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Chapter Seven

Nick took my hand in his as we made our way into the restaurant. I smiled and admired the décor. The other guys were already seated and we went straight over. Nick pulled out my chair and I sat down with difficulty. I knew I wouldn’t be able to sit in the hard chair for long… why hadn’t I brought a pillow?

“How’s it going Laney?” Kevin asked from his place across the table.

“Good… thanks. So, what is all this in aid of?” I asked, looking at each of the guys. They all looked to Nick, who turned to me.

“Laney… I’ve been talking to the guys.” I must of looked worried, because Nick smiled, “It’s good news.” I relaxed slightly. “I’m not going on tour.” I looked at each of the other guys, my gaze finally resting on Nick’s smiling face. He seemed excited and proud.

“Why?” Nick took my hand and squeezed it.

“Because of you, and because of the baby. I know you need me… and I want to be there.” I looked at him warily. He reached out and lightly touched my face, “I love you. I can’t just leave you.”

“But what about the fans. Nick, everything was organised!” I said desperately.

“Laney, it’s all sorted,” he reassured.

“We’re still gonna do the tour,” Howie explained. “And all those who bought tickets will still get to go, it will just be later in the year. It’s fine… I guess we all should have thought more seriously about it before.” I nodded and bit my lower lip in thought, finally smiling at them.

“So you’ll all be here when the baby arrives?” They nodded. “Oh Nick, thank you!” I threw my arms around his neck and he carefully hugged me, so as not to squash my stomach. “All of you, thanks!” They all laughed slightly and then the waiter arrived to take our order.

I couldn’t stop smiling as Nick drove us home. He did genuinely care now, and he would be there. I was so happy, I didn’t think I would have been able to cope on my own. A thought suddenly occurred to me,

“Nick?” He looked over briefly from his gaze on the road. “How come before, you couldn’t change plans for the tour, but now you can?” Nick seemed a little worried, then shrugged.

“I just realised that you and the baby were more important than concerts. I mean,” he smiled over at me. “I love the fans and performing, and it’s not like I’m letting anyone down, like I would have been with you. They’ll still get to see the Backstreet Boys… so everyone’s happy.” I squeezed his knee,

“Thank you.” Nick shook his head.

“Will you stop thanking me,” he laughed. He turned serious, “It’s what should’ve happened in the first place.” I smiled and gazed out of the window, finally things were going right.

“Are you sure you can’t come with me for the final scan?” I asked Nick, putting the cell phone into my bag. Nick looked sorry,

“I can’t. I have to go for a photo shoot in a half hour.” He kissed my forehead. “I am sorry. I think the publicist is trying to cram in a load of photo shoots, interviews, TV appearances and all before I refuse to do anymore.” I smiled,

“It’s okay… I just thought you may want to come, seeing as you haven’t been to any of them.” Nick looked guilty.

“I do feel bad… I mean watching the videos is great, but I wish I could come with you… but,” He put his arms around me, “I promise you I will be there for when our little girl, or boy,” he added as I gave him a look. “Is born. I swear on my own life.” I smiled and stood on tip toe kissing his soft lips.

“I better go… will you be here when I get back?” I asked, putting on my bag and picking up my keys.

“I don’t know… I might be. If I’m not gonna be back for dinner I’ll call.” I nodded and left for my final scan.

I pulled the teen magazine that had a picture of Nick on the cover out of my bag and put it on the table. It had caught my eye on the way back from seeing Jane Carter and I’d decided it was worth a look. I flicked to the page which had the article and began reading.

Nick Carter: Father to Be!

The whole world has heard that Nick Carter, the youngest and most sought after Backstreet Boy, is due to be a father in less than a months time. The question everyone wants to know is will he marry his girlfriend? On going to press there has been no indication of anything of this kind. If anything, since the announcement of his baby being expected, Nick has been seen as laid back and easy going. Expecting a baby is a trial for your average working couple, but he has the responsibility of setting an example for his fans, promoting the group and performing world wide.

The response from the fans has been varied to the extreme. Kathleen McCormack, 13, from Texas told us ‘I have lost all respect for Nick since all this happened. I mean this baby obviously wasn’t expected, so what does that say about him? I think he’s just really careless… I don’t like him anymore!’ Kathleen’s opinion is typical of the younger fans, along with the general ‘I can’t believe it’s’. Louisa Grey, 16, from LA told us, ‘How lucky is that girl? I heard that they knew each other before Nick was famous, so I reckon she must really love him for him, so I think it’s cool. They’re living together now so they obviously want to make it all work. I’m happy for them, and I bet their baby will be so cute! I mean come on! Nick Carter will be it’s father.’

The other Backstreet Boys have refused to comment much on the subject. Kevin Richardson, the oldest Backstreet Boy – also regarded as the Dad of the group – was heard saying, ‘Nick’s responsible for his own actions, and he realises that this is a huge changing point in his life. But I think he has matured enough to cope.’ Brian Littrell, always voted as the most likely to get married first – who knows if that will change – was keen to support his friend, ‘Nick is coping with this whole situation so maturely. I am really proud of him. He is making a real effort to make everything perfect for him and his girlfriend, Laney. She’s a real sweetheart and I think that this kid is gonna be very lucky with it’s parents.’

There have been few sightings of Carters girlfriend, Laney Mitchell. She has been keen to keep out of the public eye and is rarely seen out with her boyfriend. Laney, 18 years-old from Chicago, met Nick at school and according to him ‘was the inspiration I needed to continue pursuing my singing career’. Friends of the Chicago born girl have been quick in informing that Laney was a sweet girl and that the whole ‘baby situation’ was a shock to them all.

It was a month ago that Nick Carter agreed to be interviewed by us, though he spoke little of the expected baby and his girlfriend.

Nick, how are all you guys doing at the moment?
Good thanks. We’ve been rehearsing for the new tour so that’s kept us pretty busy. I think everyone will be surprised with what we’ve done.

You’ve recently been recording as well. Should the fans expect a different sound from the BSBs or are you sticking with your typical tunes?
I think some of the songs will surprise people, but honestly we don’t have anything that is completely out there.

Now… what everyone wants to know is whether you are going to get married to Laney Mitchell?
(Nick squirms uncomfortably) Right now, we have no plans to marry. Our focus is on the baby… that’s the most important thing right now.

Don’t you feel that you’re setting a bad example for your fans?
No, I don’t. I love my girlfriend, and it’s not like she’s pregnant and I’m not having anything to do with her or the baby. I want to be there, and be a part of both their lives. I doubt what is happening in my life will encourage a load of fans to go and have babies!

So, does Laney mind the fact that you’ll be touring a lot of the time?
I can’t tell you what Laney feels. Obviously she is probably a little apprehensive about having to look after the baby without me sometimes. But I hope to be home as much as possible.

Won’t that be a little difficult seeing as you have the tour coming up?
I think we’ll cope.

What do the other guys think about it all?
I don’t know. They are supporting me though.

Do you have names for the baby yet?
We have some ideas. (Nick refuses to tell us them)

Have any of the fans spoken to you about this whole situation?
Not really… (Nick’s answer became short towards the end of the interview and he became uncomfortable with the questions about his girlfriend.)

So, it is up for debate whether or not Nick Carter will prove to be a good father. Does this kid stand a chance? Only time will tell.

Article by: Tracy Gershay

I closed the magazine and sighed. I hadn’t read anything about Nick’s attitude towards the baby before, or really the attitude of the public. When it had been announced the reaction had varied. Shock was obviously the major emotion. At least I knew Nick would be around now, that was definitely reassuring in the whole situation!

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