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Chapter Six

“So Nicky, how are things with Laney?” Brian asked, sitting down on the couch in AJs house. Nick smiled,

“Good actually… since she… you know threatened to leave, we’ve been getting along better. And we even decided on names.” Brian raised his eyebrows in question. “If it’s a boy we’re gonna call him Ryan Scott. And if it’s a girl we’ll call her Elizabeth Brooke.”

“So you’ve got the first names,” AJ said, handing Nick a drink. “What about the surname?” Nick looked confused. AJ sighed, “You’re not married… so who’s surname is the kid gonna have? Carter or Mitchell?” Nick groaned,

“Oh great… this will cause yet another disagreement!” Nick closed his eyes briefly, then looked at AJ. “This kid is causing so much trouble and it isn’t even born yet!”

“I’m sure you’ll be able to come to an agreement,” Brian said reassuringly. Nick didn’t reply. He decided not to approach the matter until there was a serious need to decide. He hoped Carter would be chosen though.

I sighed as I slowly walked up to the front door. I had gone all the way to the supermarket, just to get some more Spam. I couldn’t wait until this baby was born, then maybe I’d start detesting the taste of Spam again. I closed the door behind me and basically waddled through the house. Not a very glamorous way to walk, but I was over seven months into pregnancy.

“Hey Laney. Where you been sweetie?” Nick asked, kissing me on the cheek as I entered the kitchen. I was surprised to see him.

“Nick. What are you doing here?”

“I live here,” he replied smiling. “Nah, me and the guys finished early so I decided to head straight home.” I smiled and dumped the Spam into the refrigerator. “More food?” Nick asked.


“You eat so much at the moment.” Was he deliberately trying to get on my nerves.

“Well I’m eating for two… what’s you excuse?” He looked hurt and didn’t say anything else as he continued to read through his tour schedule. I sighed and sat down at the table. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean that.” Nick looked at me for a moment,

“Then why d’ya say it?”

“I don’t know… this baby is really making me moody and irritable. You just have to ignore me.” Nick sighed and leant over, gently brushing his lips across mine.

“I know this is hard for you… but it’s hard for me too you know.”

“I know… sorry.” I smiled and brushed the hair away from his face. “I love you.”

“How much?” he smiled.

“How much?” I repeated laughing. “About as much as you love me.” He shook his head.

“Na-ah. I love you more than you love me.”

“No you don’t.” He nodded his head. “Anyway, you don’t know if you love me more!” Nick smiled. “How can you tell?” He sat thinking for a moment.

“Because you’ve done more for me, therefore I have more to love you for.” I crinkled up my nose.

“I don’t know… I think I have more to love you for personally.”

“No way! You’re far nicer than me!” I sighed and laughed,

“Okay, this is stupid. I love you more and I’m pregnant, so you gotta let me win.” Nick laughed and put his arms around me, kissing me softly on the lips.

Seven months and four days into pregnancy
Things have been going a lot better recently. Nick and I are getting along a lot better, though we still have the occasional lapse in communication. He is still working hard and I see little of him, but when he is home we have fun. I haven’t spoken to him about the tour yet… I can’t ask him to refuse to go, that’d be unfair plus I promised I wouldn’t interfere with his work. I am getting worried about the birth… my stomach is HUGE and I still have over a month to go, how the hell is this baby gonna get out of me without killing me in the process? I need to calm down – women have babies all the time and get through it without difficulty.

I shoved my journal under my pillow, so that I could finish my entry later, and went downstairs to answer the phone… I have a thing for the kitchen phone, it’s just nicer than the one in the bedroom – I’m insane!


“Hey Laney! What’s up?”

“Hi Brian,” I smiled as his happy voice floated into the room. “Not much… you guys still rehearsing?”

“Nah, we’re just finishing up. Nick wanted me to ring and tell you he has to go to his parents house for an hour or two… something to do with the baby probably.”

“Oh right. Okay,” I said, feeling a little disappointed.

“So… I thought I could come round and take you out for dinner. What do you reckon?”

“That’d be great!” I hadn’t been out all day, plus I hadn’t seen Brian in a week or two.

“Okay, I’ll be round in about half an hour okay?”

“Okay. Bye.”

“Bye.” I quickly went and sorted out my hair and checked my reflection. I couldn’t wait ‘til I could wear my old clothes again. I mean my maternity clothes were okay, but not really my overall thing.

“Laney!” Nick called, throwing his keys on to the couch. “You here?” When no one answered he fixed himself a drink and went up stairs to take a shower and change his clothes. Pulling on his t-shirt he sat down on the bed. He picked up the book that lay, half-hidden, under the pillows. PRIVATE was written across the front in big, bold letters. “Like that’s gonna stop me,” Nick muttered to himself before flicking through it.

Three months and one week into pregnancy
Well, I’m back with Nick, and things are okay… far from normal, but I did just announce that he was going to be a father so I guess I should expect some… awkwardness. I don’t blame him. He has a lot more to lose from this than me. The guys have been pretty understanding, especially Brian. He is such a sweetie. In fact I think he is looking forward to having a little nephew – well you know…

Nick flicked through a few more pages.

Six months and one week into pregnancy
Nick and I have been fighting a lot recently. He seems to completely blame me for this whole situation, and he is hardly ever home. I wouldn’t mind so much if it was just because of work, but he goes out with the other guys too. I don’t know what to do anymore. And I am so scared that he won’t be here for the birth. I mean sure, he may be there when this baby arrives, but how the hell am I gonna cope with a new born baby on my own..?

Nick sighed and contemplated whether to stop reading, after all it was private thoughts, and he was invading that. He flicked over the next few pages, deciding he had already read some so there was no point in stopping now.

Seven months into pregnancy
Nick is still working hard, and hardly ever here… I think I communicate with Brian more than I do with Nick. He rings me everyday to check that I’m okay, what a sweetie. I think Nick is becoming more accepting of the idea that we are having a baby. I mean hell, I’m scared about it too… he still doesn’t seem to realise that I am having more trouble than him. It’s my body that looks like a hot air balloon!

Nick finally flipped to the last entry and read through it, before quickly shoving it back under the pillow as he heard the door open.

“Nick! I’m back!” I called as I closed the front door and gestured for Brian to go into the lounge. Nick came down the stairs and embraced me.

“Hey… did you guys have a nice time?” I nodded,

“Yeah thanks. How did things go at your parents?”

“Fine… they were just wondering what we were gonna call the baby and all that sort of stuff.” I smiled.

“Well, I think I’ll head up and go to bed. I am so tired. Though I doubt I’ll sleep. I hate sleeping on my back… when this baby is born I’ll finally be able to get a good nights sleep.” I turned to go upstairs. “Although then I’ll be woken by crying in the night.”

“You mean we will,” Nick said, causing me to turn back to face him. I looked at him oddly.

“Yeah… that’s what I said.” Brian watched us, feeling a little awkward.

“No,” Nick said firmly. “You said I’ll.”

“I did?” I hadn’t realised. “Well, I meant we’ll.” I kissed him on the cheek. “Good night Nick. And thanks for the meal Bri!”

“No problem. Night Laney.” Nick slumped into the seat next to Brian. “What’s wrong?” Brian asked, looking at his friend with curiosity.

“Brian, do you call Laney everyday?” Brian looked a little surprised.

“Pretty much… why?” Nick turned to face him.

“I kinda read her journal… and she wrote that…” They sat in silence for a moment. “Brian… I’m not doing the tour,” Nick announced suddenly.

“You what?” Brian exclaimed.

“I don’t mean cancel… just postpone for a month or two. Laney will need me.” Brian looked shocked.

“Nick, you already tried to do that… and you know we couldn’t.” Nick shrugged,

“That was when everyone thought I wouldn’t seriously not do the concerts… Brian, my girlfriend is having my baby. That is my priority. And I am not doing any shows, performances, interviews or photo shoots until at least… two months after my baby is born.” Brian looked at his friend, seeing the determination and defiance in his face. He sighed,

“I’ll talk to the others… Nick you kinda left this to the last minute. Don’t say anything to Laney yet…” Brian stood up to leave.

“Brian… you gotta understand. Imagine it was you… what would you do?” Brian smiled and squeezed Nick’s shoulder.

“We’ll see what we can do.” With that he left Nick to think everything over, finally realising that he had made the right decision.

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