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~At the airport~

“Nick, I have no idea how long I’ll be gone… so maybe it’d be best if we didn’t try and have a long distance relationship,” I said, not wanting for one minute to take my own advice. Nick nodded numbly and pulled me towards him. I felt him run his hands up and down my back.

“Christ I don’t wanna let you go.” I smiled sadly into his neck and finally pulled away. I could still feel where his warm arms had been.

“Bye Nick.” I could see him trying to control his emotions, but I was unable to hold mine back. Tears began to flow quickly. “I love you Nick,” I cried, smiling lightly through my tears. He bent down, lightly brushing his lips against mine, lingering only for a moment.

“Do you have to go?” He pleaded, his blue eyes becoming glazed over.

“Nick, don’t do this,” I choked out.

“I don’t know what to do. I love you Laney… I don’t want to let go.” I grasped his face between my hands, forcing him to listen to me.

“Nick, you’re gonna go on singing and letting everyone listen to your wonderful voice.”

“I’m sorry miss, you must board the plane now.”

“Okay,” I smiled weakly as Nick, slowly letting my hands slide from his face. He held on to my hand until the last possible moment. I boarded the plane, looking back only once to see Nicks face.

I closed my eyes and leant back in the quite comfortable plane chair. Maybe Nick and I would get a second chance together, when everything in both his and my own life calmed down. Until then I would have to be content with the life awaiting me back in Chicago.

Second Chances
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