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Chapter One

Chance meeting? Nah... gotta be fate!

Kerry had lived in Florida all her life but had stayed in England for 6 months earlier in the year. She had had such a great time and had made loads of friends. Finally after a lot of organising she was able to arrange for one of the friends she made, Ella, to come and stay with her. Her Mum was going to be away for part of the time but had made sure that she would be there to welcome Ella.


"You're so lucky Ella!" said Amanda, " I wish I could come with you".

"I know. I mean 6 months in Florida...six months!! It's annoying that I have to go to school out there, but I guess it could be fun." Amanda was three years younger than Ella but she still thought it was unfair that just 'cos Ella was 18 she should get to do more fun things.

"I'll miss you Mand!" Ella said as she began to carry her ready packed suitcases downstairs. She glanced at her watch. An hour until she had to leave, so she quickly visited all her friends to say goodbye and promised to try and write to them all.


"She should be here any minute," Kerry told her Mum over the phone. "Ahh, there she is." Kerry said bye to her Mum and ran towards the arrival gate where Ella had just appeared.

"Hey!" Kerry and Ella hugged and began talking, whilst also getting in everyone else's way.

"Girls. Could you please leave the arrival area", a male voice said. They turned to see a large security guard.

"There is no need to be rude!" said Ella.

"Ohh, calm down... not from around here are ya!?" snickered the security guard.

"I'm from England," she replied. She looked at Kerry as if to say, ' Does this guy have a brain?'

"Okay", he said "Anyway, as I was saying, you'll have to move outta the way."

"Why?" asked Kerry

"We got some boys coming through, shouldn't be a real problem... but you never know."


"The Backstreet Boys". Kerry looked over at Ella and noticed she seemed a little shocked.

"Ella?... what's up?"

"Kerry, you know who the Backstreet Boys are?" Ella asked.

"Vaguely. I mean I saw some stuff in England and some girls at school were talking about them the other day. To be honest I don't really remember what they look like." Kerry and Ella had begun to walk to walk away from the security guard and towards the arrival lounge, so they could talk. They discussed what had happened since they last saw each other, then went back to the subject of the BSB.

"So you like the Backstreet Boys then?" asked Kerry. Ella shrugged.

"No, not really. They're okay, they've had some good singles, but I was never that bothered. My sister loves them though. Especially AJ". Kerry looked at Ella. She had changed a bit since the last time she had seen her. Her hair had grown past her shoulders and she seemed taller and slimmer. Then she recalled a letter she had received from Rebecca, another girl she met whilst in England, she had said how she thought Ella wasn't eating properly. Always saying she was fat and hating the way she looked. Kerry wouldn't have minded looking like Ella. Kerry was short for her age and she hated her hair. Only because of the colour. Unlike Ella she had dark hair and almost black eyes. Ella's eyes were also brown but lighter than her friends.

The girl's decided to go and get something to eat. Kerry ordered a burger and chips while Ella settled for a coke. Kerry was going to comment on her not buying any food, but decided against it. Ella looked up in time to see the Backstreet Boys walk in, and strangely she wasn't that excited. Still she decided to go over and try to get AJ's autograph for her sister.

"Excuse me." She said. All the boys looked up, "Sorry to bother you but I was wondering if I could get AJ's autograph for my sister?"

"Sure babe." AJ said whilst admiring the girl before him, "what's her name?"

"Amanda" she said as she handed him the paper and pen. Whilst AJ wrote a small message for her, the others started making conversation.

"So what part of England are you from...?" Kevin enquired.

"Oh sorry. I'm Ella and I'm from South East London". Kevin stood up and shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you Ella. I guess you know... but this is Brian, Howie, Nick and of course AJ". In turn she shook the boy's hands. AJ handed her paper back.

"Thanks a lot. My sister will be so happy."

"Your welcome. If she is anywhere near as pretty as you, then she deserves it" AJ commented. Ella smiled but felt a little uncomfortable at the same time. Kerry who had been waiting patiently, until now, joined Ella.

"Ella, I think we better be going or we'll miss the bus!" "Oh sorry. This is Kerry. I'm staying with her whilst I'm here in Florida." Ella explained. "Hi" Kerry returned as the boys greeted her. "You guys are huge in the UK, right?"

"Pretty much" Brian said.

"And we're starting to get noticed over here more now too." added Howie.

"Cool" smiled Kerry, "Your security guard is pretty rude".

"Huh?" AJ looked confused.

"She's kidding" Ella said, "just ignore her. Well it was nice meeting you guys. And good luck with your next single in England. You really deserve a number one!" "Thanks". Whilst Ella had been talking Kerry had placed herself next to Kevin and was flirting, as she always did.

"Kerry?" Kerry didn't answer, "Kerry. I thought we had to go?" Ella said a little louder.

"Oh.." Kerry looked at her watch, "we missed the bus now, so we can stay and chat with these guys a little longer." She smiled at Kevin, Ella sighed. Kerry was unpredictable, and unreliable at times. There was a seat at the other end of the table, next to Nick, so she went and sat down. Brian turned to Ella,

"So, how long are you staying here for?"

"About 6 months. I'm going to go to school with Kerry, Layne Tech."

"Really?" Brian enquired, "we play some gigs there, like school dances, proms and stuff."

"Cool", Ella looked over at Nick who was in the process of eating a large cheese pizza, "How can you eat all that? You'll get fat!" Nick laughed,

"I'm a growing boy and I burn it off on tour and stuff." Ella laughed,

"Wish I didn't have to worry about weight."

"You don't need to worry about weight" commented AJ.

"Thanks" she smiled, "anyway, are you guys here for a break, or for promotion..."

"Well, we're sorta here for a rest, but also to work on new material, ain't that right Nick?"

"Yep", Nick replied between mouthfuls of pizza.

"That is gross" Ella laughed, "So Brian, how long are you all here for?"

"Four months. I can tell ya, it will be our longest break in ages."

"I'm glad for you. I imagine all that touring would make you tired!" Nick laughed to himself. Brian looked at him questioningly.

"Sorry" Nick said, "It's just she says that and basically... what would she know?"

"Nick" Brian said, slightly astounded. Ella was a little hurt,

"Kerry, can we go now?" Kerry looked up.

"Yeah, okay." She looked out to the road, "we better get a cab." Ella stood up,

"Let's go then". She smiled at Brian, collected her luggage and the two girls made their way to the front of the airport.

On to Chapter Two!
Love Like No Other
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