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Chapter Thirteen

Decisions, decisions...

I woke up to find Nick staring down at me with a frown on his face. I smiled at him weakly. I opened my mouth, but before I could speak a deep voice said,

"Well Miss Cox, how are you feeling?"


"I've examined you and you don't appear to have concussion. But it wasn't just the fall that caused you to black out was it?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, sitting up in the bed and for the first time realising I was actually in Nick's room. The doctor turned to Nick,

"I need to speak privately with my patient please."

"No, Nick can stay," I said, taking his hand to prevent him leaving.

"Well Miss Cox, would you like to explain to me why you haven't eaten today?" Nick looked at me curiously.

"I... what are you talking about? I had a load to eat this morning!" I began to get out of bed but my legs couldn't hold me up. I grabbed onto Nick for support.

"Ella, I think you should stay in bed until you feel a bit better," he said, lowering me back on the bed. I sighed as the doctor continued.

"Miss Cox, you can't just stop eating."

"I di..." I began to protest, but he persisted,

"And you seem to have over-exerted yourself as well." He began to pack away his utensils. "I want you to promise to eat properly, and if you get any headaches don't hesitate to call." Without another word he headed downstairs, closely followed by Nick.

"Well?" Nick asked, closing his bedroom door and leaning against it.

"Well what?"

"Why haven't you been eating?" he continued, as he sat on the bed next to me.

"I think I should go home." I said, again trying to get out of the bed.

"Ella..." Nick said frowning.

"Nick, I don't want to get into this." I softened my tone, "please, take me home." Nick finally gave in and drove me home, and half carried me up to my room. He gently kissed me on the forehead and left. I heard him begin to whisper an explanation to Kerry, and I slowly cried myself to sleep.

"Ella" Kerry gently tapped my shoulder, "Ella, wake up." I pulled myself up, yawning.

"What time is it?" I asked, trying to wake myself up properly.

"Seven am, you slept all evening and night. Now are you going to explain all this to me?"

"After a shower." I said, gathering some clothes and heading to the bathroom. When I returned to my room Kerry was still sitting on my bed.

"Ella. Come on- what's going on?"

"Nothing" I answered, grabbing my brush.

"Don't give me that!"

"Okay fine! I don't eat. I thought I was over it. I was so happy with Nick and he really liked me so I thought I'd be okay." She looked at me in shock, "then the other night, at the club, he wasn't just getting even. He was deliberately trying to hurt me."

"Ella, he didn't mean it" Kerry said, giving me a hug.

"Kerry, when I saw him kiss that girl, it hurt so much. And then it hit me, I'm not good enough for him. Nick's got to have a famous model or something."

"Oh Ella," Kerry sighed, "when did this not eating start?"

"When my Dad left."

"That was like two years ago," Kerry gasped.

"I know. It's not like it's been all the time since then. I got over it... but it started again when Jack and I broke up. Nick saved me from it all, but now..." I sat down in front of the mirror and began to apply some make-up.

"We have to so something about this. Maybe you should go and see a doctor who specialises in this type of thing?" I stood up quickly and turned to face her,

"No way Kerry." I picked up my bag and threw my purse, make-up and brush into it. "I'm going for a walk."

"But you haven't eaten," Kerry protested.

"I'll get something while I'm out." I yelled up the stairs, then closed the front door before Kerry could respond.

I wandered round the neighbourhood for hours, just thinking. I finally found myself sitting on a swing in the local park. I took out my purse to see if I had enough money to get the bus into Orlando. As I did something fell out. I picked it up, it was the picture of Nick and me from Busche Gardens. We were wet and laughing. I gazed at it for a few moments, then placed it back in my bag. We had had such fun on that day out. I slowly made my way home, arriving back at 5.30pm. I hadn't realised I had been gone for so long, and Kerry was waiting impatiently for me.

"Where the hell have you been?" she said, as I entered the house. "I've been ringing everyone, including Nick who is out looking for you now."

"He can't have looked very far." I retorted, climbing up the stairs.

"Ella, what is going on? You either want him or you don't, make up your mind so then, maybe, you'll get on with your life!"

"Fine! I don't!" I shouted, slamming my door. What did I just say? I just said I didn't want Nick. But I do! But I can't, damn! I don't know anymore. Maybe we should cool it for a while. Yeah and just be friends. Date other people. I don't want him to date other people! But it would be for the best! Oh great! I'm arguing with myself. I must be going mad!

Breaking up is hard to do!
Love Like No Other
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