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Chapter Nine

I put the dirty cups into the sink and turned on the faucet.

“Holy shit.” I bent over as a pain surged through me. It was over quite quickly and I straightened up. “No way! Not now,” I said to myself, quickly going to the phone. I used speed dial to ring Nick’s cell phone. “Shit!” I exclaimed as I heard it ringing from its place on the kitchen table. “Of all the times to forget it. He just had to forget it today!” I decided to try Brian’s number.

“I’m sorry! I can’t take your call right now, but leave a message and I’ll get back to you. And please don’t hang up! I hate that.” Just as I began to speak another contraction occurred and I screamed into the phone. I waited for it to pass, and then spoke.

“Brain, it’s Laney. Is Nick with you? The stupid ass-hole forgot his phone. Well incase you couldn’t tell, it’s started. And I don’t think the baby’s gonna wait while I ring round and try to find Nick. Try and contact him. Obviously I’ll be at the hospital.” I hung up and rang Karin as I collected my bag. Within ten minutes she had arrived. By then my breathing was rugged and the contractions were closer together.

Brian threw the basket ball on to the couch.

“Told you I could kick your ass,,” he said to Nick. He noticed the light flashing on his answering machine and replayed his messages. “What the f**k?” he exclaimed as a yell filled the room.

“Brain, it’s Laney. Is Nick with you?” Nick began to look panicked. “The stupid ass-hole forgot his phone.” Nick checked his pockets to find that he didn’t have his cell phone. “Well incase you couldn’t tell, it’s started. And I don’t think the baby’s gonna wait while I ring round and try to find Nick.”

“Shit!” Nick grabbed his key. “Come on Brian! She’s having the baby!” They ran to Nicks car and sped away.

“How are we doing Miss Mitchell?” Dr. Gray asked, checking over the clipboard.

“I don’t know how we are doing! But I am in a lot of pain and Nick isn’t here!” I said angrily, whilst trying to control my breathing.

“Ah, the father,” he commented. “We never met. He didn’t come to the check ups?” I shot him a dirty look.

“He was busy… but he’ll be here!” The doctor looked skeptical. “He promised,” I said, more to convince myself than him.

“La – Laney Mitchell… sh – she’s having my baby,” Nick said to the receptionist, breathlessly. Brian held his chest as he tried to catch his own breath.

“Down the hall, to the right,” she instructed. Without hesitation the two men ran off down the hall, dodging wheelchairs and patients on the way.

“Where the hell is he?” I screamed at the doctor and nurses in the room. Karin had gone to ring round, so I was on my own. The door flew open and Nick entered, ready and scrubbed.

“Mr. Carter, I presume?” Dr. Gray asked, not seeming impressed. Nick nodded and rushed over to me.

“Where the f**k have you been?” I asked through gritted teeth. Nick looked a bit scared but took a hold of my hand.

“I was at Brians. I came as soon as I got your message,” he replied, using his free hand to wipe the hair off of my damp forehead.

“You left your cell phone at home!” I exclaimed.

“I know, I - ” He stopped when I squeezed is hand hard, as another contraction occurred. Nick smiled down at me, though he was obviously in pain too.

“How could you do this to me?” I screamed. Nick looked at the doctor for help.

“It’s usual. She’ll be fine once it’s over,” he reassured him.

“I am here you n - agghh!” This one was worse and I really wanted to push. Nick looked at me, seeming a mixture of anxious, confused and worried. “Christ! Can’t you give me a little help here?” I said to Dr. Gray, who finally took proper notice of me. It was strange. I could sense some hostility between Nick and Gray, but I didn’t have time to figure it out.

“Okay Miss Mitchell, it’s time to push.” Nick and I locked eyes, and I decided right then that I may love this guy, but I sure as hell didn’t want to go through the last nine months ever again.

An excited Nick Carter burst into the waiting room, that was occupied by the Carters, the Backstreet Boys (and their other halves), and Karin, featuring a big grin. Everyone fell silent, looking expectant.

“It’s a girl,” Nick announced proudly. “She’s perfectly healthy… and Laney’s fine.”

“Oh honey, that’s excellent!” Jane gushed, embracing her son. The guys all shook his hand and gave him a ‘manly hug’, except Brian who embraced him so tightly that he found it hard to breathe. Nick couldn’t wipe the smile from his face.

“Wow, I’m an uncle!” Aaron declared. Nick shared a group hug with his siblings and then turned to Karin. She held him tightly,

“Thank you Nick.” He pulled away and looked down at her,

“What are you thanking me for?” Karin squeezed his hand.

“For being there for Laney, and loving her.”

“Well hey,” Nick grinned. “It’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it.” Brian slapped Nick on the back.

“So… what d’ya name her?”

“Elizabeth Brooke,” Nick replied, appearing fidgety.

“Elizabeth Brooke Carter?” Bob asked. Nick shrugged.

“We never decided,” he admitted. “I wanna wait until Laney’s rested before I bring it up.” Bob nodded in understanding.

Nick opened the door to the private room and quietly closed it behind him. He looked at his new daughter, lying peacefully in the crib. He leant down and gently ran his finger over her tiny, rounded cheek.

“Hey,” I said quietly, sitting up in bed. Nick turned towards me and smiled. He softly kissed my forehead. I still felt completely shattered, but seeing Nick so happy about the baby made me smile.

“Hi. How are you feeling?” He asked, sitting down on the bed and taking my hand in his.

“Okay,” I sighed. “Man, giving birth sure takes it out of you.” Nick laughed and leant forward, placing his lips softly over mine. I ran my hand up to his neck, and pulled him closer to me, deepening the kiss. “I missed you,” I said once we’d pulled away. He looked at me puzzled. “You can’t deny… that things haven’t been easy between us.” I peered at the beautiful baby girl lying next to the bed. “I can’t believe we made her,” I whispered quietly.

“I know,” Nick agreed. “She is perfect.” He turned back to me, “I love you Laney.” I bit my lower lip,

“I love you too.” He wrapped his arms around me and I hugged him back.

“Knock, knock?” Brian’s face appeared round the door, grinning.

“Come on in, man.” Nick smiled.

“Oh my God! She is… wow! Look at her cute little fingers, oh and her sweet nose, and…”

“Okay Bri, we get it,” Nick laughed. She began squirming in the crib. Nick leant over and carefully picked her up, laying a soft kiss on her delicate head. “Brian, I’d like you to meet Elizabeth Brooke.”

“Carter,” I added. Nick turned to me, looking surprised.

“Carter?” Brian pretended to look busy with peering at Elizabeth.

“Well… I thought that was what you wanted.” Nick looked ready to protest but I smiled. “Mitchell doesn’t go anyway. Besides… I was hoping you were gonna marry me someday.” He grinned at me and moved to hug me, then realised he was still holding Beth – I had decided I’d call her Beth. Brian held out his arms and Nick passed her to him. Nick turned back to me and held me so tightly he almost cut off my blood circulation.

“God. I love you!” he said into my hair. I laughed and looked at Brian who was smiling at us.

“You know, I think this is one of the best looking families I’ve ever seen,” Karin grinned from the doorway.

“Karin,” I exclaimed. She hugged me, then beamed at the bundle, now in Nick’s arms.

“Oh, Laney, she is adorable.” I smiled and Nick feigned hurt,

“Hey… I contributed too!” I laughed,

“Yeah… unfortunately I think she may have inherited your ears!” Nick stuck his tongue out at me.

“I have beautiful ears!” He leant down, allowing me to hold Beth. She was perfect. Her hair was fair, probably meaning she would take after her father with her hair color. Her nose was like mine, while her lips reflected Nicks, though it was difficult to tell. It couldn’t be determined what color her eyes would be. I hoped they would be blue, like Nicks and not brown… I had always wanted blue eyes as a child. I smiled down at the gorgeous girl, now sleeping peacefully in my arms, her small mouth turned up in a small smile.

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