, trying to stay calm. He smiled, which just annoyed me even more. I pulled my hand away and stood up to leave. He quickly followed me downstairs.

“Wait,” he said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me around to face him.

“Why? You did it with all those other girls! What’s so different?” I asked harshly.

“I love you. That’s what’s different,” he stated. I softened my tone,

“You do?” I couldn’t help but smile a little.

“Yes, I do and I don’t want to rush this. I’ve never felt like this about anyone and it kinda scares me… I just… I don’t want to risk losing you.” He seemed so young, and every word he said sent a feeling of happiness through me.

“You won’t lose me Nick,” I smiled and kissed him, “I should go.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“Yeah.” I left his house feeling a lot better than I had in days, and feeling more loved than I ever had in my life.

Chapter Nineteen
Second Chances
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