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Chapter Two

I was running late for school and then I missed my bus which made me even more annoyed. I stood for a moment trying to decide what to do.

“Hey Laney.” I whirled round quickly but relaxed when I saw Nick.

“Hi, what are you doing here?”

“I was gonna catch a bus, but looks like I missed it.” He pulled out his lighter and lit the cigarette that was hanging out the side of his mouth.

“Me too,” I smiled.

“Well, you wanna go somewhere? It’s ages ‘til the next bus.” I hesitated. It didn’t seem like a great idea to cut school on my second day, but I wanted to hang with Nick, so I followed him back down the road. It turned out that Nick only lived a few houses away from me and we sat in his back yard as his parents had already left for work.

“So Nick,” I said braking the silence, “what’s with you?” He looked at me confused.

“What do you mean?”

“Well I can’t figure you out.” I paused, trying to think of the right thing to say, “I mean Zack is happy enough to go to school, be Mr. Popular and hang at parties, but you… you’re different. It’s almost like, that for you, it’s not enough…” He stared at me for a moment. His blue eyes studying my face. He removed the cigarette from his mouth.

“How do you do that?” he sounded surprised. “I have been hanging with Zack, Casey and the guys for years and they have never known, or cared, how I feel or what I want. Then you come along and see it in a second!”

“But that’s just it.” I replied, still slightly confused, “I can’t figure out what it is!”

“Come with me,” Nick said, pulling me up from the chair and leading me through the back door of his house. I followed him up the stairs to what I concluded to be his bedroom. He sat me down on the bed and placed a tape in his stereo. I listened as a song I hadn’t heard before played through and Nick watched me intently until the last note was sung.

“Wow,” I said, “that was beautiful. That song, it was so… so moving.”

“You really think so?” Nick asked excitedly. I nodded. “Well that’s it. You see,” he said, sitting down next to me, “all I have ever wanted is to sing. And I’ve been auditioning for years. I just can’t get a break!”

“Oh my god!” I exclaimed, suddenly realising, “that was you! Singing! Oh Nick, you were amazing!”

“You have no idea how much you saying that means to me,” he smiled. Suddenly we heard a door slam. “Shit!” Nick grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the window.

“Nick what are you doing?” I asked as he helped me climb out of the window.

“If my Mom finds me here then I am dead. Now come on!” We climbed down using a tree, placed handily near his window. I wondered how many times Nick had used this as an escape route. Then we ran.

We finally stopped running when we came to a small diner. We grabbed a table and ordered some drinks.

“You know, Nick. You have got a real talent… and I reckon it would be better if you stopped smoking.” Nick, who was just about to light yet another cigarette sighed.

“Yeah, you’re right. I’ve tried but I just couldn’t. I dunno, I’m close to giving up on singing. I mean I’m 17 and I’ve been doing this since I was 8. “

“Don’t give up yet!” I smiled at him, “that song… it was beautiful and your voice is amazing. You are gonna make it!”

“You think?” he laughed. “I think you’re the only one.. besides my Mom.” Our order came and we sat silently drinking.

“I think I should go. I really should go to school, I’ll just say I got lost.” I grabbed my bag and stood up. “I’ll see you later Nick.” Nick looked like he was about to say something, then changed his mind.

“Bye Laney.” He squeezed my hand, “And thanks.”

“S’okay.” I left the diner and jumped on the next bus, hoping it was the right one.

Chapter Three
Second Chances
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