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Chapter Eleven

Honesty is the best policy. So why can it make you feel like s***?

"What!?" I almost shouted, "you want me to say I'm in the wrong? Would that make you feel better about yourself?" I stared at him, "No, it wouldn't 'cos you know it's not true, and that you are the one who has screwed up."

"You kissed Brian!" he retaliated.

"That was forever ago!" I shouted, "and we weren't even going out with each other." Why was he being so unreasonable? He was the one caught kissing someone else!"

"Guys! Stop shouting." Kevin said, having joined us outside, along with AJ.

"Keep out of this." Nick snapped.

"You know what, Nick." I said, "I really don't need this. If you don't understand that you can't blame this on me, just forget it." I turned and began heading for the nearest cafe.

"You can be such an asshole Nick." AJ exclaimed as Nick followed after me.

"Ella... slow down." Nick said, trying to catch up with me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to face him, "stop please." I pushed the hair away from my wet cheeks. "I'm sorry... I was wrong. I was just jealous. Ella, I love you." I began to cry uncontrollably and Nick held me in his arms until I calmed down. "I am so sorry Ella, please forgive me. I promise I will never do anything to hurt you again." I looked up at him,

"Okay... but if you ever do anything like that again, we're through." He nodded, kissed me on the forehead and gently said in my ear,

"I love you." Without realising it I answered with,

"I love you too."

*Brian's apartment*

"I can't believe she forgave him." AJ said, pulling a carton of milk from the fridge.

"Well I guess she must really love him." Kevin sighed. He looked over at Brian who had been quiet all evening. "Bri? You never said you kissed Ella?" Brian looked up,

"I didn't think it was that important, I mean it was before Nick and Ella got serious. I mean it was only a kiss."

"So why did you act so guilty... and tell Nick?" AJ interrupted. Brian gave him a dirty look,

"Because you told him I went out with her and I didn't."

"Hey, don't blame this on me!"

"Guys... chill." Kevin said, standing up, "I'm going home. AJ, you wanna lift?" AJ shook his head,

"Nah. Bri, you mind if I crash here tonight?"

"No, course not. I'm sorry man. I didn't mean to take anything out on you."

"It's okay, I mean... no-one's fault really. What happened before Ella was with Nick doesn't mean Nick an get even."

The alarm woke me from my peaceful sleep. I reached over and turned it off, 9.30am. I slowly got myself out of bed and had a quick shower. After getting dressed I made my way down to the kitchen. Kerry was already sat at the table, singing along to 'My Heart Will Go On'. I smiled.

"Hey" she said looking up, "feeling okay this morning?"

"Yeah, kinda hoping last night was just a nightmare." She smiled at me sympathetically,

"It'll be okay honey. How's about you and me have a girl's day? We could go to the movies, shopping, out to eat, then have an evening in with the TV and loads of junk food." I laughed,

"That sounds great. Let's leave right after breakfast."

We decided to head to the mall first. Kerry's parents gave her extra money so we could treat ourselves. I was amazed that they meant for me to use the money too.

"So where to first?" I asked, linking arms with Kerry.

"I don't know," she looked around, "how about we go looking for shoes. You only bought two pairs with you." She dragged me from store to store, and we finally ended up surrounded by bags in Pizza Hut

"I can't believe you bought me three pairs of shoes." I smiled as I looked at my purchases. A pair of Adidas trainers, a pair of heeled strappy sandals and a pair of black knee high boots.

"My pleasure," Kerry said, "or should I say my parents pleasure. I just love this top." She pulled out the blue and red vest top and sighed,

"How can shopping bring do much happiness?" she laughed.

"Well, what are we going to do next?"

"Movie? Although I don't think anything good is on. They're still showing Titanic, if you fancy that?"

"Nah, not really in the mood to cry..." My thoughts returned to the night before.


"I'll call you tomorrow, then?" Nick said, whilst holding my hand and walking me to the front door.

"Okay" I replied, quietly. He looked at me, but I couldn't bring myself to meet his gaze. He bent down to kiss me, but I turned my head. He hesitated then pecked me on the cheek. "Bye." I entered the house and quietly closed the door. Nick leant against it,

"I'm sorry" he whispered, then headed back to his car.

~end flashback~

"Ella, are you okay? I mean you and Nick..." I smiled,

"We're fine... we'll be fine." Kerry continued looking concerned. "Kerry, last night Nick told me he loved me, and I said it back. Thing is we've hardly been together long, in fact nothing official even." Kerry smiled kindly,

"Maybe you do love him. I mean you forgave him." she suggested.

"Mmm," I muttered, taking a small bite of pizza, "but what's the point? I live in England, when I go home... there probably won't be a me and Nick. And with him never staying in one place, how would we manage to keep a relationship going?"

"It sounds like you've already decided... that maybe it's not meant to be." I was beginning to feel unhappy again,

"Come on, let's go and watch a movie."

Onto Chapter Twelve!
Love Like No Other
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