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Chapter Four

Get down and Party... or just have a good time!

Note: For the remainder of the story Ella is the first person.

As we arrived I was shocked by the size of the gates. His house appeared quite small in comparison to the gates and garden. We made our way up to the front door and were greeted by a familiar face.

"Hello ladies. Whoa, you are both looking lovely today." AJ said as he continuely staring at Kerry. I had to admit she did look stunning and realising AJ and Kerry may be 'chatting' for a while, I entered the house and tried to find my own way around. I found the kitchen, which was filled with food, and bumped straight into Nick's mum.

"Oh, I'm so sorry"

"That's okay honey" she laughed "just be glad I wasn't carrying anything hot."

"Hi, I'm Ella" I held out my hand and she introduced herself.

"Ella...? I'm sure I've heard of you. Oh yes... Nick was telling me about you. You're just staying here with a friend for a while?"

"Yeah we just arrived. Actually I have no idea where I'm going. AJ let us in but has started chatting up Kerry." I laughed, and Jane laughed too,

"Yep, that's definately AJ. Here I'll show you where to go."

"Can I help you carry something out?"

"That'd be great." Jane handed me a tray of hot dogs ready to be cooked, then I followed her to the garden.

"Ella, there you are" Kerry said "I wondered where you'd got to!" "I was just helping Nick's mum." I laughed.

"Ella! Hey!" Nick said as he approached me.

"Hi Nick" I gave him a quick hug. He pulled away and looked at me. I felt a little uncomfortable. Finally he said,

"Wow, you look great"


"Come on," he said, taking my hand "I'll introduce you to everyone". I agreed but released my hand from his. He looked at me, a little offended. I just smiled and tried to act like I didn't notice.

"Okay, so all these people are your friends?" I said as I looked at all the people filling his garden, some even in the pool.

"No, not all of them. Some are family, plus BJ, Les, Angel and Aaron have some of their friends here too."

"Oh right, are Brian and that here?"

"Yeah, let's go find them." We walked around the pool, "Brian, look who's here". Brian turned and smiled.

"Hi Ella"

"Brian, nice to see you again. Even if it was only yesterday." I laughed as we hugged.

"So how are you finding Florida?"

"Good. It's weird... it being so hot, England can have the worst weather."

"I dunno. A few times when we've been to England it hasn't rained." Brian and I laughed.

"Nick can you introduce me to some people then?" He smiled,

"Sure" Nick introduced me to many of his friends and also his brother and sisters. I spent almost the whole afternoon talking with Brian, about the other BSBs and about my life in England.

"So Brian, do you have a girlfriend?" I asked, "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to be rude." Brian smiled,

"Don't worry. No, I'm not seeing anyone at the moment. I go on dates and that, but no-one special."

"That's sad. I hate being single. Kerry loves it but I prefer to have someone."

"Do you?"

"Huh?" I said confused.

"Do you have someone?" He repeated.

"Oh" I laughed, "sorry. No, I don't. I broke up with my last boyfriend about two weeks before I left England."

"Joint decision?"

"Kind of. I mean... I knew it was going down hill, but it was so good in the beginning and I guess I didn't want it to end. But he knew it had to. I was upset but I guess it was for the best.." Brian touched me on the arm lightly,

"At least it wasn't an awful breakup, huh?"

"Mmm" I said slightly annoyed at myself for talking about it. I had decided not to say anything to anyone but.... it was so easy to talk to Brian.

"What was his name?"

"Jack" We talked quite a lot about Brian, touring, girls etc, until Nick joined us.

"Hey Nicky-boy!" Brian said.

"Bri. You know I hate being called that!"

"Sorry, man. I'm gonna get some more food. I'll talk to you later Ella."

"Yeah okay. Thanks for the chat." Brian smiled and made his way towards the table filled with food.

"So Nick, about doing something this weekend. Is tomorrow okay rather than Sunday? 'Cos Kerry organised for some of her friends from school to come over on Sunday."

"Yeah sure. I'll pick you up from Kerry's, yeah?"

"Okay. What are we gonna do?" Nick smiled,

"I'll surprise you, but keep all day free, okay? And you don't need to dress up or anything." I was starting to get curious.

"Come on Nick. Give me a clue?"

"Nope" he laughed, "you'll just have to wait. Be ready for 9am though."

"Okay. I'm just going to the bathroom." I searched the house for the bathroom and eventually found it.

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