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Chapter Nineteen

It was strange how everyone else’s impression of Nick was so different to mine. Maybe it was because I had always been able to see the good in everybody. No matter how rude, harsh or dishonest a person is, I had always that the good was just underneath… and everyone has feelings. Even someone like Casey has feelings… she hurts just like anyone else. So why was it so many people judged Nick on the little they saw of him? He had his gentle, considerate and caring side… nut all anyone would ever say at school was how unreliable he was and how he had always been after anything in a skirt.

“Laney.” I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Nick, who was waving his hand in front of my face.

“Hey,” I kissed him.

“Are you okay? I was calling to you for like five minutes.” Nick asked, taking my hand and leading me off the porch. Over the past months the porch had become my thinking spot. Where I would think about everything going on in my life, Nick… and Ryan. Until that day two years ago I had spent my whole life as half of a set. We’d think the same things, like the same music, be good at the same subjects. Then suddenly that was gone and I was left… to be more independent than I had ever been before. To become an individual, seen as ‘just Laney’ by everyone else. And just as suddenly I began to miss all the little annoying things about having a twin. How everyone saw you as one, how you were always supposed to know where the other one was. And the thing I missed the most was how if one of us got into trouble, then the other was obviously involved too. We used to get into so much trouble…

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I sighed, “These holidays just give me too much time to think.” I moved closer to Nick, catching the smell of Gravity as a light breeze blew. “And since… you know, everything, I’ve had no one to talk to. I mean I’ve been here for months and I have, like, one friend.”

“Hey, first of you have more than one friend! You have me, Brian and I know AJ, Kev and Howie like you. Plus you’ve got BJ… Angel and Les adore you and Aaron told me if I wasn’t dating you, he’d want too.” I laughed. “That’s better,” he smiled, “besides Amber, I’m sure, still likes you…it’s just me… which I guess is understandable.”

“You’re sweet,” I laughed, kissing him on the cheek.

“Don’t tell anyone else that! They might think I’m turning soft,” he said.

“Hey, there’s nothing wrong with letting people think you’re nice.” I protested with a smile.

“True, but if I was nice to everyone, then how would you know how special you are to me?” I knew I was blushing. It amazed me how he could say the simplest of things but they would still cause butterflies in my stomach and a tingly feeling all over.

Chapter Twenty
Second Chances
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