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Chapter Eight

A game of truth or dare, I should've taken the dare!

It was now just over a week since I arrived in Florida and I was having the best time. Friday night had been voted as girls night, and as her parents were away, it was to be a slumber party at Kerry's. Altogether there were seven of us, Kerry, Ann, Jess, Kyra, Lucia, Sara and me. We talked, ate, watched movies and ended up playing truth or dare. It was my turn and I took truth.

"Okay" Kyra said, "tell us a secret it had to involve you and... a guy." I laughed,

"Okay," I started to think of a secret. I knew the girls wouldn't tell but, "do you promise not to tell anyone?" They all promised. "Okay, after Nick and I had gone to Busche Gardens and that... Brian came over to talk about why I was mad at Nick... and we ended up kissing. A pretty full on kiss." They all looked at me.

"But you were kissing Nick on Tuesday" Jess pointed out.

"I know, but that was different, anyway," I continued before they could interrupt, "there is nothing going on between me and Brian. It was just a kiss." I stood up, "I'm gonna get a drink, and when I get back, I get to ask one of you guys." I left the room as the girls sat and looked at each other in shock.

Nick had decided to take me roller-blading on Saturday morning. He brought BJ's blades and padding for me to use. I had never been that great on wheels, but I wasn't too awful. My lack of experience gave me an excuse to hold Nick's hand anyhow.

"Hey Ella... slow down." Nick laughed, as he noticed me speeding along the road in front of him.

"I can't." I continued to roll, then fell flat on my face as my feet hit the curb. Nick rushed over,

"Oh my God. Are you okay?" I just looked at him and broke into hysterics of laughter. He looked at me confused and reached out towards me. As he pulled his hand back I saw blood, my blood.

"It doesn't hurt." I told him.

"Come on, you clumsy idiot." he said, laughing a little, "we'll go back to mine and clean you up a little.

As I entered Nick's kitchen his sister, BJ, gave me a shocked look,

"What happened?" She asked, aiming the question at Nick.

"I fell." I answered, still laughing a little. I decided to go check my face in the mirror, as I had been receiving weird looks all the way to Nicks.

"Aaahhh" I screamed, as I saw my reflection.

"What?" Nick came running into the bathroom.

"Why didn't you tell me I was completely covered in blood." He looked at me,

"I didn't want you to panic," he answered as he began to wipe my face with wet cotton wool.

"Ouch. That stings!"

"Hold still... I have to clean it." I gripped onto one of his wrists as he continued to clean me up. He was so gentle, I couldn't help smiling.

"What a state." he laughed.

"You said you wouldn't let go." I said, defensively, "if you hadn't I wouldn't have hit the curb."

"Hey, calm down. I'm sorry." He gave me a hug, "there we go... back to normal." I looked in the mirror and saw, thankfully, my normal self, with just a cut on my forehead. 'How did so much blood come from that one cut?' I thought to myself.


"Yeah?" Nick was looking intently at me.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he enquired. I walked over to him and pulled his face down towards mine. I gently kissed him then pulled away.

"I'm fine." He smiled and, placing a hand on my cheek, lent in to kiss me again.

Ahhh.... love. Go to Chapter Nine!
Love Like No Other
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