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Chapter Six

“First day of the holidays!” I sang, skipping down the stairs.

“Morning Laney,” Karin smiled, “You know it’s Summer when the kids start singing,” she laughed. I smiled and sat down to breakfast.

“I’m gonna go over to the Carters, if that’s alright? BJ wanted to hang out and tell me some of the gossip round here.” Since first meeting BJ we had become good friends. As I walked up the Carters drive I noticed more cars than usual. Seeing as I was now a regular visitor I no longer had to knock, so I made my way into the house.

“Hey Laney,” BJ said, coming down the stairs. “The guys in the group with Nick are here. Now you can meet them too.” Nick had been working really hard with the group and Jane had told me a lot about the four other guys. I was very intrigued by them. I followed her outside into the garden. I was surprised to see how different each guy was. One was tall and dark, another looked kinda Spanish, there was one who seemed quite funky, and the fourth seemed like your average, cute guy. I was introduced to each of them, lastly coming to the cute looking one, who turned out to be called Brian.

“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” he said, in a slight southern accent. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“You have?” I asked in surprise, “From who?” He laughed,

“From Nick. He was telling us how you’re his inspiration.” I almost choked on my own breath.

“Well, umm… okay. I’ll catch you later Brian.”

“Yeah, later Laney.” I joined BJ, who was flirting with AJ.

“Hey BJ, I thought you were going to fill me in on the news of Tampa!” I smiled.

“Yeah, come on then. Bye AJ.” She giggled. “Ahh isn’t he a cutie?” she continued once we were inside.

“Not bad,” I agreed.

“I think I’m in love,” she declared as we walked to her room.

“Who’s in love with who?” Nick asked, suddenly appearing from the bathroom.

“No one.” BJ said quickly.

“Nah… tell?” I left the siblings to discuss the issue whilst I flipped through BJs CD collection.

“Laney, you want a drink?” BJ asked, popping her head round the door.

“Sure, could I get a coke?”

“Yep, won’t be long.” I turned back to the CD I was holding.

“Hey Laney?” Nick said, joining me in BJ’s room. “Me and the guys were gonna go to a club tonight. I thought maybe you’d like to come?” He sounded slightly apprehensive and his blonde hair was falling over his eyes.

“No thanks,” I flipped ‘play’ on the stereo.

“Oh,” he sounded disappointed, and a little surprised at being turned down.

“Maybe some other time.” I added, hoping he wouldn’t be insulted by my refusal.

“Yeah… sure,” and he left the room. Well handled Laney. I sighed, Nick and I still weren’t friends. I just couldn’t work him out. I spent the rest of the day with BJ.

“Mom says do you want to stay for dinner?” Aaron asked.

“Umm, only if it’s no trouble.” I smiled. Aaron ran back into the kitchen. We, the Backstreet Boys (they had finally decided on a name), BJ and myself were sat outside. “So, are we gonna get to hear y’all sing?” I questioned.

“Sure,” AJ replied, “anything for two beautiful ladies.” I looked over at BJ, who had turned red at AJ’s response. They sang a cappella version of Boyz II Men’s ‘End Of The Road’.

“Wow,” I exclaimed, “you guys are great.”

“Yeah, I’d have to agree.” BJ said. The guys all modestly thanked us.

“Nick said you didn’t want to come out with us tonight?” Brian asked me.

“Yeah… sorry. I have a lot of work to do.”

“Laney it’s the first day of the holidays, you have ages to do the little work you have.” BJ said, shocked that I would refuse a night out with the Backstreet Boys.

“Come on, please come,” AJ added. I looked over at Nick, who in response looked away.

“Okay, okay. But BJ you’re coming too,” I sighed.

“I can’t come. I wouldn’t get in.”

“Sure you would,” AJ informed her, “you can be my date. Plus I know the owner of the club, you’ll get in easily.”

“Could I invite my friend Amber?” I asked. For some reason Nick didn’t like Amber, but whenever I asked her about it she would just shrug.

“Sure. The more the merrier.” Kevin said. I smiled and went to ring her.

Chapter Seven
Second Chances
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