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Chapter Two

Getting to know you...

"Nick, you are such an idiot" Brian said after the girls were out of earshot.

"Huh... why?"

"What you said to Ella. You made her feel real uneasy." Brian responded, "and I bet you upset her!"

"Well I didn't mean to... she seemed pretty nice."

"Yeah, she did," AJ added, "and that Kerry was coming on strong, huh Kev?"

"Yeah, she seemed alright... but a little forward."

"Gave you her number, Kevvy Kev?" Nick teased

"And her address." Kevin laughed.

"Whoa, she is keen." Brian tired of the airport began to get ready to leave. "Are we going home separately?"

"Well, could I share a ride with you?" asked AJ "my house is pretty close to yours." Kevin looked at the address Kerry had given him.

"Hey Nick, Kerry lives in Tampa"

"Tampa isn't that small you know... probably why I never knew her before."

"I know. I mean it isn't that near yours but look," Kevin pointed to the window, "they're still out there. You could offer to share a cab and pay as an apology for being a b****** to Ella". Nick nodded,

"You're right." He collected his stuff, said goodbye to the boys and headed outside.

"Oh no." Ella said as she saw Nick coming towards them. Kerry turned,

"Shhh" she said to Ella, "He's a cutie!" then to Nick, "Hey Nick".

"Hi... look... I was wondering if you wanted to share a cab with me. I'll pay of course."

"Oh I don't know. I mean we wouldn't understand how much you worked to get your money so I don't think it would be right to let you pay!" Kerry looked disapprovingly at Ella. Nick just looked ashamed.

"Yeah. I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to sound rude. It's just I am so tired."

"Well, you needn't take it out on me." Ella continued to be as horrible as possible even though she could see he was truly sorry. Kerry not wanting to miss out on a free ride, or a ride with Nick Carter, quickly pulled Ella aside.

"What are you doing? He is gorgeous and offering us a ride!! Come on...please" She looked into Ella's eyes, "please Ella!?" Ella sighed.

"Okay, okay"

"We would be glad to accept your offer of a lift" Kerry told Nick, whilst putting on an English accent.

"Okay then." Nick took out his mobile. After phoning he said "should be about 5 minutes". Ella, not wanting to indulge in conversation, went and sat on a small bench near by. Kerry having noticed an ice-cream stall wandered off. Nick slowly went and sat next to Ella.

"I am sorry you know," he received no answer. 'Trying to change the subject may get her talking', he thought. "So, do you have any other brothers or sisters, apart from... Amanda?" Ella looked at him, and deciding she couldn't continue with the silent treatment any longer, finally spoke.

"Okay. Let's start again." She stood up and held out her hand, "Hi, I'm Ella". Nick smiled and stood too,

"Hello, I'm Nick Carter." They both laughed. Nick thought she had a beautiful smile and still regretted making her unhappy earlier. Ella continued,

"In answer to your question I have a 19 year old brother called David, sister Amanda who is 15, and a younger brother Jamie, who is 9."

"Cool" Nick said, whilst trying to think of something else he could ask to find out more about her. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No... not anymore. How about you, girlfriend, I mean?"

"No It's difficult with touring and that. I mean I date, but nothing serious."

"Guys" Kerry yelled, "our cabs here". Nick helped Ella carry her cases to the cab, then they all climbed inside.

"Where to?" asked the driver

"2264 East Street, Tampa" Kerry answered.

"I hope we aren't going too out of you way Nick?" Ella enquired.

"Don't worry about it. It is on the way to mine. Your house is only like 20 minutes away from me." For the rest of the journey Nick and Kerry talked about life as a Backstreet Boy, whilst Ella looked out at the view. They arrived at Kerry's house and as Ella got out she looked up in awe at the large building. It was huge. She knew Kerry was well off but this was much more then she'd expected.

"Whoa" Nick commented as he began to help with the bags. "Your place is massive." Kerry just laughed and led the way up to the front door.

"You can just dump the bags there for now. We can take them up later. MUM!" No answer, "MUM!!" She wandered into the living room. Ella followed,

"Kerry there is a note here" she said as she handed the paper over.

Gone shopping. Hope Ella
arrived safely. Tell her I look
forward to meeting her.

"Aww. That's nice" Ella said as Kerry showed her the note. Remembering Nick, Kerry returned to the hall.

"Sorry Nick. Did you wanna stay for a drink?"

"Yeah, that'd be good. I'll just go pay the cab driver." Nick left as Ella entered.

"Hey Kez. Is it okay if I have shower? I feel all gross from the trip."

"Sure hun. I'll show you the bathroom." Kerry led Ella to a room at the back of the house, which looked out onto both a swimming pool and lake. The room was big, bigger than Ella's bedroom at home, and had loads of space. And also a double bed along with a dressing table.

"Wow, Kerry this room is beautiful." Kerry smiled.

"Come on, I'll show you the bathroom." After having a tour of the bathroom Kerry returned to the downstairs to join Nick, and Ella collected her shampoo and dressing gown.

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Love Like No Other
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