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Chapter Five


Amber was coming round in half an hour so I quickly jogged to the Carters. I waited impatiently on the doorstep.

“Yes?” A blonde girl, who I assumed was BJ, opened the door.

“Hi, I’m Laney. Is Nick in?” She smiled,

“Sure, come in. So you’re Laney?”

“Yeah,” I replied, a little confused.

“NICK!” She yelled up the stairs, “You’ve got a visitor!”

“Who is..” he stopped mid-sentence as he same down the stairs. “Laney…?”

“Hey,” I stood awkwardly by the door.

“I’ll leave you to it.” BJ smiled and left.

“I just wanted to wish you luck for today,” I told Nick, “and to give you this.” I handed him the small gold cross which was originally part of a necklace. “It always brings me luck. Not like you need it, but a little extra won’t hurt, right?”

“Thanks,” he said, at a slight loss for words.

“Well I gotta go. Amber’s coming round soon.” I turned to leave.

“Laney, thanks. I mean God knows why you’re still so nice to me. I’ve not been there for you, have I? And I’m sorry… I really can’t believe how supportive you’ve been.”

“Yeah well, I’ll see you around.” I left the house quickly, after all I did have some shopping to do. Yeah, like that was the reason.

Amber and I shopped for hours, finally deciding on our ‘clubbing outfits’. We left the house at 8pm for the club and a car pulled over next to us as we walked down the road.

“Hi Jane, are you just getting back from the audition?”

“Yes, and Nick got it. I am so proud of him.” I smiled,

“Where is he?”

“He’s gone out with the other boys who made it. Well I better get going. I just wanted to tell you the news.” She smiled at Amber, “Hi Amber.”

“Hi Mrs. Carter.” I was surprised to find that they knew each other.

“Well have fun girls.”

“Woah, Nick sure isn’t like his mom, is he?” Amber said as she drove away. I linked my arm through hers and we carried on walking down the road. “Anyway what was she talking about? What did he make it in?” I explained to her, then we spent the night having more fun than I’d had in ages!


I sat on the bus reading through my geography notes for the test I hadn’t revised for.

“Cramming, the best way to pass a test.” Nick commented, sitting down next to me. I smiled then continued revising. As I stepped off the bus Nick followed me to my locker. “Thanks for this.” He handed me my cross.

“Yeah. Congratulations. Hope it all works out.” I put my books in my locker, “See ya.” I quickly joined Amber in the ladies.

“Hey girl!” I said, cheerfully.

“Hi chirpy,” she laughed. We were interrupted by Casey,

“Well if it isn’t Miss Mitchell.” She sneered.

“Go away Casey,” Amber said. She chose to ignore this comment,

“Well Laney, haven’t we become Miss Popular? I heard you and Steve Comway got on well on Saturday. What happened to Nick? Didn’t he live up to expectations? I could’ve warned you about that.” I held back to urge to slap her or scream,

“Why do you care?” I left the bathroom with Amber.

“Someone needs to slap that girl,” Amber said. “Hey, what’s going on?” There was a crowd of students gathered in the hall. We took a closer look and I was surprised to see Nick holding Steve, the guy from Saturday, up against a locker.

“You ever say that again and you won’t know what hit you.” Nick was saying.

“What’s going on?” Amber asked one of the girls.

“Nick got mad at Steve ‘cos he said he was with Laney on Saturday night, so Nick threw him up against the lockers. Then Steve said something about Nick’s singing.” I was incredibly confused by Nick’s behaviour, but knew he would get into a lot of trouble if he had a fight. The school was just waiting for him to put a step wrong. I pushed my way through the small crowd and placed my hand on Nicks arm.

“Nick, leave it.” I said quietly.

“But he - ”

“Nick!” Slowly he let go of him. I turned to Steve, “I don’t know what you said, but Nick is gonna make it big, and you’ll regret not giving him a chance!” Nobody said a thing as I followed Nick outside, “Look Nick,” I said before he could speak, “I have no idea what that was about, but you’ve got to start thinking before you act. You’ve got your chance, don’t screw it up, not ‘cos of me, not ‘cos of Steve… you’ve worked so hard for this, don’t waste it.” I went back inside, trying to ignore the stares and whispers around me.

Chapter Six
Second Chances
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