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Chapter Four

~One and a half months later~

Six months into pregnancy
I feel about ready to explode, and I still have about three more months of this. This kid is kicking me like hell, and Nick has been working non-stop since we moved into the new house. I love it, I just wish Nick could be home once in a while to share it with me. The worst part is that it seems the boys tour has been scheduled to start incredibly close to the arrival date of the baby. So unless this little tike arrives on time, Nick could miss the birth. He has tried to change the date for the tour… but it can’t be pushed back any further. I can’t believe that he may miss the birth. I mean, how am I supposed to cope on my own? I have to think of a way to get round this. I want a natural birth though – of course I want drugs! – but I don’t want to be cut open… ugh I cringe at the thought. What the hell am I gonna do?

I closed my journal, which I had started once I had discovered I was pregnant, as I heard the front door slam and footsteps walk through the house.

“Hey sweetie,” Nick said, kissing the top of my head and throwing his bag into a kitchen chair. I smiled and he rummaged through the fridge.

“Nick, I’ll make some dinner soon… you’ll spoil it if you eat now.” He looked up,

“I’m sorry Laney… I have to get back in a half an hour. We didn’t finish up yet. We still have to put the finishing touches on the album, and then we have non-stop rehearsing for the tour after that,” Nick said, before looking into the fridge again. I sighed, deciding not to make a big deal of it. After all I knew this would happen. I rhythmically rubbed my stomach. I felt like crying. I felt so lost, and alone, but I knew, if he could, Nick would be with me more. I stood up and went into the lounge, picking up the TV remote and flicking through the channels to see what was on, before bothering to make the effort to sit down. Nothing was on so I went upstairs and put my journal away. Nick was sat at the kitchen table when I returned, looking over the tour schedule. I sat down beside him, hoping to make a little conversation before he had to leave again.

“Do you have any time off anytime soon?” I asked hopefully. Nick looked up,

“Not soon, no.” He laid his hand over mine. “I’m sorry.” I forced a smile.

“That’s okay. I guess that’s what I get for sleeping with a star,” I muttered, standing up and walking to the glass doors that led out to the garden.

“Laney. That’s not fair. I’m sorry that I’m busy… but it’s my job,” Nick said, not standing up.

“I know it’s your job… but I am six months pregnant with your baby, and I get to see you for about two seconds everyday,” I replied, feeling myself getting angry. “I stay in almost everyday because I feel so awful, and it’s too much of a hassle to get anywhere. And I get to communicate with Karin… and that’s it. Everyone else is too busy.” Nick watched me, seemingly shocked by my outburst. I guess he had never seen me mad before. He stood up and picked up his bag. He made the move to approach me, but decided against it.

“I should be back by nine. I’m sorry.” I watched him leave, completely astounded that he had just left me. Aagghh!!! I am so unbelievably angry! I let out an infuriated scream and picked up the closest thing to me… which happened to be one of Nick’s awards. Without thinking I threw it across the room, and watched it smash against the wall. Not bothering to clean up the mess I grabbed my keys and left the house, still feeling incredibly mad.

“And you just left her?” Brian asked incredulously. Nick nodded and continued looking through his papers.

“I didn’t know what to do. She never got mad at me before,” he looked up. “I didn’t know what else to do!”

“So you just left her? Smooth move Nick!” Kevin said, not seeming at all impressed. Brian picked up his jacket. “Where are you going?”

“Well someone’s got to go see if she’s alright,” Brian said, giving Nick a dirty look.

“She’s fine Brian. It’s just her hormones,” Nick said.

“Nick! She is six months pregnant incase you’ve forgotten, and you not being there is bad enough, but I really can not believe you could just leave her mad at you.” Nick looked at Brian for a moment, then stood up.

“I’ll come with you. I guess I better apologise.” Brian sighed and waited for Nick to get his stuff.

“Guys, we’re in the middle of something here,” AJ protested.

“I think this is a little more important AJ,” Kevin replied seriously. Everyone was a little shocked to hear that coming from Kevin. “I think we should all go see Laney. That way she won’t be able to kill Nick.”

“Laney, I’m back!” Nick called as he walked into the house. “The guys are with me too. I wanted to apologise for… Laney?”

“Where is she?” AJ asked, looking around.

“Umm, Nick. I think you better come see this!” Brian called from the kitchen. Nick bent down and picked up the broken glass and other fragments from the floor.

“Shit. She broke one of my favorite awards,” Nick moaned. Brian saw Kevin smirking and shot him a look. Nick looked up at the guys. “Okay… I am really worried now. I have never seen Laney lose her temper before… and she doesn’t seem to be here. I better ring Karin.” He quickly made his way over to the phone.

“So, I’m guessing expecting a baby isn’t all fun and games,” AJ commented as Brian put the broken award on the table. Brian shrugged,

“Seems to me Nicky-boy has a lot to learn about women.”

“Well he better do it fast,” Howie commented, as he watched Nick getting frustrated on the phone. “’Cos if he’s like this when she’s pregnant, who knows what’ll be like when the baby arrives.”

“Well?” Brian asked as Nick put the phone down.

“She’s at Karins,” Nick said, seeming a little upset. “But she refuses to talk to me.” He sat down in one of the chairs and eyed his award.

“Well, aren’t you gonna go round there?” Kevin asked, after Nick hadn’t moved for a moment. He shrugged,

“What am I gonna say?” AJ sighed,

“Sorry would probably be a good place to start.” Nick stood up,

“Are you guys coming?” Brian shook his head,

“We’ll wait here.” He sat down at the table. “Maybe we’ll be able to fit your award back together.” Nick sighed and left the guys alone in his house.

Karin sighed as she stood in the doorway to my old room,

“Laney honey, I am doing this for your own good. If I thought it would help I would let you stay here, but you and Nick need to sort this out.” She smiled at me, “You’re both gonna have to learn to give a little more if you’re gonna live together and bring up a baby.”

“I do give a little. In fact I give a hell of a lot to our relationship. It’s Nick who’s never around!” Karin began to answer but the doorbell rang. “I’ll go,” I said, pushing past her. “No doubt it’s Nick. And if you’re not gonna let me stay, then he may as well give me a lift home.” I opened the door to find, as I expected, Nick. He opened his mouth to speak but I pushed past him. “Let’s go.” He looked at Karin, who shrugged,

“Nick. Look after her. You and that baby are about all she has left.” She closed the door and Nick walked slowly back to the car.

I went straight to the kitchen when we got back, to find the four other guys sat around the table, surrounding the remnants of the award I had smashed. I smiled at them and opened the fridge. I pulled out a soda and turned back to find Nick in the doorway.

“You broke my favorite award,” he said after a moment. I heard the guys sigh and AJ rolled his eyes.

“And?” I asked, not feeling at all bad about it. He had made me so upset and angry and he was getting all annoyed about an award. Nick stood there for a moment longer.

“And… I guess I deserved it.” He walked over and took my hand. “I’m sorry. I just don’t know how to deal with it when you get mad at me.” I put my soda down. “And you know I wish I could be here more… but it isn’t just my career… what I do affects the guys too. So I have to make sure I do what is best for everybody.”

“Everybody doesn’t seem to include me or this baby, does it?” He pushed my hair away from my face.

“All I can say is that I’m sorry and I’ll try to make more time for you.” I looked up at his face, and his blue eyes looked back down into mine. I felt my hormones start to take over again and the tears came flooding down my cheeks. Nick suddenly became worried and confused. “Laney. Laney, what is it?” I shook my head and threw my arms around his neck.

“I love you so much. I hate to fight with you.”

“Sshh sweetie,” Nick soothed, rubbing my back. “It’s okay.” I finally pulled away and looked up at him, smiling through my tears.

“I’m sorry I threw your award… can we fix it?” Nick smiled,

“Forget the award. I don’t care.” He hugged me tightly and I heard the guys start talking amongst themselves.

“Thank you God!” AJ said loudly, causing me to laugh into Nick’s neck.

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