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I sighed and leant back, pulling the wet hair away from my face. I looked into the mirror, it was over… for another day anyway. I splashed some water on to my face and returned to the lounge.

“You okay sweetie?” my Mom’s best friend, Sandra, asked me.

“Yeah, I’m fine now,” I smiled.

“If it helps any, you look great… radiant.” I laughed,

“Actually I do feel pretty good.” I went into the kitchen and picked up my letter from Aunt Karin. I had tried to contact Nick on several occasions since leaving Florida, but he was still away on tour, having left about two weeks after I had left. He wasn’t due back for another month as everything was going excellently in Europe. I needed to talk to him but I understood of his passion to perform.

“Laney sweetie! The cabs here.” I placed the letter into my bag and hurried outside, bracing myself for saying a final goodbye to my mother.

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