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Chapter Eight

I climbed out of the cab and began walking towards the recording studio entrance. Suddenly a microphone was shoved in my face and a well-dressed woman started firing questions at me. A camera was also pointed at me as I tried to walk around her. Persistently she kept asking me questions.

“Miss Mitchell, were you actually in a relationship when you and Nick Carter conceived this child?” I couldn’t believe her nerve. I wanted to shout at her, but decided that I wouldn’t be helping anyone but her.

“Yes, I was,” I replied bluntly, hoping that someone would see what was happening and come to my rescue.

“Don’t you think you’re a little young for all this?” I looked at her. She was completely oblivious to the fact that she was hounding an over eight month pregnant woman. “And with Nick’s job, that’ll make it even harder.”

“I’m sorry,” I said, trying to keep my cool.

“Don’t you find it unfair that Nick is going to be on tour and you’re going to have to look after the baby on your own?” She still had the microphone in my face, and my hormones were out of whack anyway.

“Look,” I said, stopping and looking into the camera. “Me and Nick will be fine. This baby will be fine. I know Nick may not be around as much as some fathers. But he will be around, unlike many people who just dump a girl when she gets pregnant. Now, I have to go. Incase you haven’t noticed I am over eight months pregnant and you upsetting me probably isn’t a good idea.” I quickly left her with her stupid camera man.

I was glad to reach the recording studio as the air conditioning was definitely needed. It was stuffy outside and there had already been several downpours throughout the morning. I smiled at the receptionist, who recognised me, and gestured for me to go on through. Nick was waiting outside the room for me and smiled as I approached him.

“Hey. How are you feeling?” he asked, happily.

“Okay, I guess,” I replied, kissing him lightly on the cheek. “Have you got some water I could have?” Nick nodded.

“I’ll just get you some.” I smiled and went into the room whilst Nick walked off down the corridor.

“Hey Laney!” Brian said, enveloping me in a hug. “Woah, you’re huge!”

“Thanks Brian,” I said sarcastically. He smiled and placed his hand on my stomach.

“Guys, come feel this. I can feel the baby moving.” I laughed as the other three guys all placed a hand on my stomach. There were a few oh’s and ah’s as they all felt the baby moving. When it had first happened I had been ecstatic. I had rushed and rang Nick, who had been amazed. His expression had caused me to laugh! He couldn’t believe that it was his baby who was moving.

“I leave the room for one second and all you guys have got your hands on my woman!” Nick laughed, entering the room. “Here ya go.” He handed me a glass of cool water. It refreshed me completely, and my body began to cool down, after having been in the humidity outside. I sat down in one of the comfy chairs and watched as Kevin went into the booth to begin the backing vocals. “Are you sure you’re okay?” Nick asked, softly rubbing my shoulders.

“Mmm…” I smiled as his hands worked like magic. “I had a bit of a problem when I came in,” I said.

“A problem?” Nick asked, leaning forward and laying a soft kiss on my neck.

“A reporter.” I waited to see what he’d say. “I tried not to say anything…” Nick came from behind me and crouched down in front of me.

“What happened?” I shrugged,

“She was just asking whether I thought we were too young, and whether it was fair that you were gonna continue touring and stuff.” Nick looked at me for a moment, his blue eyes gazing at me, trying to decide whether any of this would prove as a real problem.

“What did you say?” he asked, after a moment.

“Just that I was lucky to have you around at all… you’re not mad are you?” I asked. I didn’t want to have caused any trouble. Nick smiled and reached out, softly caressing my cheek.

“Why would I be mad?” He leant forward and captured my lips with his. I kissed him back, loving the feel of his lips against mine. “I think we’ve been lucky that it hasn’t been any worse.” Nick smiled and took my hand, entwining out fingers together. “I love you, you know that, right?” I nodded.

“I love you too.” I brought the back of his hand to my lips and kissed it. “I read an article the other day.”

“Yeah?” Nick sat down on the arm of the chair.

“It had some questions about me and the baby… and stuff that the fans and that had said.” Nick stroked my hair with his free hand. I could feel his breath on my ear. “You don’t think loads of people hate me, do you?” He looked down at me,

“No, I don’t. Besides, who cares if they do. They can all think what they like… as long as we’re happy, right?” I lifted my head and faced him.

“I guess…” I pulled his face towards me, kissing him again.

“Nick!” AJ’s voice interrupted. “Come on man!” Nick pulled away and half-smiled at me.

“It shouldn’t take too long… you’re gonna stay?” I nodded and leant back, my back still aching. I closed my eyes. I wish this baby would hurry up!

”Hey guys!” I yelled into the garden. All five Backstreet Boys, Natalie (Brian’s girlfriend), and Patricia (Howie’s girlfriend) all looked up. “Did someone eat the Spam?” Nick suddenly looked worried and looked at the others in question.

“I had some…” AJ answered. I shot him a look of death.

“You ate my Spam?” I asked slowly. He nodded, not understanding the full impact his actions had on me. I need Spam like I needed air at that moment. Nick walked over.

“Sweetie, I can go and get you some more Spam. It’s no problem,” he said softly. I sighed,

“But I want it now,” I replied. “Anyway AJ should go and get it… he’s the one that ate it!” Nick smiled,

“Okay… AJ!?” He yelled, turning round.

“Yeah?” AJ looked up from his conversation with Kevin.

“You’re gonna have to go and get some more Spam.” He looked confused.

“Why?” I sighed,

“AJ, come on… I can’t drive. You can. I want Spam and you ate it. Now unless you never want to father children I strongly suggest you get your ass in the car and take me to the supermarket.” Everyone else looked amused, and AJ reluctantly followed me through the house.

“Jeez, it’s only Spam!” he mumbled under his breath. I slapped him upside the head. “Shit! What was that for, you crazy woman!?”

“AJ, man I’d watch it… do not get Laney annoyed,” Nick warned with a smile. I shot him a look, then leant over and softly kissed his lips. “I’ll see ya in a bit.” I nodded and climbed into the passenger seat of AJs car.

“AJ!!! Slow down!” I exclaimed as the car tires squealed on the tarmac. He didn’t pay any attention and continued at the speed he was going. “Are you on a death wish or something? Slow down!”

“Laney, you want Spam? We’re going to get Spam! I want to get back… shut up!” I wanted to smack him but I didn’t, seeing as he was driving.

Finally we were on our way back, AJ still driving over the speed limit, which was really beginning to annoy me. Okay, if you’re not gonna slow down for that, then…

“Ahhh,” I groaned, clutching my stomach. AJ glanced over.

“What?” I smiled to myself.

“Oh, holy shit!! I think… oh God! AJ… I think… oh my god!” AJ looked panicked. Hey, if you’re gonna speed might as well make ya panicked. He pulled the car into our driveway and jumped out, quickly rushing over to my side of the car.

“Oh my God! Are you okay?” I laughed and climbed out.

“AJ, remind me not to go into labor when I’m with you! I mean most normal people would have driven me to the hospital.” AJ didn’t look amused.

“You were faking?” I nodded. He gave me a dirty look and proceeded to lock his car. I went into the house, followed closely by AJ, informing me that it wasn’t funny.

“Yeah, it was… can’t you take a joke?”

“Yeah, ‘cos jokes are funny. That wasn’t… man, you’re becoming a mother in like a week. It’s about time you grew up!” I paused, actually insulted by his comment.

“About time I grew up?” I demanded. “Well that’s rich, coming from some complete freak who insists on wearing sunglasses indoors and in the dark. And I’m not the one who thinks burping and farting is funny, am I?”

“Hey!” Nick said, coming into the kitchen. “What’s going on?”

“Your stupid girlfriend decided to pretend to be in labor on the way back…” AJ began.

“Oh shut up!” I retorted. “You are so full of yourself! If I had done that to anyone else you would’ve laughed. Anyway I was just trying to get you back for speeding!”

“You were speeding with my pregnant girlfriend in the car?” Nick asked, looking at AJ for an explanation. He shifted uncomfortably.

“Well, yeah… but only a little. It wasn’t like dangerous…”

“There wouldn’t be such a thing as speeding if there wasn’t a dangerous speed to be driving at!” I informed him.

“Okay, enough!” Nick said, pushing AJ out into the garden. I sat down at the table and pushed the Spam away from me.

“I don’t even want it now,” I said sulkily. Nick laughed and sat down next to me, pushing some loose hair away from my face.

“Are you gonna sulk on me now?” he asked, looking into my eyes, a smile playing on his lips.

“Yes,” I replied, trying to remain serious.

“Are – you – sure?” he asked, kissing me in between words.

“I hate you,” I said, kissing him back.

“I love you too, Laney.” I laughed as he kissed me again.

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