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Chapter Four

I quickly finished my essay and handed it in. I grabbed my bag and walked down the hall. Nick and Zack were lent up against the lockers and Zack stepped into my path.

Get out of the way Zack!” I said, trying to step past him.

“Where did I go wrong?” he smiled, “ah yeah,” he continued, placing a hand on my cheek., “you fell for Nicky-boy.” I glanced at Nick who looked away. Typical, could always count on Nick. “But, just some friendly advice, Nick doesn’t date my ex’s.”

“Excuse me? One I was never yours, and two I don’t want Nick!” I pushed past Zack and decided to try and avoid them both in future.

“Hey Laney,” Amber said on Monday morning, “good weekend?”

“Pretty boring really,” I replied. Amber had become a good friend in the past few weeks, and she had also warned me about Zack and Nick.

“Well how about next weekend we go out. To a club or something?” I smiled,

“Sure, that’d be great. I need to get a life!” She laughed,

“Laney, we will have the best weekend. Go shopping for some clothes, ohhh it’ll be so much fun!”

“Yeah, it’ll be cool.”

“Uh-oh Nick alert!” I grabbed her arm,

“Come on, let’s go.”

“Laney, wait a second!” Nick said, gripping my arm.

“Let go!” I said, pulling away from his grasp. I left him alone in the corridor and followed Amber to class.

“Laney, sorry to land this on you, but I’m supposed to be babysitting for Jane Carter,” Karin said as I dumped my bag in the hall, “but I have to go out… so I told her you’d do it.”

“Karin!” I whined.

“I’m sorry sweetie. If you have homework to do you’ll be able to do it there. Plus the Carters are a nice bunch.” She joined me in the kitchen, “you better leave now, see you later.” I reluctantly made my way to the Carter house and knocked on the door.

“Laney?… Oh yeah, Mom said you were gonna be babysitting.” Nick said, gesturing for me to come in.

“Hello. You must be Laney,” a friendly looking woman greeted me, “I’m Jane.”

“Hi, nice to meet you.” I smiled.

“Well I’m sorry to just leave you, but Aaron and Angel are upstairs, and Leslie will be back soon.” She picked up her bag, “Come on then Nick, we’ve got an audition to get to.”

“Audition?” I questioned.

“That was what I wanted to tell you earlier. I’m auditioning for a boy-group.” Nick said, searching my face for some sort of reaction.

“Oh,” I turned to the stairs, “Bye Mrs. Carter.” I heard Nick sigh as he turned to leave, “Nick?”


“Good luck,” I said without turning round, “I know you can do it.” I continued upstairs to introduce myself to Angel and Aaron.

It was 8.30pm by the time Nick and Jane got back and by that time I had made friends with all the Carter kids, except BJ who was away on a modeling course.

“How did it go?” I asked from their kitchen.

“Nick was brilliant.” Jane informed me proudly.

“Mom, I wasn’t.” Nick seemed embarrassed. I had never seen him blush before.

“I don’t doubt it Mrs. Carter.” I smiled at her.

“Call me Jane.” She sat down opposite me, “Oh he was wonderful, and he has got to the second audition, which is on Saturday, to decide whether he makes it.” I suddenly realised how jealous I was. I very much doubted that my own mother had ever spoken about me with such pride.

“I should really get going,” I said, after Jane had told me everything.

“Thanks Laney. Here,” she held out some money.

“No. No really, I actually enjoyed myself.” I smiled. “And if I can help out again just let me know.”

“Thanks sweetie. Nick why don’t you walk Laney home?”

“No,” I said quickly. “I’ll be fine. Bye.” Jane looked a little puzzled but showed me to the door.

“I don’t know what happened between you and Nick… but you’re the type of friend Nick needs. I know he can be a little… inconsiderate.” I smiled, she was one of the nicest women I had ever met. “But he doesn’t mean it.”

“Look… I really like Nick…I’m sorry, you all seem so lovely… but Nick… we just don’t get along.” I didn’t know what else to say. What do you tell a woman who is obviously a great mother, and is just looking out for the son that she has so much pride in?

“Well, okay.” Jane still seemed slightly confused, “But you’re welcome to come round anytime.”

“Thanks.” I decided that Nick was the luckiest guy on Earth having a mother like Jane.

Chapter Five
Second Chances
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