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Chapter Two

“But we were always careful,” Nick protested.

“Not always,” I said softly. “The day I found out I was leaving.” Nick looked at me, his face pale.

“Oh God!” Nick began to pace the room, “Shit, but we can’t. I can’t.” He wasn’t taking this well and I was scared of what he would say.

“Nick, I know with your career and all it’ll be difficult, but…”

“Difficult? DIFFICULT?” Nick exclaimed loudly. “I finally got what I wanted and now this has to happen.”

“It’s not all my fault,” I said, almost in tears. In a matter of minutes he had changed from the caring Nick to the old Nick. Maybe it’s just panic I told myself. I watched as Nick continued to pace the room, eventually stopping in front of me.

“I can’t deal with this right now Laney,” he said.

“Fine.” I stood up quickly, not wanting to cry in front of Nick. “Give me a call when you realise this is your problem too.” I collected my cap from the kitchen, not looking at the guys or BJ. “I’ll see you later.” I left the house quickly. I had been prepared for a bad reaction, but I thought I had known Nick well enough to expect at least some support. I still held back my tears. It was the shock, I told myself, placing some money down for the bus. I took a window seat. He’ll calm down, plus he has more too lose from this than I do, I reasoned with myself.

“What happened?” Brian asked, joining Nick in the den. Nick rubbed his face, then buried it in his hands. “Nick?” Brian asked worriedly. Nick finally looked up, his face etched with worry and frustration.

“Man… she’s pregnant,” Nick stated, before once again placing his head in his hands. Brian sat in silence for a minute, then rubbed Nick’s back reassuringly.

“It’ll be okay… you and Laney.. you’re..?” Nick shook his head,

“I told her I couldn’t deal with it right now. I still love her… but a kid! I’m not ready for that.” Brian sighed,

“Nick, you don’t have a choice anymore. What’s done is done. Now you’ve got to take responsibility.” Brian stood up slowly. “Don’t leave it too long before talking to Laney.” He turned back before leaving the room. “I won’t tell the others… I’ll leave that to you.” Nick fell back on the chair and tried to think of what to do.

“Laney, honey?" Karin called up the stairs. “Are you okay?” A short pause followed. “Laney?” Karin grew worried as she quickly climbed the stairs. The room was empty.

“Get the door Nick!” BJ called from the kitchen. Nick pulled his t-shirt over his head and answered the door.

“Hi Nick,” Karin said before he could speak. “Is Laney here?”

“No,” Nick replied, slightly confused.

“Oh God,” Karin covered her mouth. “I don’t think she came home last night.”

“What?” Nick asked, becoming worried. “Well she left here… kinda upset,” Nick admitted guiltily.

“Upset?” Karin questioned. “Why?” Nick didn’t answer for a moment.

“I didn’t take the news too well.” Karin sighed. “You don’t think… you know, she did anything stupid?”

“Nick! No, no I don’t,” she answered. “Her mother died Nick and she’s gonna have a baby… but Laney… she already seems to love the baby, and she still loves you.” Nick swallowed hard, feeling sick by the way he had acted.

“I’ll try and find her,” Nick said. “I’ll ask the guys to help.” He grabbed his keys. “If you wait at home, I’ll call if we find her.” Karin nodded as she watched Nick run to his car and drive away.

I leant against the railings, letting the cool sea air fill my lungs. I had caught the bus all the way to the restaurant where Nick and I had had out first date. To think things over, clear my head, fix my life…

“Laney?” I turned to find Nick a few feet away. My hair blew into my eyes as I watched him step closer to me. “I’m sorry,” he said, lightly rubbing my arm. I pulled away, not wanting to forgive him, but knowing already that I would.

“Nick, I’m scared too,” I said quietly, “and it’s my body that’s going through all this.”

“I know, and I’m sorry I acted the way I did.” He pushed the hair away from my face. “I know this is just as much my responsibility… but Christ, I’m nineteen. What do I know about bringing up a kid?”

“About as much as me.” He smiled,

“We’ll get through this… together.” I studied his face for a moment. His eyes were filled with sincerity and he smiled softly at me. Slowly he leant down and kissed me, gently touching my cheek. “I love you Laney.”

“I love you too.” I took Nick’s hand and placed it over my stomach as he pulled me towards him.

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