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Chapter Three

Preparing isn't easy.. beauty takes time, right?

"Man, how long does a girl need in the bathroom", Kerry said, "even I don't take that long!" Nick laughed,

"My last girlfriend used to take hours."

"Who was your last girlfriend?"

"A girl called Anna. It was nothing really serious, but it was more than just dating every now and again". Kerry smiled and wondered whether she should ask, and upon deciding that now may be the only chance... did.

"So Nick... what do you think of Ella?" She knew Ella would be annoyed but she just loved to match-make.

"What d'ya mean?"

"I mean, do you like her?". Nick began to feel a little uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I mean she is pretty and she seems really nice. I felt so bad after being rude to her earlier."

"Don't worry about it. I've known Ella a while and she isn't one to bare a grudge for long." Nick felt relieved and was about to respond when Ella yelled from upstairs.

"Kerry!! Get up here please!" Kerry rushed to her, closely followed by Nick. As they entered Ella's room, there she was standing in her robe, hair still wet staring at a boy, who looked around 20 sitting on her bed.

"Scott!!!" Kerry almost screamed, "what are you doing? And when did you get back?" The boy, apparently Scott, stood and hugged Kerry.

"Hey Kezza. Sorry about scarin' ya," he said to Ella, "I just heard ya singin' and decided to investigate. You have a gorgeous voice and you ain't bad looking either. Ella didn't quite know how to react. After stuttering a thank you she returned to the bathroom and changed into her bathing suit, with a skirt and small top over it. She then joined the others in the lounge.

"Sorry about that Ell, I didn't know Scott would be back. Anyway in case you didn't know he is my big bro, only by a year and a half though."

"Nice to meet you, Scott." Scott returned the greeting, then he and Kerry began another argument.

"Nick, wanna go for a walk with me?" Ella enquired.

"Sure. Leave these two alone for a while, huh?" He smiled, "Okay, let's go!" They made their way out of the back door so that they could walk along the shore of the lake.

"It is so nice here." Ella commented as she looked out across the lake.

"My house backs onto a lake too. It is nice to use a boat for transport sometimes."

"I bet." They sat down to admire the view. "So Nick, how does it feel to be free from work for a while?"

"Good. It's been a hectic year. Travelling, touring, promoting and stuff." Ella smiled, then the two sat in silence for a while.

"Ella?" Nick said after a while


"I was wondering if maybe you'd like to do something with me whilst you're here?"

"Yeah, okay. Like what?"

"I dunno, I could show you some cool places. I mean, I guess, Kerry will wanna show you the shops and that but..."

"But what?" Nick looked away, slightly embarrassed,

"Well... I guess I just want to get to know you." Ella smiled

"That'd be nice. I need to make friends here, even though I won't be here that long." Nick looked relieved.

"Well how about this weekend we go to the beach, then out somewhere to eat?" "Sure," she replied, "I better go in. I have to unpack and then Kerry is gong to show me the school. I'm a little nervous." They both began to make their way inside.

"I'm sure you'll be fine." Nick assured her.

"You ready Ella?" Nick had left about an hour earlier and the girls were going to Layne Tech. so Ella would feel a little more prepared for school on Monday. They still had what was remaining of Thursday, all of Friday, Saturday and Sunday free.

"Wow, it's nice here." Ella said after walking around the school. Kerry smiled,

"You'll change your mind," she laughed, "come on. Let's go back and go for a swim. It is so hot today."

When they arrived back a message had been left on Kerry's answering machine:

Hey Kerry and Ella - this is Nick. I was wondering if you guys wanted to come round tomorrow. I am having a barbecue with all my friends so you are more than welcome. If you want to know where I live or anything, then give me a ring. Kerry I already gave ya my number.
See ya!

"Cool." Kerry said, "let's go yeah? We can go shopping tomorrow morning and get something new to wear."

"Yeah, it should be fun. What about that swim then?"

"Yep. I forgot for a sec. Let's get goin'!"

"This is gorgeous! Oh Ella, you have to try this on!" Kerry handed Ella, who was already in the dressing room, a summery, strappy light blue dress.

"Okay. It is nice. And not too expensive either," she said looking at the price tag. She began to change into the dress. "I can't believe you bought the first thing you tried on!" Kerry smiled as she took out her purchase. It was a tight, extremely short black dress. Ella hadn't really thought that it was appropriate for the occasion, but hadn't wanted to offend Kerry. "I think I'll get it. Look. What do you reckon?" She modelled the dress for Kerry.

"It is perfect and you look gorgeous. It fits you really well. I think you should get it too."

The two girls were sat laughing as Scott walked into the kitchen.

"Hello girls. Been shopping I see. Where you off to then?"

"None of your business." Kerry said. Ella deciding it would be easier to tell than them have another argument explained.

"Nick's for a barbecue."

"Cool" Scott smiled, "have you told Mum, Kez?"

"Yeah. And she says as it is a Friday, we don't have a curfew!"

"Ohhhh" he said laughing, "I'm going out later anyway."


"About 5, how about you?"

"4.30, it runs all afternoon and evening."

"You want me to drop you off?"

"That would be great" Ella interrupted, "Thanks Scott!"

"You ready Kerry?" Ella stood outside the bathroom in her new dress. She had tied her long hair back loosely and had applied little make-up, though still according to Kerry, 'looked gorge!'

"Yep" Kerry said as she started making her way downstairs, "let's go." Scott was waiting at the door for them.

"What took so long..." then noticing Ella stopped, "...never mind, worth the wait. Ella you look real nice." She smiled, a little embarrassed,


"Come on, we'll be late."

Join the party in Chapter Four!
Love Like No Other
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