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Chapter Twenty Three

~This is the part where you use your imagination! Sorry!~

“Wow, that was great,” I sighed as I pulled the sheets up over me. The event I had just experienced only made Nick appear even more perfect to me. He was amazing… in every way.

“Yeah, it was.” He laughed, “You know silver paint adds that slight kinkiness to the situation.” I giggled, something that I never did. Nick had an over powering effect on me. The majority of the silver had come off, barring my left arm and right ankle. I moved closer to Nick and he placed his arm around me. “I’m glad we waited,” Nick said quietly.

“Me too.” I shifted so that I was looking down at him. “So, how did I compare?”

“Shit Laney,” Nick moved over, “Don’t do that!”

“Interpreted as ‘not too great’.” I laid back down. You just had to ruin it Laney! a voice at the back of my mind told me. We lay in silence… “I’m sorry.” Nick sighed and began to gently caress my bare stomach.

“It’s not that… you know I’m not that good at the whole feelings deal. Before you I’d never even told a girl I loved her.” He moved on top of me and smiled. “I never made love before. To be honest, with those other girls it was just sex.” He smiled again and kissed me, “You wanna do it again?” I nodded and pulled him down towards me.

“Laney, what the hell is this?” Karin asked, coming into the living room where Nick and I were eating popcorn and watching a movie. She held up my bed sheet that was now splattered with silver paint. I elbowed Nick in the side as he began to laugh.

“Oh that… yeah, sorry. I just crashed when I got back,” I said as seriously as I could, “I forgot to wash off the paint.” She eyed me suspiciously for a minute,

“Okay, but be more careful next time.” I nodded and buried my face in Nick’s shoulder so that she would not hear my laughter.

I admired the gorgeous blonde who sat opposite me and Nick, describing her latest modeling shoot. She was Brian’s new girlfriend and he wanted our opinion of her. As she continued to talk I tried to concentrate, but Nick obviously had other things on his mind. I felt his hand travel up my leg and under my skirt. I tried to push him away, only to receive an odd look from Brian. I smiled,

“Nick, don’t!” I said quietly.

“Hey, I want you okay?” he replied, moving his hand.

“Nick… I’m serious,” I said, pushing him away again. Thinking about it the Nick who attended that dinner was more like the old Nick. The Nick who existed before I’d arrived. The Nick who I had no desire to be with. “Excuse me.” I stood up, “I’ll only be a minute.” I quickly went to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face. The past week I had spent with Nick had been fun, and we had spent little time in the company of anyone else. I returned to the table just in time to order dessert.

“We haven’t seen much of you two lately,” Brian commented as we collected our coats.

“Well you’re gonna have him all tour Brian. Only fair I get him when he’s home,” I laughed. Nick grinned and gave Brian a high five.

“Catch ya later man.”

“Nick, could you just take me straight home?” I asked as I sat next to him in the car.

“You don’t wanna come over for a while?”

“I’ve got rehearsal first thing… and I’m really tired.”

“Okay,” he shrugged. We rode in silence until Nick pulled up outside my house. “I’m sorry for earlier… I just want you so bad,” he smiled, sheepishly. “Gotta learn to control myself.” I smiled, leant over and kissed him gently. He softly caressed my cheek then pulled away, still holding my face close to his. “I love you Laney.” I kissed him again and climbed out of the car. I began to walk inside, but turned back and ran to his car. I stuck my head through the window,

“I love you too.” I kissed him and walked inside.

Chapter Twenty Four
Second Chances
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