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Chapter Twenty Four

I sat down in class, realising how little I had missed the place. The holidays had flown by and I was back at school, ready to endure yet another semester of learning. Nick was leaving for Europe in two weeks which made it seem even more unfair.

“Miss Mitchell!” I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard the teacher call my name. “You’re wanted in the office.” I gathered my things and waited outside the office. When finally called in I was surprised to see Karin.

“Karin? What are you doing here?”

“I’ll leave you alone,” the principal said, softly closing the door behind him.

“Sweetie,” Karin took my hands in hers, “It’s your mom.” I sank into a chair. “She’s in hospital.”

“The cancer’s back?” I asked, my tone dull. Karin nodded.

“She wants you to go home… they can’t treat it anymore.” I stood up and hugged her,

“Karin… I’ll… when do I leave?”

“First thing in the morning.” I left the school feeling awful. Not because of my mothers illness but because I was thinking of how hard it would be to leave Nick. ’You heartless cow,’ I thought to myself as I sat in Karin's car. You are so selfish! As soon as we got back I went to my room and began packing my things. Once that was done I borrowed Karin’s car and drove to the hall where Nick was rehearsing.

“Hey Laney,” Nick hugged me warmly, “What’s wrong?” he asked, looking down at my sad face.

“Is there somewhere we could talk?” I asked quietly.

“Sure.” He led me to the dressing room and closed the door, “What is it Laney?”

“I have to leave… tomorrow,” I said quickly. Nicks face paled.

“What?… Why?” He asked, still standing by the door.

“My mom wants me to go back to Chicago…”

“And you’re just gonna go?” Nick interrupted, sounding slightly angry.

“Nick, I have to…”

“You said I’d never lose you! Leaving kinda makes that inevitable.”

“Nick, my mom’s got cancer. She’s gonna die, okay?” I cried. He was shocked to silence.

“Shit Laney. I’m sorry.” He wrapped his arms around me and held me close, softly stroking my hair.

“I don’t want to leave Nick. I like it here, but…”

“Sshh,” he said, soothingly. He held me tightly until I pulled away and looked up at him.

“Nick, make love to me.”


“Please Nick.” I reached up and pushed some of his blonde hair out of his face, “I need you.”

“But I don’t have any…” he began to protest.

“Nick, I need you now.” I leant up and brought his face down to mine, kissing him urgently. He pulled away and quickly locked the door, before coming back and lowering me to the floor and kissing my again.

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