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Chapter Twenty Two

I gazed into the mirror, trying to block out the noise of the other girls bustling around me. I had arrived early so I was dressed and my make-up was done. I was completely covered in silver paint except for my face, which was to be covered by a mask. Nick was already sat in the audience with Brian, unfortunately Karin and the rest of Nick’s family couldn’t make it. I wasn’t particularly nervous, partly because we had be rehearsing non-stop and because my face would be covered. That made it easy for me.

“You ready?” JC asked, striding into the room.

“Yep,” Laurie answered, smiling at her dance partner.

“Well, let’s get going!” Jada said enthusiastically. We all filed out to the backstage area.

“Hey Laney, I saw Nick out there,” Tina, Joey’s partner informed me, “He is such a cutie!” I smiled and took my mask, placing it securely over my face.

“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN – ‘N SYNC!” The voice over the loud speaker boomed and cheers and clapping filled the air. The beat kicked in and the dancing commenced. The adrenaline rush I got as I joined Justin in the finely choreographed moves pulsated through my body. I felt myself get into the full flow as the rhythm guided me through the steps. And suddenly it was over.

“And we gotta thank these gorgeous young ladies…” JC began.

“Cathy,” Lance said as Cathy removed her mask and bowed.

“Laurie,” JC said as his partner did the same.



“And Laney.” I took off my mask and bowed, only then looking at Nick. He was stood clapping and whistling along with Brian. His eyes sparkled as he smile to me and I grinned back. Justin gave me a hug and I followed the other girls backstage as ‘N Sync performed their last song. “Wow, what a rush!” I yelled, as I slapped Tina a high five.

“We did good,” Laurie agreed. I grabbed my clothes,

“Well guys, I have one hell of a fine man out there… so I gotta run.” I felt like I was walking on air, like I could do absolutely anything.

“Have fun with him for me!” Jada yelled, then burst out laughing. I almost skipped outside, still covered in silver paint. Nick was talking to Brian, both were paying little attention to the end of 'N Syncs performance. I grabbed Nick’s hand and pulled him around to face me. Before he could speak I kissed him hard. He half struggled against me and I finally pulled away to see Brian in hysterics.

“You know that is the first time I’ve seen Nick push a girl away,” Brian laughed.

“What was that?” Nick smiled, wrapping his arms around me.

“I am just so hyped,” I laughed.

“You were brilliant out there,” Nick complemented. “Even if it did mean I had to watch Justin put his hands all over you.” I shot him an exasperated look and he shrugged, “Jealousy is a natural emotion.”

“Okay,” I kissed him quickly on the lips. “Are we all gonna go out and eat?” Nick took my hand and the three of us began heading towards the Sea World exit.

“Well I’m gonna bail,” Brian said as we got to his and Nicks cars.

“You’re not coming?” I asked, still feeling excited.

“Nah, I gotta get back.” He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. “Laney, you were excellent. I’m glad I got to see ya.”

“Thanks Brian.” I watched him drive away, then turned to Nick. “Nick…” He looked down at me. “I want you.” He raised his eyebrow.

“You what?” he asked, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close.

“I wanna feel you touch me,” I whispered into his ear, “I wanna feel your naked body next to mine, I wanna…” Nick silenced me with a passionate kiss.

“Shut up or I won’t make it home.” I laughed as he quickly jumped in the car and drove us to my house.

Chapter Twenty Three!
Second Chances
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