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Chapter Seven

Fast mover to put off persistant loser

My second day of school was cool. I hung around with Kerry and my new friends. Unfortunatly I was pestered all day by Ryan. A boy in the same grade as me, who wouldn't quit asking me out. I was in a pretty bad mood by the time school finished. I walked out the front, towards the school car park, where I'd agreed to meet Kerry. Ryan ran to catch up with me,

"Hey Ella. So how about it? You and me tonight?"

"No thanks, Ryan. I'm busy."

"Oh yeah" he said looking sceptical, "doin' what?" I kept walking and suddenly noticed Nick standing in the car park. An idea hit me,

"I have a date." I said and ran towards Nick.

"Hey" Nick said but was cut off by me kissing him. I pulled away,

"Play along. Kiss me back... you know... like we're together." He looked confused but as I kissed him, he kissed back. I ran my hands through his hair and he placed his hands on my waist. Finally I pulled away, slightly breathless.


"Okay... I quite enjoyed it" He laughed. I smiled,

"Is he still there?"


"Ryan, he's probably staring at us." Nick laughed and looked at me amused,

"Ella, everyone's lookin'."

"What?" I said stunned. I turned and saw quite a few people staring, many of whom were girls. I guessed that they all knew who Nick was. But Ryan had gone. I turned to Nick and sighed,

"Oh well, at least it worked. Sorry about forcing myself on you!" I gave him a hug to say sorry.

"It's okay, anyway care for a ride, then you can explain what that was all about?"

"Ummm" I looked around to see if Kerry had come out of school yet. I couldn't see her, but I did spot Ann and Jess, her (and now my) friends.

"Hold on a sec Nick." I ran over to the two girls and asked them to tell Kerry I had gone with Nick. They looked at me, as if to say "Wonder what you two will be getting up to." When I returned to Nick a small group of girls had gathered around him to get autographs.

"Okay Nick?"

"I'll only be a minute" he replied. I smiled and climbed into the passenger seat of his car.

"Sorry about that," he said as he climbed inside the car.

"That's the price of fame, huh?" He looked at me for a moment, then sighed.

"Yep. Wouldn't give it up for the world though." I smiled,

"I wish I knew how it felt." I continued as we pulled out of the car park.

"It's the best. The adrenalin rush and at concerts, knowing all those people are there to see you."

"Mmm." Nick looked over at me,

"So... spill... what's with this.. Ryan?" I began to explain. It then suddenly hit me. I had, basically thrown myself on Nick. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Huh?" I looked up. He laughed,

"You just stopped mid-sentance."

"I did?" He nodded. "Sorry... it was just..." I looked away, feeling my face turning red.


"The kiss. I'm sorry... I didn't mean to jump on you. It was very unlike me."

"It's okay. Really. Although you did startle me a bit." I laughed.

"Okay. We'll forget it. Yeah?"

"Yep. On one condition... you let me take you out on Saturday?" I smiled,

"That'd be good" I laughed to myself.

"What?" Nick asked confused.

"I was just thinking... everyone's going to be talking about us tomorrow."

"So? Let 'em. It's been a while since I was the gossip around school." He laughed.

What's gonna happen in Chapter Eight?
Love Like No Other
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