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Chapter Three

“Laney honey, could you go down to the store and grab me some milk?” My aunt Karin yelled from the kitchen.


“Thanks, there’s some change by the front door.” I walked happily down the road. School was proving to be quite fun, though some of the girls were alarmed to hear that I was having anything to do with Zack and Nick. As I neared the store I noticed there was a small group of boys outside. As I got closer I saw that Nick and Zack were among them.

“Laney! Baby!” Zack exclaimed, “you’re here.” He grabbed me around the waist and kissed me hard. He smelt strongly of smoke and alcohol. I pushed him away but he kept his grip on my waist. “You don’t want me?” he said, acting pretend hurt, then to all his friends, “That wasn’t the impression I got the other night. Man that was the complete opposite! Weren’t it baby?” All the guys laughed, except Nick, who just stared blankly beyond the scene in front of him. I pulled away from Zack and ran home, forgetting the purpose of my trip.

I laid in bed that night thinking. I thought Nick was different. I expected that behaviour from Zack, nothing had happened between us but I guess he wouldn’t want his friends to know that, but Nick… He just stood there and didn’t say a thing. Maybe everyone was right. I shouldn’t be hanging round with that group.

I threw my books into my locker and sighed. It was only half way through the day and I had already had enough. I had music next and unfortunately Nick and Casey were in my class. I slowly made my way there and took a seat. Today they were holding auditions for a school concert thing, and before the incident with Zack, Nick had been telling me that he wanted to take part.

“Okay,” Mr. Lloyd, the music teacher, said clapping his hands together. “Who wants to go first?” No one spoke, then a voice said,

“I will.” I turned to see Nick raise his hand. Casey, who was sitting next to him, laughed,

“Nicky, don’t be an idiot. Only dorks try out for this shit.” I wanted to throttle her as Nick began to sit back down. I couldn’t let him do this.

“Why don’t you just give him a chance?” I said, standing up and facing the class. “Have you actually heard Nick sing?” Everyone looked at me slightly puzzled. “Just let him have a go! He has the most wonderful talent. You’ll be surprised Casey!”

“Yeah, whatever.” Casey said, slightly annoyed.

“Well Mr. Carter, do you want to share your talent that Miss Mitchell recommends so highly?”

“Nicky if you go up there we are through.” Casey informed him.

“You know what Casey, that is fine with me.” Nick said, at which the whole class began muttering in surprise. He then went to the front and sang. He did the song he had played to me before. He sang with such heart and passion, the whole class sat in awe and burst with applause when he had finished. The rest of the lesson was pretty uneventful and I went to my locker as soon as class was over. I decided to walk home.

“Hey Laney, wait up!” Nick called across the school’s field. I hesitated then continued walking. He ran to catch up with me.

“Didn’t you hear me calling?” he smiled, falling into step beside me. “Thanks for earlier,” he continued, “I would never have gone up there is it wasn’t for you.”

“Look Nick,” I stopped walking and turned to face him. “I did that because you do have a talent and you shouldn’t waste it. But I don’t want your friendship, ‘cos friends stick up for each other and I’ve learnt that you don’t seem to get that. See you around.” I walked away, a little disappointed that Nick wasn’t all I thought he appeared to be.

Chapter Four
Second Chances
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