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Chapter Ten

Maturity comes with age - I wonder if that applies to everyone?

I was awoken by two kids jumping on the bed. One had an excuse, being only ten. The other didn't seeing that he was eighteen.

"Guys, pack it in!" I said loudly as I pulled the cover over my head and smiled to myself. Eventually they stopped jumping and Aaron left, leaving Nick sitting on the edge of the bed. Pulling myself into a sitting position I noticed he was wearing only boxers and his hair was a complete mess from sleeping and jumping.

"That was your early wake up call!" Nick said smiling.

"Thanks, now" I said, kicking him gently off the bed, "leave so I can get dressed please." He gave me a disappointed look, then left. I dressed quickly, then joined Nick in the kitchen. He handed me some juice and toast,

"Eat up, then I'll drive you home."

"Okay" I answered, beginning to eat the toast, "what are you up to today?"

"Not much," Nick replied, getting more bread out. "I'll come and pick you up from school though?"

"That'd be cool. Give the girls something to gossip about" I laughed.

I arrived in History five minutes after the bell. Mrs Piers gave me a disapproving look and gestured for me to take my seat.

"So?" Kerry whispered, as Mrs Piers continued her explanation of the revolution... or something.

"So.... what?" I asked, whilst trying to look as if I was paying attention.

"You and Nick.." she said, impatiently, "did you...? You know!" I gave her a sideways glance.

"No we didn't. Although I think he wanted to." Kerry giggled. "How about you and AJ?" Before she could answer I noticed Mrs Piers standing next to my desk.

"Miss Cox, would you refrain from talking whilst I am." she said to me, "and from disrupting other members of the class." I felt myself flush red,


"Well, pay attention. Class, thanks to Miss Cox's interruption we will be having a pop quiz next lesson on all that has been covered today." Everyone groaned and I received a few dirty looks. I kept quiet for the rest of the lesson and then didn't see Kerry again until lunch.

"Hey Ella, I have to talk to you about AJ." I smiled,

"Okay, what's up?"

"Well, I want to... but he wants to wait, get to know me better and that. I mean... I feel ready now." she explained.

"Well guys have the right to say no too. Just wait and see what happens. That's what I'm doing with me and Nick." She sighed,

"Yeah, I guess." We continued the conversation until the end of lunch, then headed to our next lesson. Unfortunately I had classes all day.

"Hey" I said, getting into Nick's car. I was exhausted, it had been a long day.

"We," Nick said, pulling out of the car park, "are going out tonight. You, me, Bri, Kev, Howie, AJ and Kerry."

"Oh... I'm real tired Nick."

"No excuses, you're coming." Not having the energy to argue I agreed.

"Wow, this place is huge!" I commented, trying to be heard over the loud music. Brian, Kevin, AJ and Howie were already seated at a booth and Nick, Kerry and I went over to join them. Nick had seemed moody and distant on the way over and declined when I asked him to dance.

"Hey Ella, come dance with me?" Brian asked. I looked at Nick, who didn't seem to care, so I accepted Brian's offer.

"Nicky" AJ said as Brian and I left, "what I said earlier, you gotta forget it." Nick eyed him for a moment.

"How can I? I just found out my best friend kissed my girl." AJ sighed, What have I done? I don't know for sure it's true. I just noticed little things between Ella and Brian. Whilst AJ was thinking Nick had got up to dance with a girl. AJ saw that I hadn't noticed.

Brian was a bit of a mad dancer. He began to twirl me around, but suddenly stopped and began staring at something behind me. I turned and saw Nick. Only he was no longer sitting at the table. He was kissing another girl.

Go on to Chapter Eleven
Love Like No Other
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