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Chapter Twenty - last chapter!

“Parting is such sweet sorrow”

- WS

I sat and looked at Nick while he watched the TV. His hair appeared quite dark in the dim light and his eyes glistened as the corners of his mouth turned up into his heart-breaking smile. My own heart hurt with the realisation that he was leaving the next day, but I couldn’t bare to touch him incase I could never let go. Then again that was all I wanted to do. Touch him, hold him…

“Ella, you okay?” Nick asked, resting his blue eyes on mine.

“Yep. Just thinking.” He repositioned himself so that he could hold my hands and asked,

“What about?”

“You,” I answered honestly. “About your hair, your eyes, your mouth, your touch, your laugh, your…” Nick silenced me with a kiss.

“I’m gonna miss your voice,” he smiled. I smiled back, leaning my head on his shoulder.

“Nick?” I questioned after a moments silence.

“Yeah?” He kept his eyes on the TV.

“Do you think we’ll make it?” He turned to me and switched off the TV.

“Honestly,” he said, pushing some of my hair behind my ear, “I don’t know. I want it to work, and I hope it will. If we love each other enough and try… then I think it could work.” I thought over his words, surprised by his honesty.

“I hope it works too Nick”. He smiled and kissed my forehead before pulling me into a hug.

“I love you Ella” Nick said, hugging me tightly.

“I love you too.” I pulled away and handed him a package. “It’s not much but I wanted you to have something so you don’t forget me.”

“Like I could forget you.” He paused, “Sorry, what was your name?”

“Hey,” I laughed, “don’t even joke!” He kissed me then opened the package. I had framed the picture of us from Busche Gardens for him, and he laughed as he looked it over.

“Come on Nick!” Kevin shouted from the boarding terminal.

“Goodbye Nick,” I said, pecking him lightly on the lips. “I love you.” I turned and walked over to Kerry. We’d decided not to actually watch the plane leave. Less chance of tears, though Kerry was already crying.

“Goodbye Ella,” Nick whispered after me, before climbing on the plane and leaving America behind.

Okay well that was the last chapter of Love Like No Other. So what did you think? Please leave a message, comments or whatever you would like to say in my guestbook on the Love Like No Other index page. Thanks to everyone for reading! The sequel is coming soon.

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