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Chapter Six

Cool moves... in my opinion big mistake!

Nick took me to quite a posh restaurant. I was glad I had brought a brush and a little make-up as I looked awful after our day at the theme park.

"Nick. I am paying for dinner. No arguements!" I said and before he could protest got out my money.

"Ella, please don't. I wanted to pay for everything today."


"I guess... I just... wanna impress you."

"You can't buy me" I said quickly.

"I know I didn't think.."

"Yeah, okay. Look... it's getting late. Can you take me home please?" I hadn't meant to sound harsh, but I had always hated it when people flaunted their money. I guess Nick hadn't intended it that way... but I had had enough.

"Alright. I'll just pay the bill." Deciding not to argue I told him I'd wait outside. My family weren't poor, but we didn't have that much money either. I had had to use my own savings to buy my plane ticket. There was a time when things had got really bad. My Dad left and my Mum couldn't get work.

"Ready?" Nick said, interrupting my thoughts. I nodded and we walked silently to the car, and we remained silent until we reached Kerry's house.

"Thanks." I muttered as I opened the car door. Nick grabbed my arm,

"Wait. Ella... I don't get it? I mean... what did I do wrong?"

"Nothing... just forget it, okay?" I quickly got out of the car and made my way inside.

"Ella..... what's wrong?" Kerry asked as I rushed past her and up the stairs. I didn't come down again until morning.

As soon as I had eaten, dressed and explained a little to Kerry, I made my way over to Nick's house. I rang on the doorbell and to my surprise AJ answered.

"Hey Ella... whassup?"

"Hi AJ, can you give this to Nick for me, please?" I said handing him a box with the dress Nick had bought me in it.

"Sure. But everyone's only out the back. You can give it to him yourself."

"No, it's fine. See you around."

"Okay" AJ said, a little confused. He made his way through the house to the garden. All the guys were in the pool except Nick.

"Hey Nicky. Ella just brought this round for ya." he said handing him the box. Nick opened it and saw the dress.

"Oh man... I just don't get it."

"What don't you get?" Brian asked as he got out of the pool.

"Ella. I took her to Busche Gardens, shopping and to a nice restaurant, so she thinks I'm trying to buy her!"

"Oh.. well have you tried just talking to her?" AJ suggested.

"Yeah, but she just told me to forget it!" Nick said, getting a little frustrated.

"D'ya want me to try?" Brian asked. Nick looked at him and nodded,

"That'd be good... thanks."

Kerry had left before I got back to collect her friends from the bus station. I got myself a drink and settled down to watch some TV. I was interrupted by the doorbell.

"Oh.. hey Brian" I said as I opened the door.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah" He followed me to the lounge where I sat down and began to watch TV again. He sat with me for a while, then said,

"Ella... I need to talk to you... about you and Nick."

"There is no me and Nick." Brian just looked at me.

"What happened last night?" I hesitated, then told him. When I had finished explaining Brian sat there looking confused.

"So he did a bad thing by paying for you?"

"You see," I said, slightly annoyed, "you don't understand either. I don't need to have money spent on me. Just being with Nick is fun, I don't want him to think he has to buy me things to impress me."

"I do understand Ella... but Nick doesn't mean anything by it"

"I know," I sighed, "I guess I did slightly over react." I stood up but stood funny and tripped. Oh my god. I am so embaressed!!

"Ella, are you okay?" Brian asked as he reached down to help me up.

"Fine, nothing bruised except my pride" I laughed.

"Well, I better get going." I went with him to the door.

"Thanks Brian." I said, as I gently kissed him on the cheek. He pulled away and looked at me.

"You have no idea how much I want to kiss you."

"Do you?" He nodded and leant forward. He brushed my lips with his. I placed my hand on the back of his neck and we deepened the kiss. It ended as I heard Kerry's car coming up the drive.

"Ella?" Brian said quietly.


"This will be our secret, okay?" I looked up, hurt. "No." He continued, "not 'cos of that... I mean Nick... I don't want to hurt him."

"Okay... but..."

"I'm sorry.. I gotta go." he said, kissed me on the cheek and left.

I spent the rest of the afternoon with Kerry and her friends. They were all really nice and I knew school would be okay. They left at 8pm and Kerry decided that she wanted to go and see AJ, so I finally agreed to accompany her. I had to face Nick sometime.

As we arrived I realised that all five guys were still at Nick's. Kerry just walked straight through the front door and headed for the pool. I was caught by Aaron who insisted I play video games with him.

"Ohhhh... I beat you again" he sang, doing a little victory dance.

"Yeah but I have never played before so you have an unfair advantage." I laughed. He just smiled. "So Aaron, how does it feel to be famous?" He shrugged his shoulders,

"Same as not being famous... except loads more people know me."

"Cool, well I better go down and see everyone else."

"I'll come with ya." Aaron jumped up, so I followed him outside.

"Hi Ella" BJ said from the other side of the pool. Nick and the others looked up.

"Hey BJ"

"Where did you get to?" Kerry asked.

"I've been playing Nintendo with Aaron," I laughed, "and losing badly. Nick do you mind if I get myself a drink?"

"Sure" He replied.

"I'll show you where everything is." Brian offered.

"Okay, thanks." We entered the kitchen and I got myself a coke. "Want one?"

"No, I'm alright thanks" Brian answered, "Ella we need to talk."

"I know" I replied.

"I like you, but nothing would ever happen. Nick's like my bro and I couldn't do that to him."

"Brian.. it's okay. I understand and I'm glad it only got as far as a kiss."

"A pretty nice kiss" Brian smiled.

"Yeah" I smiled back, "come on let's go back outside." We spent the whole evening at Nick's.

"It's getting late. Ell, we better get goin'"

"Yeah okay. Thanks guys. It's been fun."

"Ella?" Nick said as we were getting up to leave.


"Do you wanna go to the movies tomorrow night?" I looked at Brian and he simply nodded at me... I think AJ saw.

"Yeah... pick me up at 7.30?" Nick smiled,

"Yep, see ya then."

"Bye guys."

Nick took me to see Scream 2 and then to a small cafe in the mall.

"So Ella, when did you see us in concert?"

"In October '97. My sister was so in love with you guys and I was the only one who could take her." Nick smiled,

"Did you enjoy it?"

"It was pretty good... although to be honest I didn't get to hear much of it. The power of some people's lungs!" We both laughed,

"Yeah, it can get a bit much sometimes." For the rest of the evening we talked about how my first day of school went (which was good) and loads of stuff to do with the BSB. Nick drove me to Kerry's and walked me to the door.

"Do you want to come in?" He glanced down at his watch.

"I better not. It's getting late."

"Thanks for tonight. I had a good time."

"Maybe we can do it again." He smiled

"See ya then". He leaned in and gently kissed me on the lips. He then pulled away. Without realising it I took a step forward and placed my hands on his neck. We kissed... this time a proper kiss.

"Oh.... I'm sorry." I said when we finally parted, "I've got to go, bye Nick." Nick stood in shock as the front door closed. 'Wow' he thought to himself, 'we have to go out again.'

Bounce on through to Chapter Seven!
Love Like No Other
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