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Chapter One

I looked wearily around the Orlando airport, scanning the large group of people for a familiar face.

“Laney! Over here!” I turned to see a smiling Karin approaching me. “How was the flight?” she asked, hugging me quickly.

“Okay,” I replied, tired from the trip. I gently rubbed my stomach. My back ached and my whole body felt incredibly tender. That was the reason I was back in Orlando, to inform Nick that he would be a father in less than six months. My mother had died meaning there was no one to help me, but as soon as Karin heard she invited me to live with her.

“I still can’t believe you haven’t told Nick,” Karin said, once all my luggage was in the car.

“Have you ever tried contacting a huge pop star who is never home?” I laughed.

“No,” Karin replied seriously. “But you’ve had over three months… and I saw him a few times.” I sighed and tried to get into a comfortable position. I hardly showed at all yet, but I did look bigger… I looked chubby I guess.

“I know. I just want to talk to him in person.”

I stepped outside into the hot morning sun and readjusted my cap to keep it out of my eyes. Being honest it still hadn’t completely sunk in that I was going to be a mother. I mean I was only just coming up to be nineteen. What about my dancing? And not to mention Nick’s career. I walked to the Carters house.

“Well this is it,” I said quietly to myself and my unborn child. I approached the front door, which was thrown open before I could knock.

“Laney!” BJ exclaimed, throwing her arms around my neck. She pulled me into the kitchen and sat me down, taking the seat opposite me. “So you’re back?”

“Yeah… my mother died, so for now I’m living with Karin.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” BJ said softly.

“So, is Nick back now… or still in Europe?” I asked, not knowing whether I wanted him to be in the country or not.”

“He’s here.” She paused as she heard the door open and voices fill the house. “That’ll be the guys… they’ve been rehearsing.”

“Well… I should go say hey,” I said, reluctantly standing up. “What?” I asked, noticing her looking at me oddly.

“Nothing.” She shook her head. “Nothing… go ahead. Go surprise Nick."

I entered the den to find all five Backstreet Boys deep in discussion.

“Hi guys.” They all looked up in shock. Nick rose quickly, but became hesitant about hugging me. Finally I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around his neck. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me close.

“God, it is so good to see you again,” Nick whispered into my hair.

“Guys let’s go,” I heard Brian whisper, and they left as quietly as possible for four big guys. I finally pulled away and looked up at Nick.

“How have you been?” I asked, softly touching his cheek. He smiled,

“Good, but I missed you. I’m sorry I didn’t call,” he began to explain, “but with being…”

“Nick,” I interrupted, knowing I’d have to tell him soon or I’d bottle out. “I… I think you better sit down.”

“What? What is it?” he asked, sounding panicked.

“Please…” I began.

“No Laney, just tell me.” Nick searched my face worriedly.

“Okay…” I took Nick’s hands in mine. “Nick, I’m pregnant. You’re going to be a father.

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