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I looked over at Nick as he slept peacefully in the honeymoon suite bed. He looked so wonderful that I found it difficult to believe that he was my husband. His lips were relaxed but still held the signs of a small smile. I opened the door and picked up the papers I had asked to have delivered to our room - I knew that there would be coverage of our wedding, even if it was just a snap shot of us leaving the ceremony.

The photograph had captured the happiness I had felt on my face and Nick was looking at me with a smile. But it wasn't the photograph that really made me feel that life couldn't get any better. The headline said it all, The Fairytale Wedding. It was a fairytale wedding. It was my fairytale wedding. The one I had dreamt of since I was a little girl, and as I turned to look at Nick I wondered if there was a little girl dreaming of her fairytale wedding as she looked at the perfect photograph of Mr. And Mrs. Nick Carter.

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