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Chapter Three

I squeezed Nick’s hand in reassurance as we sat opposite the other Backstreet Boys. Nick had already told Brian. It was telling the others that was worrying him.

“Okay guys. I know that this has come completely at the wrong time,” Nick began.

“What has?” AJ asked, looking confused. Nick ignored him and continued.

“And it definitely wasn’t planned, but I’m gonna have to deal with it now…” I rolled my eyes, wishing that he would hurry up and just tell them. I was just as worried as him, yet he was dragging it out. I realised that Nick was still making excuses and the others were looking impatient.

“I’m pregnant,” I blurted out, silencing Nick. “We’re going to have a baby.” Kevin, AJ and Howie looked shocked and didn’t speak. Brian, Nick and I waited for their reaction. Nick looked over at me nervously.

“Don’t all talk at once,” Nick joked, forcing a smile.

“I – oh shit,” Kevin finally responded. Howie looked back and forth between me and Nick, wide-eyed.

“Christ Nicky,” AJ exclaimed. “I thought you’d be more careful. You’ve got a lot to lose, being in your position.”

“Don’t you think I know that?” Nick said, becoming frustrated.

“Man, what are the fans gonna say?” Kevin said, more to himself than to Nick. He rubbed his forehead.

“Guys, I’m sorry,” I said quickly. They all looked at me and Brian smiled. “I know this affects you all, and of course you have a right to be… mad.” Kevin still looked frustrated, AJ looked sympathetic and Howie still looked shocked. “But getting angry at Nick… or me, isn’t gonna change the fact that in about six months, there is gonna be a baby arriving. And I swear, that no matter what, I am going to look after it and love it. Whether Nick wants to be there is his choice.” I looked over at Nick and he smiled at me. “But I know that he has his career… and I won’t stand in the way of that. I understand you’ll all have to tour, and I won’t try to stop Nick from doing that either.” I sighed, “All I ask is that you support him… support us. I know it’ll be difficult, but I’m sure it will become old news after a month or so.” Nick wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my cheek.

“We’ll all get through it,” Howie said, speaking for the first time. “And we’re all here for you.” I smiled gratefully at him. “Right guys?” AJ, Kevin and Brian nodded.

“Thanks Howie… guys I am sorry it all happened like this,” Nick said. “But I love Laney, and I’m gonna be there…” He grinned, “I’m gonna have a kid!” Brian laughed,

“That’s scary! I don’t know if the world can handle another version of Nick Carter.”

“It could be a girl you know,” I smiled, feeling relieved by their support.

“I think we should discuss how we’re going to announce this,” Kevin interrupted. “And… if you two are gonna get married?” I looked at Nick, who, by the look on his face, had not considered this idea.

I dangled my bare feet into the Carters pool, watching my reflection on the surface of the water change as I disturbed it’s stillness.

“Laney?” I turned round and smiled up at Nick. He sat down beside me. We sat in silence until Nick finally spoke. “You know getting married is a big step… but we’re having a baby, so – “ I gently kissed him.

“Nick, I don’t want to get married,” I whispered against his lips. I pulled back and smiled at him. “We’re too young right now. And I don’t want to use the baby as an excuse. I think that would be a mistake.” He just looked at me for a moment, debating whether to be relieved or insulted. Finally he smiled.

“But… we can move in together, right?” Nick put his arm around me and I rested my head against his shoulder.

“Yeah, we could… but I’ll stay with Aunt Karin when you’re away on tour… whilst I’m pregnant anyway.” Nick kissed the top of my head.

“We could start looking tomorrow,” he suggested.

“Sure,” I replied. I took his hand and pulled him up. “You wanna walk me home?” He nodded and we walked back through the house, collecting our shoes and saying goodbye to the guys on the way.

“Here we go, one more time, everybody’s feeling fine… here we go now,” I sang quietly to myself.

“Tell me you are not singing an ‘N Sync song,” Nick said.

“Christ Nick, you almost made me pee in my pants. Don’t sneak up on me like that!” He sat down next to me and looked at what I was reading.

“Well you scared me when I heard you singing ‘N Sync.” I sighed,

“Well… you knew it was ‘N Sync, so shut up!” I replied.

“I only knew it was ‘N Sync…”

“Shut up about ‘N Sync already!” Aaron said, entering the kitchen and grabbing an OJ. I smiled,

“Sorry.” I leant over and kissed Nick’s cheek. I turned back to the ‘Childrens Book Of Names’.

“Come up with any good ones yet?” Nick asked, settling back in his chair. I looked him over. He had become so cool and relaxed about the situation over the past week, whilst I was still worrying about how the public would react when they found out that Nick Carter was going to be a father. I had been surprised by how great Jane had been. Although initially shocked she had excepted the news well. I noticed Nick giving me a ‘well..?’ look.

“Not really… I was thinking though… if you don’t mind, if it’s a boy we could have the name Ryan. Not necessarily as his first name,” I added. “Just in there somewhere.” Nick squeezed my hand and smiled.

“Sure.” He picked up the book and looked through it. “Any ideas for if it’s a girl?” he asked, still scanning the pages.

“Nah. How about you?” Nick studied the book for a moment longer, then looked at me.

“How about Mandy?” I tried to conceal my not over ecstatic reaction. (Note: No offence intended to anyone called Mandy – or intended for Nick’s current g/f – I just had to pick a name), but he noticed. “You hate it!” Nick put the book down.

“It’s not that I hate it… I just…” I bit my lower lip, trying to think of how to explain. “This child will have to live with the name we choose forever – well, unless they think it’s so hideous that they want to change it – anyway,” I continued before I completely mumbled away from my point. “To me ‘Mandy’ makes me think… bimbo,” I said delicately. Nick didn’t seem too impressed – well I guess I did just insult his taste in names. He once again picked up the book. I watched him for a moment before going over to the fridge. That Spam is screaming out for me to eat it. I pulled it out and ate. What am I doing? I hate Spam! At least I did. I HATE being pregnant.

“How about Elizabeth?” Nick suddenly suggested. I sat back down, Spam in hand. Nick gave me a weird look, but went on to explain his choice. “It’s sophisticated, and can be shortened to what she prefers. Liz, Lizzy, Beth…”

“Looks like you’ve already decided on this baby being a girl,” I commented, smiling at him.

“I always wanted a girl… but I’d love a son too,” Nick admitted. I guess I was surprised to hear that Nick had a preference, or that in fact he had ever even considered having kids. I guess I thought it was only girls that did that. I guess I was wrong.

I climbed off of the bus and fanned myself as the heat enveloped me. The guys were recording in the studio and I was bored. Karin had been trying to get me to look at houses with her, but that was something I wanted to do with Nick. Besides I didn’t really have that much of an idea about the type of place I wanted to live in. And being honest I felt I couldn’t have much of a say, seeing as I had little money to put towards it. Therefore I had come to the conclusion that we would buy the house Nick wanted.

“Hi. I’m Laney Mitchell,” I told the receptionist. “Would it be possible to see Nick Carter please?” She smiled kindly at me.

“Yes, of course. Nick told me to show you through if you showed up.” I followed her down the long corridor which was decorated with pictures of the many artists who had recorded there. I thanked her and entered the room. The guys were having a disagreement about something, so I waited by the door.

“Laney,” Brian exclaimed, looking up and noticing me. He ran over and hugged me. “Wow, you look great!”

“Did Nick pay you to say that?” I laughed. I was now four and a half months pregnant, and looked, obviously, pregnant. I looked fat, I felt fat and I obviously annoyed the hell out of Nick whenever I said so.

“Nope. Really, you look good.” He gave me a goofy grin, “Pregnant women turn me on.” I smacked his arm playfully.

“Hey,” Nick said, kissing my forehead. “You okay?” I nodded,

“I was bored. You don’t mind me coming down, do you?” He shook his head. “I thought we could go look at those houses after you’re done?”

“Sure. Actually, maybe you can help.” He took my hand and led me over to the guys. “We can’t agree on which track should go first on the new album… and whether it should be the one we are releasing.”

“Okay.. you’re releasing ‘I Want It That Way’, right?” They nodded.

“And it’s either that or ‘Larger Than Life’ which is gonna go first,” Kevin said.

“Well, there’s five of you… so what’s the problem?” AJ sighed,

“Howie, the annoying fool, says he doesn’t mind!” I laughed as they all shot Howie exasperated looks.

“Well…” I had no idea. I hadn’t heard the songs. But I did know that ‘Larger Than Life’ was a bit more upbeat that ‘I Want It That Way’. “I think ‘Larger Than Life’ should go… first.” AJ and Kevin groaned whilst Nick and Brian slapped a high five. Nick pulled me into a bear hug.

“I knew you’d pick the same as me,” he grinned. I smiled and untangled myself from his arms.

“Yeah, yeah. Now hurry up and finish… I’m getting restless.” He pecked me on the lips and the guys quickly went back to work.

“So, what do you think?” Nick asked me, joining me in the spacious kitchen.

“I don’t know, what do you think?” I asked, seeing the estate agent waiting in the lounge.

“Well I like it,” Nick said. “And it’s close enough to both home and the guys… in fact I think it’s perfect.” I sighed. Thank God! I really liked it too, but I had wanted to check that it was what Nick wanted first.

“Well, I think it’s perfect too… but is the price alright?” He nodded,

“Yeah, I think so.” He kissed my forehead and grinned. “I can see us bringing up our little girl here.” I looked at him,

“Nick… don’t get your heart set on a girl… I mean I don’t want you to be too disappointed if it’s a boy,” I said softly. I pushed the hair out of his eyes as he looked down at me.

“I know… I just have this feeling that it’s gonna be a girl.” The agent coughed by the doorway. Nick turned round and smiled. “We’ll take it.”

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