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Chapter Five

His treat...

"Ella!! Nick's here!" Kerry yelled. I'd finally decided on a pair of black bootlegs, trainers and a small sleeveless top.

"Hey Nick" I said.

"Hi Ella, you look nice"

"Thanks, so do you." And he did. His hair was gelled back, and he had a pait of jeans, with a plain white t-shirt on. And a black cap on backwards.

"I hope you like what I have planned."

"I'm sure I will." We drove for quite a while, listening to music and talking about anything we could think of.

"Almost there." Nick said as we turned the corner. He drove the car into a car park already filled with cars. The sign said

Busche Gardens

"Come on Nick. Please let me pay... for myself at least?" I said after entering the theme park.

"No, today is my treat... come on, let's go queue for the Montu. I love that ride." We queued for quite a while, until finally we were at the very front of the ride. The rest fo the morning and early afternoon was spent experiencing all the rides. We decided to go on the log flume last.

"Oh man... I think I'm gonna be sick" I said as we made our way up the hill before the final big drop. I screamed as we hurtled downwards, whilst gripping tightly to Nick's arm.

"Wow, that was fun." I laughed as we walked over the bridge, dripping.

"You scream louder than our fans!" Nick said.

"I doubt it! I mean I was deafened at your concert!" Nick looked at me in surprise.

"You've been to a concert?"

"Yep, I had to take my sister. You guys can put on a hell of a show."

"Thanks". Changing the subject,

"I bet you wish you weren't wearing jeans," I said, "they stick to you more than anything."

"True." Nick squeezed his t-shirt, trying to remove some of the water. "We should get goin'. I think we've been on almost every ride!"

"Okay, but would you have your picture taken with me first?"

"Sure". I took out my camera, which luckily was waterproof and could be thrown away after use. I asked a couple passing to take the picture. We stood on the bridge, with our backs to the log flume drop. Unfortunatly we were covered with more water as another load of people came down. The lady took the picture as the spray hit us and Nick and I burst out laughing.

After leaving Busche Gardens Nick took me shopping, which surprised me a little. He made me get a 'nice dress' for dinner, which he insisted on paying for. It was quite expensive but also gorgeous.

Go to Chapter Six...
Love Like No Other
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