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Chapter Eight

I smiled to myself as I watched Nick chase Aaron down the street. I was keeping him company whilst he looked after Aaron and Angel. Nick fell down on the grass next to me sounding out of breath.

“It must be so good to have such a great brother and cool sisters.” I said enviously.

“Don’t you have any back in Chicago?” he asked, sitting up. I shook my head but was obviously not quick enough to conceal my sadness. “What is it?” he sounded concerned.

“Well I did. Ryan… he was my twin. He was killed in a car accident two years ago. That’s why I got into trouble. I gave up caring.” Nick was silent for a moment.

“You seem to care now?” I smiled,

“That’s ‘cos of you.” I told him.


“Yeah. You and Ryan are so alike. He loved to sing too… he just never got the chance.” I continued sadly, “That’s why I love helping you. It’s like my second chance.”

“Second chance?” Nick asked puzzled.

“Yeah,” I didn’t really want to go into detail but it was so easy to talk to Nick. “On that day Ryan had an audition. I was supposed to ring my Dad and tell him to pick Ryan up… but I forgot. He got so mad and I told him singing was hardly an ambition. I didn’t mean it,” I was quick to reassure Nick, who smiled reassuringly. “Anyway Ryan accused me of deliberately not ringing Dad and left. He had decided to run to the audition. But he was in such a panic and so mad… at me.. that he didn’t see the car.” I fell silent, remembering that day like it was yesterday.

“It wasn’t your fault Laney,” Nick said quietly. He stood up and held out his hands to me. I took them and he pulled me up. He then wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a hug. I laid my head on his shoulder and finally let my silent tears flow. “It’s okay,” Nick said soothingly, stroking my hair, “It wasn’t your fault.” I pulled away from him and wiped my eyes.

“So I was wondering,” I smiled, “are you ever gonna ask me out on a date?” He looked at me surprised.

“I thought you didn’t…”

“Well you though wrong.” I laughed, “Hey Aaron!” I called, “You want a drink?”

“Yes please!” I laughed and went back inside the Carter’s house.

Amber and I were sat on my back porch waiting for our nail to dry. I had just finished telling her that Nick and I had a date for the next night and I was awaiting her response. I had expected her to lecture me that Nick was not the sort to hang out with and I was making a mistake, but she hadn’t said anything.

“Amber?” she finally looked at me, “well aren’t you gonna say anything?”

“Why?” she answered angrily, “so you can completely ignore me and do the opposite.” I looked at her in surprise.

“I… huh?” I was, to say the least, confused.

“Well you tell me all this shit about Nick, and then what? You expect me to be happy for you?” Without giving me time to answer she stormed back into the house and slammed the front door as she left. I exhaled slowly. What the hell was that about? I had never seen Amber so mad! I went to bed that night in a state of confusion.

Chapter Nine
Second Chances
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