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Chapter Fourteen

I inhaled deeply before letting Kevin help me out of the limousine. Brian had gone on ahead as he was the Best Man and I had asked Kevin to give me away. He smiled down at me, taking my hand and squeezing it in reassurance,

"You look wonderful. Everything is going to be perfect." He put my arm through his and we walked ahead. Towards my future. Words can't do the sight the Carters garden made justice. Every inch had been decorated in accordance to the weeks and weeks of careful planning, and I had to will myself not to cry as I saw how beautiful it all looked. A small archway stood at the end of the garden, flowers twined around it. Nick stood beside it with Brian, but he looked up as the music started. He looked so amazing I can't begin to describe him, so I won't… but I'll always remember exactly how he looked on that day.

"You may now kiss the bride." I turned to Nick and smiled up at him, noticing that his clear blue eyes were livelier than I had ever seen them. He leant down slowly and brushed his lips against mine in a wonderfully soft, meaningful kiss. As he pulled away he whispered,

"I love you," into my ear. His breath tickled the sensitive skin of my cheek, and my face broke into the biggest smile as I leant up and softly kissed him again, not caring that everyone was still watching us, waiting for us to walk back down the aisle.

"I love you too." Nick took my hand and we walked together, past the faces of all our smiling friends. I took Beth from Jane, and realized that that was most probably the most perfect and happy moment of my life.

As Long As You Love Me
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