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Chapter Fifteen

Plan backfired!

I stood infront of the mirror, taking one last look at myself before joining the party. I was wearing baggy, black combats and a tight white top. As I walked down stairs I pulled my hair back into a messy bun. The house was alive with people, the majority of the guests having already arrived. I decided that no matter what, I was going to have fun, so I commenced dancing. Kevin soon joined me, wow - he could dance. Finally we collapsed onto the sofa.

"I heard about you and Nick," he said.

"Yeah, I like him... but I guess it wasn't meant to be." Kevin frowned,

"I thought you broke up with him?"

"I did."

"But you still like him...?" Kevin continued, still confused.

"Kev, you've been in love right?" He nodded. "Well I love Nick, I think, no.. I know. I love Nick, but the circumstances... everything happens for a reason. It's fate." Man, I'm even confusing myself!"

"You're strange." Kevin laughed.

"May I have this dance?" I looked up to see Nick with his hand extended towards me. I hesitated. "I thought you wanted to be friends. You danced with Kev." Nick pointed out.

"Okay." I took his hand and he pulled me up. Suddenly a slow song started. (yeah, yeah, I know - how convenient) Nick wrapped his arms around me and held me close. I wanted so badly to touch his neck, hold his face, kiss his lips... but I convinced myself not to. Finally the song ended and I went out the back. Kerry was sitting with AJ, heavily making out.

"Hey cutie." Danny, a boy from school, said, kissing me on the cheek.

"Hi Danny, having fun?" I asked.

"Sure am, here..." he said, placing a cup in my hand, "you should try this."

"What is it?" I asked, peering at its contents.

"Just try it." With that he walked away, stumbling over the trash can on the way. I took a sip of the drink. It had a fruity taste, so I finished it off and went to find some more.

I stumbled into my room and laid back on the bed. I closed my eyes, trying to calm my mind. I heard the door close and looked up to find Nick. He slowly walked over to me and kissed me. I stood up in protest and he kissed me again.

"I want you so much." he said, continuing to kiss me, planting small kisses on my cheek and neck.

"No" I pushed him away, but felt intoxicated, not just by alcohol but by Nick as well. I gave in as Nick's lips travelled down my body, and closed my eyes as his hands reached the top of my combats.

I woke up with a sore head and felt a cool breeze. I looked down to find myself unclothed. Looking over I saw a sleeping Nick, laying on his front, naked. Ignoring my headache I jumped out of bed and into the shower. As I got dressed I glanced in the mirror. Although I didn't feel it, at least I looked normal. Nick was still asleep when I got back to my room. I grabbed hair band and pulled my wet hair into a ponytail.

"Hey Kerry," I said, grabbing some bottled water, "I'm going out for a run."

"Was Nick with you?" AJ asked, taking a spoonful of Kerry's cereal.

"Yeah." I said quickly, and left the house.

*Back at the house*

"So Nicky-boy got lucky huh?" Brian teased, grinning.

"Yep" Nick said.

"Does this mean you two are back together?" Kerry asked, confused by my behaviour.

"I hope so," Nick answered, "I mean it wouldn't have happened otherwise, right?"

"Well.." Kevin said, "she did have quite a bit to drink."

"No that much." Nick protested. "Anyway" he said, standing up, "I should go home. Kerry, can you tell Ella to call me later?"

"Sure." she agreed. It was definitely time for a girls talk.

As I entered the kitchen I felt three pairs of eyes gaze at me.

"How's the head?" Kevin asked.

"Okay, the fresh air did me good." I responded, grabbing an apple out of the fridge.

"So you and Nick are back together then?" AJ asked, grinning.

"No," I answered quickly.

"No?" AJ said, sounding surprised, "but I thought you two...?" I shook my head,

"Not to my recollection, anyway I'm gonna take another shower." I headed upstairs. Damn, now I'm even more confused. I think.. no, I know we did it but I don't remember it. Infact what I do remember is asking Nick to stop. Shit, I just lost my virginity, almost unwillingly and unconsciously!

I waited until the guys had left before talking to Kerry.

"Kerry, can we talk?" I asked, sitting down on her bed.

"Shoot." she answered, sitting next to me, "what's up hunny?"

"Nick, he... we did it, but I didn't want to."

"He forced you." Kerry said, stunned.

"No, I don't know. I asked him to stop but he didn't, so I.. just gave in. And now I don't actually remember it." I felt tears on my cheeks, "It was my first time, and it wasn't at all special." I cried. Kerry hugged me and waited until I stopped before asking,

"Did you use protection?" I shook my head slowly. "Come on," she said, grabbing my hand, "we are going to the doctors."

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