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Chapter Nineteen

Trust – part of the basis of a loving relationship!

“I can’t believe you two are staying in again,” Kerry said, sounding exasperated. AJ nodded in agreement,

“Yeah, I mean you’d think you two were at it the amount of nights in you have, but I know that ain’t happenin’!” I looked at Nick shocked. He shot at angry look at AJ, who simply shrugged.

“Oh yeah, ‘cos you’re always getting some, right? I think we all know it was you who wasn’t ready!” I retaliated. We all stood in silence before Kerry finally spoke.

“Okay… well before anyone else gets their feeling hurts, I think we should leave. I’m staying over at AJs and my parents won’t be back ‘til tomorrow evening.” I nodded numbly.

“Bye,” Nick said, closing the door behind them. I ran up to my room and laid back on my bed. How could Nick tell AJ our private conversation. No… I don’t mean that, ‘cos I tell Kerry stuff. Just why AJ? Everyone knows he can’t keep a secret!

“Ella?” Nick sat down and moved my head into his lap. “I’m sorry. I should’ve known not to tell AJ.” Does he read my thoughts?

“It’s okay, I guess.” He smiled down at me and brushed the hair away from my face. He stroked my hair and I entwined my fingers with his. I closed my eyes and sighed. Nick ran his hand up and down my arm.

“Man. I don’t want to leave you.” Nick said. I opened my eyes and locked his gaze,

“Let’s not think about it. We still have three weeks.” I sat up and kissed him passionately. He lent in but made no move to place his hands on me. I took his hands and slipped them under my top, on to my back. Slowly he began to caress my skin, and a tingling sensation spread across my body. I pushed up his shirt and slipped it over his head. In return he took off my top and began to kiss my neck and shoulders. He laid me down on the bed and continued to run his hands over my body. He undid my trousers and I wriggled out of them. , then proceeded in helping him out of his. He then pulled away and looked down at me.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” I smiled and pulled him towards me. I kissed him again,

“Does that answer your question?” He nodded and brought his lips to, once again, meet mine.

“Ella! Get your butt in gear! We’re already ten minutes late!!” Kerry yelled. I stumbled down the stairs whilst trying to pull my shoe on. She laughed as I bumped into the banister and I shot her a dirty look. “Come one,” she said, picking up my bag and walking to the car. I jumped in next to her and grabbed my bag. “Jeez – who put you in a bad mood?”

“No one, I’m just tired… and upset. Nick’s leaving in four days!”

“I know” Kerry said quietly. I knew it was wrong of me to take my annoyance and bad mood out on Kerry, as she was going through the same thing, but I couldn’t help it. If I wasn’t with Nick I wasn’t happy. I knew I was going to be completely impossible to live with once he actually left.

“I’m sorry Kez.” She smiled and I squeezed her hand, “We’ll just have to mope together.” I laughed. We pulled up outside the record studio and approached the front desk.

“We’re here to see the Backstreet Boys, please.” Kerry said to the receptionist. She eyed us skeptically and I smiled in response.

“Names?” she asked, looking at the papers in front of her.

“AJ McLean, Nick Carter, Brian Litt…” I giggled at Kerry while the receptionist gave her a dirty look.

“Sorry” I said, nudging Kerry out of the way, “Kerry Marllie and Ella Cox.”

“Studio Three”. We thanked her and headed for the studio, “don’t go in if the red light’s on!” The red light was on so I stopped outside the door, Kerry on the other hand walked straight in.

“Stop!! What the hell are you think you’re doing?” I heard a voice cry. I stifled a laugh as the middle-aged man began shouting at her. “Can’t you see? RED LIGHT equals STOP. DON’T COME IN! Are you stupid?

“Hey man! Calm down. She didn’t mean to.” I heard AJ intercept. As an argument commenced I decided it would be better to come back later. As I headed down the corridor someone called my name. I turned to find Nick approaching me.

“Hey,” he kissed me hello. “Why didn’t you come in?” I smiled,

“Didn’t want to get caught in the cross-fire.” He laughed and took my hand.

“Come on.”

“Where are we going?” I asked, as Nick pulled me through several doors.

“Well it’ll take him ages to calm down. They won’t miss me.” Nick closed the door behind us and pushed me up against the door. He kissed me and I laughed against his lips. He pulled away but didn’t release me from his grasp. “What?” I smiled and pecked him on the lips,

“Nothing.” I took his hand and pulled him through the next door, which led out to a kind of balcony. I sat up on the railing and Nick stood in front of me. I pulled him into a hug, burying my face in his neck. I inhaled, trying to imprint his smell in my memory. We just stood there, not talking, just holding each other. I played with his hair and listened to the beat of his heart against mine.

“Nick!” Brian’s voice startled us out of our embrace.

“Br- Brian, what’s up?” Brian eyed him oddly.

“Nick, you’ve been gone for 50 minutes. Phil’s gone mad!” I looked down at my watch and realised Brian was right. We had lost all track of time.

“Sorry Brian, it was my fault.” I told him, jumping off the railing. His face softened,

“It’s okay Ella. Come on Nick – we better get back.” Brian left us.

“There’s nothing going on between you two. Is there?” Nick asked, as we walked back to the studio. I stopped and he turned to face me.

“Nick, I thought we were over this?” I said, my smile having faded.

“Yeah… me too…” he looked away from my gaze.

“I can’t believe you.” I walked the rest of the way back on my own. When Nick reached the studio the guys were already in the separate room, ready to record. I was sat with Kerry, looking at some photographs of the guys from a recent photo shoot.

“Ella I…” Nick began.

“Nick come on!” Phil, the record producer said impatiently. I smiled up at Nick.

“It’s okay, go record.” He kissed the top of my head and joined the others. If the circumstances had been different I wouldn’t have forgiven him so easily. But we had little time left together so I thought in the long run it was easier to forget he had said anything.

“So how are you Ella?” Brian enquired as we sat watching Nick, Aaron and Sam (Nick’s friend) play basketball later that afternoon.

“Okay. Sad that you guys are leaving… but I guess Kerry and I will be able to do some fun stuff.”

“Yeah, I guess you two haven’t had much time together.” He laughed. “Nick isn’t the most unjealous of people.” I smiled in agreement.

“Oh well. I love him and nobodies perfect.” We sat in a comfortable silence. “So Brian, have you been seeing anyone recently?” He grinned. “You have?” I said, becoming excited. “When? Who is she?”

“Her name’s Nicole and I met her a week and a half ago. We’ve only been on two dates but…” Brian grinned again, his eyes sparkling.

“You really like her?” He nodded.

“Please don’t tell Nick,” Brian asked as he saw the three boys finishing the game.

“Why?” I was surprised Nick didn’t already know.

“Please Ella!” Brian pleaded. I nodded as Nick sat down next to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Nick,” I squealed, “you’re all sweaty! Get off!” He just grinned evilly and looked over at Brian.

“What were you two talking about?” Brian squirmed uncomfortably, trying to think of something to say.

“You” I stated. Nick looked at me surprised,


“Yep. I was just telling Brian how much I’m going to miss you, wasn’t I, Brian?” Brian looked at me, relieved.

“Yeah. You’re a lucky guy Nick” Brian squeezed my hand and headed inside.

“I think you’ve got some competition there Nicky-boy.” Sam said, jabbing Nick in the arm.

“What?” he asked confused.

“Duh,” Aaron said, “he means Brian. Man – even I know that!” Nick looked at me.

“Nick! They’re kidding. Anyway I only have eyes for you.” He smiled,

“Let’s go for a walk.” He held my hand and led me out of the backyard.

Chapter Twenty!!
Love Like No Other