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Chapter Twenty

~One and a half months later~

Note: Nick has been away for a month

I looked over at the four other girls who seemed equally surprised and I couldn’t stop the amused smile forming on my face.

“Are you serious?” Tina, one of the other dancers asked.

“Completely.” Lenny replied, still holding up the costume. The American group ‘N Sync were scheduled to be performing at Sea World and the five of us were to be dancing with them. The costumes, to say the least, were revealing… although that was without the silver. The costume consisted of silver hot pants and a tight silver, sleeveless, top. The part we were all slightly shocked and apprehensive about was we were to be painted silver… all over.

“Girls, this could be a huge break for you all.” Hannah said. She had organised for us to dance with them, but it was the group and their people that had decided on the costumes.

“Rehearsal tomorrow?” I asked, standing up and taking my costume.

“8am.” Hannah replied, relieved that someone had accepted it.

“I’ll be there.” I left the building, knowing the other girls would agree eventually.

“Honey, Nick called,” Karin said as I arrived home. “He said he’ll be back late tonight, so he’ll come over tomorrow.” Damn I thought to myself, Rehearsal would have to be tomorrow! I sat down and wrote him a note:


Glad you’re home. Hope it all went well, I’m sure it did. I missed you loads. I have rehearsal 8am tomorrow so either I’ll come over and see you afterwards – afternoon sometime – or you can come down to the dance studio. I’m going to be performing with ‘N Sync… I’m so excited!

Loads of Love


I took it over to Jane who promised to give it to Nick as soon as he got home.

I pulled on my sneakers then joined the other girls on the floor. ‘N Sync would be joining us soon but the first hour and a half were spent learning the basic steps, which were in fact quite complicated.

“Good,” the choreographer said as we did the final move. It was very difficult to practice a dance without your partner, but we seemed to be doing okay. “Okay, let me introduce you to the guys.” Meeting ‘N Sync made me realise how similar they were to the Backstreet Boys. Looking past the obvious of there being five of them from Orlando, they had the same type of style and attitudes… and the same vibe. Maybe one day I’ll get to perform with Nick I thought to myself as I took my place next to my partner. I had been paired with Justin, apparently because out heights were right for the dance routine.

“Okay, from the top,” and we began again for what seemed like the hundredth time. I was surprised by what good dancers the group were. I burst out laughing as Justin placed both his hands on my bare waist, in what would have proceeded to be me being lifted up into the air.

“Laney,” Hannah sounded frustrated.

“I’m sorry… I’m just really ticklish,” I replied, still laughing a little. Justin laughed with me,

“Why don’t we take a break?” he suggested.

“Okay, take five.” I turned to find Nick leant against the door.

“Nick!” I squealed, running over to him. He picked me up and span me around. He then lowered me and kissed me softly.

“Hey Laney.” His smile was infectious and I couldn’t resist beaming back at him.

“So, how was it?” I asked, leading him over to some chairs, “tell me everything!”

“Well I thought I could take you out later.” Nick took my hands in his, but kept his eyes locked with mine. “I can tell you everything over dinner, and you can tell me what’s been happening with you.”

“Okay,” I replied, smiling.

“Christ… I missed you so much,” he said, kissing my hand.

“I missed you too… I wish I could just ditch rehearsal.” Nick looked around the room, his gaze finally resting on Justin.

“What were the chances of that?” he said, almost to himself.

“What?” I asked, slightly confused.

“Justin getting my girl,” Nick replied, still looking at him.

“Hey,” I turned his face towards me, “I would much rather be dancing with you.” I leant forward, kissing him gently. He moved his hand up and cupped the side of my face, continuing to kiss me. Somebody clearing their throat finally caused us to pull apart.

“Sorry to interrupt, but we’ve gotta get back to practice,” Justin said, seeming a little embarrassed.

“Oh right, sorry.” I stood up, still holding on to Nicks hand.

“Nick,” Justin greeted in that typical male way, more like a grunt that a word.

“Justin,” Nick replied, just as simply. “I’ll pick you up later?” he asked me.

“Sure… my house at seven?” He nodded, kissed me quickly and left.

“I didn’t know you were seeing Nick Carter,” Justin said as we took our positions.

“Well we only met today,” I smiled, “I generally don’t tell strangers about my personal life.” He nodded and we began to steps once again.

Chapter Twenty One
Second Chances
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