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Chapter Twelve

~Six months later~

“Nick, I’m really not sure about this. I mean, AJ is hardly Mr. Responsibility,” I said as we walked across the cobbles in Universal Studios. Nick took my hand,

“Laney, it will be fine. Stop getting all worked up. AJ loves Beth, he would never let anything bad happen.” I wasn’t so sure, but didn’t say anymore. “Now, I’m hungry. How about we grab something to eat.” The evening had cooled the air down and Nick and I rested for a moment on one of the bridges. We were silent as the other visitors walked past, creating an excited buzz. I noticed Nick open his mouth, then close it, then open it again. I smiled to myself, amused by what ever it was he was doing. “Marry me.” It was such a blunt proposal that I wasn’t sure whether I had heard right.

“What?” I asked, turning towards him. Nick stood up straight and faced me,

“Will you marry me?” Suddenly the atmosphere changed and I could no longer hear any talking, or any movement from the other people around us. Everything grew still. Everything except the soft wind which gently moved a few strands of Nick's hair - almost in slow motion. My whole body was tingling as I let it sink in. My brain seemed to have failed to function properly and I stood there, for what seemed like an eternity, just watching Nick watch me. Emotion flooded into me and tears welled up. I had always thought those women who cry out of happiness in the movies were pathetic, but at that moment I felt nothing except overwhelming happiness. Nick moved towards me, gently cupping my face in his hands. This time he said it with a firm seriousness, "Laney… will you marry me?" I couldn't resist just leaning up and kissing him. A soft, short kiss. When I pulled away our faces remained inches apart, and, where my hand rested on his chest, I could feel his heart beating quickly.

"Yes," I said softly. I threw my arms around his neck, and in that instant the gentle atmosphere was broken and once more we were surrounded by strangers. Nick lifted me off of the ground and hugged me to him. He kissed me repeatedly and then pushed me away slightly as he smiled - a smile of joy. I bit my lower lip and grinned back, "I love you Nick Carter." He kissed my lips and lowered me to the ground,

"I love you too."

I watched Leslie carry Beth up to her room before finally turning to leave. I hadn't wanted to leave her - I never wanted to leave her, but Nick had wanted me to attend their Orlando concert, so I had reluctantly agreed. I sat in the back of the car which Nick had insisted I take on the way to the concert, thinking about everything and anything. Nick and I had told our families and friends about our engagement, and Nick would be telling the world in the next month. I was nervous about what the reaction would be - mixed obviously, but I was especially worried about how it would affect Nick. He assured me that it wasn't worrying him ,and it didn't really matter what anyone else thought, but it blatantly did. He couldn't hide the fact that the reaction would change things for all of us.

I climbed out of the car into the fresh air, and I could hear the screams of the fans who were waiting behind the gates. I was always worried when I was near Nick's fans, as I knew that I was not particularly liked by some of them.

"Laney!!!" I turned to the crowd, not wanting to appear rude. I smiled and waved and saw some flashes go off in the crowd as they took pictures. Why they would want my picture I had no idea, probably to use on the hate pages which were being created for me I thought to myself. I breathed a sigh of relief as the door swung shut behind me and the screams were silenced.

"Laney! You made it." I almost jumped out of my skin, as a voice - incredibly close to my ear - spoke.

"Jesus AJ, why not just kill me and have done with it." I turned to face him, smiling to show that I wasn't really mad. He grinned and hugged me.

"Sorry sugar. Anyway, did you see anyone run past here?" I shook my head. "Damn it! I swear he went this way." AJ wandered off down the corridor, not explaining any further, but muttering to himself. I shrugged and entered the room AJ had exited. The place was a mess. Clothes had been left hanging over the couches, and screwed up on the floor. Sat amongst them, face intently watching the screen where animated characters were jumping over various obstacles, was Nick. He looked about ten years old, sat cross-legged in front of the screen with a look of complete concentration on his face. The innocence which must have shone from his face as a child was back, and at that moment I could see how much I had changed him. How much I had forced him to change. The responsibility of a child made you grow up fast, whether you wanted to or not - and Nick had had to change more than most. He had had to deal with his lifestyle affecting the people he loved the most. He looked up and smiled,

"Hey. I didn't hear you come in." Nick patted the ground next to him, a gesture for me to sit down. I cringed as I eyed what appeared to be a sweaty T-shirt. Nick laughed, "It's AJs." He picked it up and threw it into the corner. I smiled and sat down, careful to avoid any other dirty garments. Nick leant over and gently kissed me, then took my hand in his. "I'm glad you came. I was half expecting a call telling me that you thought Beth was ill and wouldn't be able to make it."

"Well, it seemed important to you, so here I am. Nick?" I knew he wouldn't be pleased with me for asking, but I felt I had to… just to make sure.

"Yeah?" he turned to face me.

"You are sure… about getting married aren't you? I mean… before I was watching you and thinking that maybe we're not ready for it - " Nick interrupted before I could finish,

"No. You mean you think I'm not ready for it. And you're wrong! I have changed a lot over the last year or so, and I'm not a kid anymore." His voice softened, "And I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you… and I'm going to do just that, so deal with it." He kissed my forehead.

"Okay… I'm sorry." He had no idea how much his response meant to me. I always felt insecure when it came to Nick. That maybe I wasn't good enough, but he always changed that, whether he intended to or not. When I was younger I felt that nothing in my life would ever work out the way I planned - and I don't think it ever does. But you can adapt your plans to become your life, so you have succeeded, and you do have everything you ever wished for. I wished for someone to love me, and someone I could love back equally, and sat with Nick in that dressing room made me realise that I'd found it.

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As Long As You Love Me
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