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Chapter Sixteen

Forgiven & Forgotten?

“So then he said he thought he might love me.” Kerry concluded, beaming at the thought of AJ.

“Oh Kerry, that is excellent. I am so happy for you!”

“Thanks. I’m just so worried that he’ll forget about me once they go back on tour.”

“If he loves you, I don’t think he’ll forget about you,” I assured her just as the doorbell rang. “I’ll go.” I opened the door to find Nick, Brian and AJ. Nick seemed a little unsure of himself and I felt uncomfortable n his presence. I showed them into the lounge, then excused myself to the kitchen.

“Ella, we need to talk.” Nick said, startling me.

“No we don’t. I said all I had to say the other day.”

“But last night…” Nick continued, coming closer to me.

“Nick, please don’t.” I ran upstairs before he could see my tears. Nick joined the others in the lounge.

“What’s up with Ella?” Brian asked.

“I don’t know.” Nick sighed.

“Sure. You just can’t leave her alone, can you?” Kerry said.


“You know exactly what I mean Nick! She didn’t want you last night! She told you to stop!” AJ and Brian looked at Nick in shock.

“Nick?” Brian asked quietly, “you didn’t…” his voice trailed off.

“I didn’t force myself on her guys.”

“Whatever Nick!” Kerry said, beginning to feel angry.

“Shut up Kerry. You weren’t there!”

“Girls talk!”

“So she told you that?” Nick’s temper was rising.

“Basically… yes.” Kerry retorted.

“Kerry,” I said, from the doorway, “I never said that.” Everyone turned their attention to me.

“Ella, how long have you been there?” Kerry asked.

“Long enough.” I answered quietly. Nick was still standing in shock. I approached him, taking his hands in my own.

“Nick,” he didn’t answer or even look at me. “Nick,” I took his face in my hands, “listen to me. I never said that.”

“Ella, I… I just…” Nick took my hands an lowered them, “I… I love you. Why are you doing this to me?” I felt the tears begin to stream down my face once again. I also saw them glisten in Nick’s eyes too. Without thinking I threw my arms around his neck, and began telling him how sorry I was over and over again. Finally Nick wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Guys, I think we should leave,” Brian said quietly. Kerry and AJ followed him out into the garden.

“Now can we talk?” Nick said, pulling me down onto the sofa.

“Yes. I’m sorry Nick. I just… had these feelings for you. And then you kissed that girl and it hurt… so much.”

“Well I think we’re even now.” Nick said quietly. I held tightly onto his hand. “Ella, let’s start over. Forget all this. I can if you can.”

“I’ll try Nick.” He smiled and bent down towards me. He caressed my cheek whilst gently kissing me. I hesitated for a moment before letting myself kiss him back.

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