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Chapter Twelve

Building bridges...

"He shoots, he scores!" Brian yelled, making the shot. Nick sat, watching Aaron and Brian playing b-ball in their garden.

"No fair!" Aaron whined, "I think I should have Nick on my side."

"Well Frack," Brian asked, "you wanna play?"

"No" he stood up, "I'm going to call Ella." Brian watched as he wandered inside.

"What's wring with Nick?" Aaron asked, dribbling the ball over to Brian.

"Girl problems. I'm sure he'll be alright. Come on," Brian said, snapping back into a happy mood, "let's play ball."

"Ella, phone" Kerry called, holding her hand over the mouth piece. I entered her bedroom,

"Who is it?"

"Nick", I felt myself tense.

"Okay, thanks." She handed me the receiver and left the room.


"Hi Ella" Nick said.


"What have you been up to today?"

"Kerry and I went shopping, to the movies and out to eat."

"Cool. Do you wanna do something later?"

"I can't" I replied, "Kerry and I are gonna watch some videos and stuff."

"Oh," he said, sounding disappointed. "Ella?"


"We are okay, aren't we?" I hesitated, Were we? I had thought about mine and Kerry's conversation earlier that day, but I loved being with Nick. I had to think hard about it before making a final decision.


"So, can we do something tomorrow?"

"Yeah, okay. I know... you can teach me how to play basketball." I laughed. I had to try and make things work.

"Okay" he said and I could tell by the sound of his voice that he was smiling.

"I'll come round at ten tomorrow then."

"Okay, see ya."

"Well?" Kerry asked as I returned to the lounge.

"We're playing basketball tomorrow." Kerry sighed,

"I hope you're doing the right thing."

"Me too." I said, sitting down next to her. We spent the evening watching videos and discussing boys, Nick especially.

I got up at eight, changed into a sports top and shorts, then putting on my new trainers went out for a run. It was pretty hot so I was relieved I had remembered to bring water. Ever since I had arrived in Florida I had been eating quite a lot, which was unusual for me, and it was not time to burn it off. I got back at nine and jumped in the shower. I changed into a different sports top and skirt, then grabbed myself an orange juice. Kerry's mum was in the garden and her Dad was washing the car. Kerry was still in bed.

"Hey wake up." I said, sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Wh- what? Oh... what time is it?" I looked at the clock.

"Ten past nine. I'm gonna go over to Nicks now. I'm going to walk and I don't know when I'll be back. This afternoon sometime. I'll ring if I'm going to be late."

"Okay. Good luck."

"I don't need luck," I smiled, "see you later." I walked, or should I say power walked, to Nick's arriving shortly after ten.

"Hey," Nick said, hugging me, "you look great."

"Thanks." I felt awkward. It was weird. Nick was acting the same as always, but I still didn't want him to kiss me. I just kept getting visions of him kissing the girl in the club.

"Come on the," he said, taking my hand. "I gotta teach you how to play b-ball. Bri is gonna come round later. We could all have a game." I smiled and spent the rest of the morning learning the basics of basketball.

By the time Brian arrived I was feeling exhausted. Nick still seemed full of energy though, so the two of them proceeded to have a game of one-on-one. Brian lost and suggested I should join Nick because 'he needed the help'. Nick wasn't too amused by that comment, but was pleased when I agreed to play.

"Come on Ella! You're practically giving away the shots." Brian laughed, as he got yet another basket. This meant it was time to play some serious ball. I started using all my energy, which was limited because of all the previous exercise and lack of food, and Nick and I started to catch up with Brian. I passed Nick the ball then waited for him to score. He did a slam dunk and the ball went in, as he come down he fell backwards, knocking into me, hard. He knocked the wind out of me and my head hit the concrete floor. Everything went black.

Decisions, decisions...
Love Like No Other
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