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Chapter Ten

I quietly closed the door to Beth’s nursery and made my way downstairs to wait for Nick. We had been home from the hospital for a week and everything was wonderful. Nick and I were back to being the happy couple and Beth was beautiful and happy, though she had woken us up every night so far.

“Laney!?” Nick called.

“I’m in the kitchen,” I said back, picking up the Spam from the fridge. I threw it into the bin in disgust.

“So, no more Spam?” Nick grinned, wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling at my neck.

“No! I can’t believe I ate so much of that stuff.” He laughed into my neck and softly laid a kiss on my warm skin. “So… what’s the damage?” Nick pulled away and went over to the table and sat down. He gestured for me to sit down so I placed myself in his lap.

“Well,” he began pulling out some magazines and newspapers, “It’s not too bad. Luckily the press haven’t got much information to go on. They know Beth’s name and all that… but that was expected, right?” I nodded and picked up one of the magazines.

Nick Carter’s girlfriend, Laney Mitchell, gave birth to a little girl on Monday. Elizabeth Brooke Carter was born completely healthy and, if anything like her father, will be as cute as can be. More news as it comes.

“Wow,” I said, closing the magazine, “they really don’t have much huh?” Nick shook his head.

“The newspapers were a little more informed. Here.” He handed me a paper. A picture was on the front of me and Nick, me looking about six months pregnant, leaving the supermarket.

Elizabeth Brooke Carter was introduced to the world on Monday, making a young set of parents very happy. Nick Carter, 19 year old favorite from the Backstreet Boys, and girlfriend Laney Mitchell, 19 year old from Chicago, have been blessed with a perfect little girl. At the time of going to press little information has been released. The new family of three left the hospital on Tuesday to return to their house in Orlando. Carter will not return to work until a few months time, having insisted on taking a break from the famous group to help with young Elizabeth.

“Well… I think we were pretty lucky, huh baby?” Nick said, softly pressing his lips against my neck.

“Mmm,” I replied, in a mixture of agreement and pleasure.

“Laney,” Nick mumbled against my skin.

“Hmmm?” I turned to face him, laying a kiss on his lips.

“Can we..?” I looked into his eyes. They seemed hopeful, though he seemed apprehensive to ask.

“Now?” I asked with a slight smile. He nodded. “Nick… you don’t have to ask.” He grinned and stood up, lifting me with him and then setting me down on the floor. He took my hand and led me upstairs, past Beth’s room. He closed the bedroom door behind us and turned to me. It felt like out first time all over again. It had been a long time after all. Nick stepped closer to me, hesitantly reaching out and pulling me to him. His warm breath was on my neck as he lay kisses on it and then began moving downwards. I didn’t move as he began to pull off my top. Nick stopped for a moment and looked at me questioningly.

“If you don’t want to do it now… I understand, just tell me now?” I looked at him, wanting him right then. I smiled and grabbed the waistband of his pants, pulling them off with ease. I kissed him hard, not being able to get enough of him. He pushed me back on the bed and moved on top of me, kissing every inch of my skin that he could. Nick slowly brought his face back to mine and smiled. “I love you.” He kissed me gently on the lips, before looking at me again.

“I love you too.” I pulled him closer, needing and wanting him more than I ever thought possible.

I picked up my keys off the table and held Beth close to me as I left the house. There was a gathering at Brians. Nick was already there, apparently not wanting Brian to feel neglected of his company. I think he just wanted to tell him all about the night before and how beautiful his new daughter was. I smiled down at Beth as she looked up at me, her small face an image of happiness. I didn’t want to drive Nicks car so I decided on the bus. I sat down next to the window and rested Beth in a comfortable position.

“Laney?” I looked up to see a familiar face. I wasn’t sure whether seeing him again was a good thing though.

“Zack?” He nodded and sat down next to me, without being given an invitation to do so.

“So… this is little Elizabeth Brooke, huh?” I nodded, feeling slightly uncomfortable with being near him. “Wow, she’s cute… so, how’s Nick?”

“He’s fine,” I replied. Zack watched me for a moment.

“You know, you would have been better off with me, plus you probably wouldn’t have gotten pregnant.” So, he was still as conceited as ever then.

“I am fine with Nick thank you,” I said firmly. He shrugged,

“Yeah, well I guess he does have a lot of money.” I chose to ignore that comment. “Maybe you and I could go and get a coffee or something sometime?” I shifted uncomfortably.

“Well… maybe.” I forced myself not to let out a loud sigh of relief as the bus arrived at the stop I needed to get off at. “Well, I guess I’ll be seeing ya.” Zack got up to let me off of the bus. I forced a smile and quickly made my way to Brians.

“There you are,” Brian smiled as he opened the front door. “We were just about to send out the search party.” I received his hug gladly.

“I’m not late… am I?” Brian held out his arms and I let him take Beth.

“Nah, not really,” he grinned. “Nick was beginning to panic… I dunno.” He rolled his eyes. I laughed and followed him through the house into the main room, where all the other guys were gathered, plus their girlfriends.

“Hey,” I said cheerfully. They all smiled and greeted me. Nick pecked me on the lips and then looked down at me. “What?” I asked after a moment.

“You look stressed,” he stated, leading me to a chair and making me sit down.

“Thanks,” I replied sarcastically. “Guess who I was talking to on the bus..?” Nick looked at me with interest, briefly taking his eyes off of Beth, who was being passed around the room so that everyone could oh and ah over her. “Zack,” I completed after a moment. Nick’s face seem to darken at the mention of his name.

“Yeah?” he strained to sound calm. “What did you talk about?” I shrugged,

“How you were… and that we should go get a coffee some time, I guess he meant to catch up.” Nick stood up and took Beth from AJ, who was pulling funny faces at her.

“Hey, we were playin’,” AJ said.

“Sorry,” Nick replied, but carried Beth into the kitchen. He was mad.

“What’s up with him?” AJ asked after a moment.

“I don’t know,” I stood up, “I better go and talk to him.” Nick was holding Beth up and making silly faces at her and whirling her around when I entered the kitchen. “Nick. Are you mad at me?” He turned to face me, lowering Beth and holding her to his chest.

“No… I just hate that guy… I don’t want you to have coffee with him,” he stated seriously. I nodded,

“I don’t want to have coffee with him anyway.” I walked over to where they were standing and ran my finger under Beth’s chin, which always made her laugh. Her cute baby laugh rung out in the kitchen and Nick finally smiled.

“Good… are you okay though? Our last encounter with him wasn’t too hot.” I smiled,

“I’m fine.” I stood on tip toes and kissed him, letting my tongue wander into his mouth. Somebody clearing their throat caused us to pull apart.

“You know, you could scar that child for life, doing all that stuff in front of her,” Brian laughed. I blushed a little, much to Brian and Nick’s amusement. I took Beth from Nick’s arms and excused myself from the kitchen. “You know Nick, I am willing to baby sit for you… you know, if you wanna have an evening alone.” Brian offered, pulling out two cans and handing one to Nick. They sat down at the table and Nick grinned.

“Yeah?” Brian nodded. “That would be great… although I’m not sure how Laney would feel about leaving Beth so soon… I don’t think she’s spent more than five minutes away from her since she was born.” Brian shrugged,

“Well, the offers there. I love Beth already… she is such a cutie. And it’s not like you’d be leaving her with a stranger.” Nick nodded,

“Thanks Bri… I’ll probably take you up on that… that is if I can pry Beth away from Laney for two seconds.” Brian laughed,

“Well, just let me know when… I’m sure you’ve got a lot of making up to do, if you didn’t do it for nine months…”

“Actually,” Nick grinned, leaning closer to Brian as if sharing a secret, “Last night…”

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