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Chapter Seven

“See, I told you you’d get in,” AJ said to BJ as we sat down at one of the booths in the already jamming club.

“Wow, this is so cool.” BJ said, looking around, “it’s a shame Amber couldn’t make it.” I nodded. I had rung Amber but she had given me some lame excuse and declined.

“Would you like to dance?” Kevin asked me. I took his hand and he pulled me out on to the dance floor.

“You know, you could ask her to dance,” Brian told Nick as he noticed his new best friend watching me and Kevin.

“She wouldn’t. You know I really screwed up.” Nick sighed, turning to Brian.

“What d’ya do?”

“Basically I was a shit friend and now she just doesn’t want to know.” Brian didn’t push for more details, deciding to leave the issue alone.

I sank back into the booth next to Howie. “Alright sweetie?” he smiled.

“Yeah – you having fun?”

“Uh-huh. Some hot babes here tonight.” I laughed

“So why aren’t you dancing with them?” I teased. He smiled and shrugged, “Where’s Nick?” I asked, not seeing him dancing or at the bar.

“I think he went outside,” Howie smiled, “actually could you check on him?” I looked at him puzzled.

“Okay,” I said finally, “I wanted some air anyway.” I made my way outside but didn’t see Nick, as I turned to go back inside I saw some blonde hair. Nick was lent up against a car, the light from a nearby café reflecting of his hair. “I thought you gave up?” I smiled, approaching him. He took the cigarette out of his mouth and sighed,

“I tried,” he took another drag.

“Obviously not hard enough.” I took the cigarette from his mouth and threw it on the floor. He looked at me for a moment, but didn’t speak.

“Laney!” I turned to see Steve coming towards me.

“Hey Steve.” He smiled, then noticing Nick said,

“What are you doing with this loser?” I heard Nick inhale his breath and step forward. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently.

“Nick is not a loser.” I informed Steve, who looked a little surprised.

“Shit, you two aren’t…”

“No we’re not, but even if we were what difference would it make?”

“Whatever,” Steve turned to leave, “I just think it’s a waste of a nice girl.” I turned back to Nick and smiled.

“Well I guess I’ll go back in.” But Nick kept hold of my hand.

“Laney, wait a minute.” He pushed the hair out of his eyes with his free hand. “Why do you keep doing this?”

“Doing what?”

“Looking out for me, sticking up for me?” He looked down at the floor, “Why do you care?”

“Nick… Nick look at me.” He finally looked up, “I don’t know why, to be honest… you just remind me of someone and I want you to make it. You’re special and the world needs to see that.” I smiled, “Now really, I should be getting back.” He finally released my hand and let me go.

I pulled my hair up into a ponytail as I made my way downstairs to open the door. “Hi Nick,” I said, trying to finish doing my hair.

“Hey,” he replied, shoving his hands into his pockets.

“You wanna come in?”

“Umm, no. I was… well we, me and the guys, have our first interview today… and I kinda, well will you come with me?” It was the first time that I had seen Nick looking vulnerable. The guy who’s hard, popular image at school which would never let anyone see how he was feeling, was now standing in front of me showing his every single emotion plainly on his face. The embarrassed hope in his eyes made me smile.

“Sure, I’ll just tell my aunt.” He gave me a relieved smile and looked noticeably more relaxed. “So are you excited?” I asked him once we were sitting in his car.

“I think nervous is a better word.” I smiled,

“I still can’t believe the record company gave you a car.” I ran my hand over it’s interior, “I am so jealous.”

“Well you can catch a ride anytime.”

“Thanks. But I don’t think you’ll be around much longer. I mean you’ll be touring the world soon enough.”

“Yeah right,” Nick laughed, dismissing such an idea.

“You can laugh, but you’ll feel like an idiot when you remember this conversation, sitting in a posh hotel room on the other side of the world.” We pulled up outside a large building and made our way to reception.

“Go through Mr. Carter,” the receptionist said, “but your friend will have to stay out here.”

“Why?” Nick asked.

“I’m sorry, they’re the rules.”

“Look, what harm can it do?” Nick persisted.

“Don’t worry Nick. I’ll wait here,” I said, walking over to the seats.

“Yeah, but I feel bad. I asked you to come and now you’re gonna have to sit around getting bored.”

“I’ll be fine,” I squeezed his hand, “Good luck.” I kissed him on the cheek and took a seat. Nick smiled, then turned and went to his interview.

It was an hour and a half before Nick re-appeared with the rest of the group. “How did it go?” I asked.

“It was excellent,” Nick said excitedly. “Man we did a photo shoot and everything!” He began rambling on in full detail about what had happened.

“Are you okay?” Brian asked me.

“Yeah, just tired. That hour seemed like a year.” I laughed. He smiled and slung his arm around my shoulders.

“Alrighty then!” he said in a Jim Carrey voice. I burst out laughing as we left to celebrate their first ever interview as the Backstreet Boys.

Chapter Eight
Second Chances
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