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Chapter Five

Nick lazily walked behind me, pushing the cart as I threw things into it. Suddenly he wasn’t behind me anymore. I waited whilst he spoke to a girl – who looked about seventeen – who was a fan. I started to get impatient when hunger kicked in.

“Nick, can we hurry it up?” I asked. “I wanna get out of here.” The girl shot me a dirty look, then turned back to talk to Nick. I pushed him away from the cart. “When you’re done flirting come find me!” I said hotly and quickly continued down the aisle. The next thing I knew some complete idiot rammed into the side of the cart. “Watch it!”

“Watch it yourself!” he replied. I looked him over. He had dirty blonde hair that fell over his eyes in disarray, and was wearing an old t-shirt and cut jeans. He looked about mine and Nick’s age.

“You’re the ass-hole who rammed into me!” I replied, feeling completely pissed off.

“Sweetie, calm down,” Nick said, appearing at my side. “It’s not good for the baby when you get all worked up!”

“Oh, f**k you!” I said angrily. “Why don’t you go back to that girl… and get laid. That’s obviously why you get so pissed at me. But HELLO! I’m over six and a half months pregnant, and you not getting any isn’t top of my list of things to do!” Nick just stared at me, open-mouthed.

“Hey, aren’t you Nick Carter?” the guy asked after a moment. Nick nodded, still staring at me. “Cool. My sister loves you. D’you reckon I could get your autograph for her?”

“No,” I responded. “Tell her she could’ve had it but her ass-hole of a brother rammed into his pregnant girlfriend!” I looked over at Nick. “Or, make that ex-girlfriend.” I quickly left them in the aisle.

“Woah. You’ve got your hands full there,” the guy exclaimed. Nick took a box out of the guys cart and scribbled his autograph on to it.

“There ya go… and man, the woman you just saw leave is not Laney Mitchell.” Nick pushed his hair out of his eyes. “You know, she’s the best thing that ever happened to me… but I sure as hell can’t wait for that baby to arrive.” The guy watched sympathetically as Nick walked away.

I threw a bag of potato chips into the cart and rubbed my lower back which was aching. I sighed as Nick’s hand replaced mine and massaged it for me.

“I’m sorry,” I said quietly. “I didn’t mean it.”

“Come on,” Nick responded. “Let’s pay for this lot and go home.”

“Guys, I’m telling you. If she wasn’t pregnant… and wasn’t a woman, I would have pretty much killed her by now!!” Nick informed the other Backstreet Boys as he leant back in his chair.

“Come on,” Brian laughed. “She can’t be that bad!” Nick shook his head.

“She is! She started a fight in the supermarket and she got mad at me!” AJ eyed Nick,

“Why? What did you do?” Nick shrugged.

“I was talking to a fan. She was pretty hot actually.” The others all groaned inwardly – Nick had no clue. “Anyway, Laney told me to go have sex with her, as it was obvious I wanted it.” Nick ran his hands through his hair. “She then reminded me that she was over six and a half months pregnant and satisfying me wasn’t top of her list of priorities.” Kevin smirked,

“Sounds like she hit it spot on.” Nick looked confused.

“We’re guessing that your hands doing most of the work,” AJ laughed.

“Shut up guys,” Nick whined. “Do you know how long it’s been?” Howie rolled his eyes.

“Let me take a wild guess. About six and a half months?”

“How did you…” Nick stopped himself as he realised how dumb he had made himself look. The other guys laughed. “Anyway, we could have done it when Laney first came back. But it was awkward I guess. With the news of the baby, telling the fans, the new house… then suddenly she’s too pregnant.” He rolled his eyes. “I can not wait ‘til this baby is born!”

“You do know you’ll have to wait a bit afterwards,” Howie said. “You can’t do it straight after.”

“Why?” Nick asked, having another blonde moment.

“Nick, she’ll have just given birth to a baby,” Brian explained. “Her body will be… tender. I don’t think she’ll appreciate you trying to get it on with her.” AJ laughed,

“Maybe you should go find the girl from the store.” Nick shot him a look.

“I would never do that to Laney.” AJ apologised, realising that he’d over stepped the mark. “Anyway… I should go… I told Laney I wouldn’t be out long.”

“I’ll come with you… just to say hey.” Brian offered. The two guys left the other three to themselves.

Nick opened the front door and Brian followed him inside. Some bags were in the hallway and a few were in the lounge.

“Laney! What’s going on?” Nick called, feeling panicked. “Why are your bags packed?” I came down the stairs carrying another bag.

“Hey Brian,” I greeted as he stepped out of the way.

“Laney, what’s going on?” Nick repeated.

“I’m leaving Nick,” I replied, putting the bag down.

“What do you mean, ‘you’re leaving’?” He was confused.

“I am leaving you,” I said slowly. He looked frantic, searching my face as if it was all some big joke.

“Why?” he asked finally. I heard Brian shifting uncomfortably behind me.

“Why!?” I repeated. “Nick, you’ve made it perfectly clear that you don’t want this baby. For the past three and a half months or so you’ve acted like if you close your eyes it’ll all go away.” I started looking for my shoes. “So congratulations, your wish is coming true. I’m going, and I tell you what,” I said, turning back to face him. “You don’t even have to visit once the baby’s born.” I pulled on my shoe with some difficulty, as my stomach was a bit of an obstacle.

“Laney, sweetie… don’t do this,” Nick said desperately.

“Don’t ‘sweetie’ me,” I said, picking up my other shoe. “I’ve had enough. I told you I did mind you going out with the guys, but you went and left anyway. You don’t care about me.” I pushed the hair out of my face in frustration. “You seem to think that using your money to buy me and the baby stuff is a good substitute for your love, care and overall presence. So you can do that, without actually being there.” I let out an exasperated sigh as I couldn’t get my other shoe on. “Damn this baby!”

“Laney!” Brian exclaimed.

“I’m sorry… I didn’t mean it,” I replied quickly, hoping I hadn’t offended him. “Nick, can you put my shoe on for me” He gave me a look.

“I’m not gonna help you leave.” I stood up.

“What a surprise! Something else you’re not gonna help me with.” Nick suddenly turned from panicked to angry.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” he demanded. “Ever since you came back from Chicago you’ve been moody and agitated!” I couldn’t believe him.

“Oh I wonder? Maybe it’s because my mother died and I’m six and a half months pregnant, you STUPID ASS-HOLE!!” Nick glared back at me. “You think I didn’t love my mother,” I accused. “And that’s why you’ve been so unsympathetic about it! So imagine it was your mom, then maybe you’ll begin to understand.” Tears were streaming down my face by now. I turned to go and ring Karin. Brian was directly behind and he wrapped his arms around me.

“Calm down Laney,” he said soothingly. “It’s okay.” He stroked my hair and held me until I stopped crying.

“I’m sorry.” I pulled away and went it to the kitchen with Nick following me. I picked up the phone and dialed in Karin’s number. “Nick!” I exclaimed as he took the phone from me and hung it up.

“Laney, I’m not letting you leave me,” he said, sounding choked up.

“You don’t have a say,” I replied, reaching for the phone again. He stood in the way. “Nick, get out of the way!”

“No!” I tried to push past him, but he grabbed my hands and held them to his chest. “I love you… and I know I am crap at all this.” He began crying, so I tried not to look up at his face, knowing that I wouldn’t have the heart to leave if I did. “Laney. Look at me. Look at me!” he repeated when I didn’t d as he said. Nick put one hand under my chin and turned my face up to his. “I’m sorry…”

“Nick, you can’t just say that and think everything will be fine. All you ever do is say ‘I’m sorry’, then go out and do something else, and then apologise again. There is only so many times that I can forgive you.” He looked down at me, pain showing in his clear blue eyes. I reached up and touched his cheek, then pulled him gently down to me – making a decision. “One more time Nick,” I whispered into his ear. Nick wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly too him. I could feel his heart beating quickly.

“Thank you. I promise I will be the best boyfriend/father-to-be from now on.” Nick placed his hand over my bump, and then leant down gently placing a kiss on it. He looked up at me, his head still level with my stomach. “I love you,” he said quietly.

“I love you too.” I smiled down at him, hoping he wouldn’t test my love for him again.

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