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Chapter Nine

Plans - not the wedding, just my future

"You know what Kerry?" I asked as we sat in her room on Sunday evening, flicking through her collection of magazines. She looked up from a copy of Empire.


"Some day, as soon as I can, I'm gonna move here. I love it so much." She smiled.

"Let's make a deal."

"What sorta deal?" I asked curiously.

"We'll get an apartment together some day. In the Orlando area."

"Okay." I spat in my hand and held it out towards her. She stared at me, slightly amused. "Come on, I know it's disgusting but it seals the deal." I laughed. She spat in her hand then placed it in mine.

"Seal the deal" we said together then burst out in a fit of giggles.

"It will happen." I said after we had recovered. "I'll come back and start a life here... as soon as I can." She smiled,

"I know." I stood and hugged her goodnight, then made my way back to my own room.

"Ella!" Kyra yelled to me down the school corridor.

"Hey, how are you?" I greeted her with a quick hug.

"Good, you?"

"I'm fine - I have English with you today, don't I?"

"Yeah, last two periods. Boring, but at last she doesn't mind us talking," she laughed, "and I've been hearing you and Nick are going pretty well." I laughed,

"Well, yeah... I guess. He is just so cute." She smiled.

"We better get to class and you can tell me all about it!" We made our way to English together and I spent the last hour and a quarter filling her in on all the details about me and Nick.

No-one was home when I got home. Kerry had a 'family thing' until late, which meant I was alone in the house. I thought it would be a good opportunity to get my math homework done. I completed it just as the phone rang.


"Hi, is Kerry there?"

"She's out all night. AJ? Is that you?"

"Yep, Ella what you up to?"

"Not much. I'm alone all evening. I guess I have a date with the TV." I laughed.

"Ahh," he laughed, "Why don't you come over? I'm at Nicks and he's been moaning that he hasn't seen you for two days."

"Okay, I'll be over soon... no... I can't. I don't have nay transport and by the time I come home it'd be dark." AJ sighed,

"Okay, okay. I'll come pick you up."

"You're a babe AJ."

"I know," he laughed, "I'll be right round." I quickly tidied up my books and cleared up the dishes left from breakfast. I hadn't eaten since breakfast, but I wasn't too hungry yet.

"Hey you." AJ said as I jumped into the passenger seat.

"Hi" I smiled, "thanks for coming to pick me up. How come Nick didn't come?" I asked, a little disappointed.

"He wanted to but his parents are out so he has to look after Aaron and Angel."

"Oh okay, I said feeling relieved.

"Hi Ella" Angel said as AJ and I entered the Carter's house.

"Hey, how are you?"

"Fine... could I... could I talk to you for a minute?" She asked nervously.

"Sure," I smiled. "I'll just say hi to Nick first though."

"Okay" She looked relieved.

"Hey gorgeous." Nick said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm glad you could come over."

"Me too." I said, kissing him on the cheek.

"Is that all I get?" he asked teasingly. I released myself from his arms,

"I have to go talk with Angel."

"Angel?" I knocked on her door.

"Come in Ella." She was sitting on her bed looking at a pop magazine. I sat down next to her.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" She looked at me then said quietly,

"Well this boy, Josh asked me to go to the school fair with him. But I'm not sure if I should say yes, I mean what if he tries to kiss me!" I smiled,

"Well you could always tell him not too." She was silent, "Why are you talking to me about this? I mean couldn't you talk to BJ or Leslie?... or even Nick?"

"They'd all tell me to say no. They think I'm too young to go out on a date."

"Well do you like Josh?" She smiled,


"Then go. If you don't want to kiss him you don't have to. Simple." She gave me a hug,

"Thanks. Please don't tell anybody about this."

"I promise I won't. See you later." I went to join Nick and AJ in the lounge.

"Hey, what are you watching?" I asked as I sat down next to Nick.

"Die Hard" he replied pulling me close to him.

"Oh" I sighed, "Wake me up when it's over! I hate action movies." Nick laughed.

"So why d'ya have to talk to Angel?"

"Girl stuff." He eyed me curiously.

"Okay" he said, seeing that I wasn't going to extend on my explanation, "the subject is dropped."

I woke up a few hours later curled up next to Nick, with my head resting on his chest and his arm around me.

"I thought you were joking about sleeping through the movie," he smiled.

"Nope." I said, sitting up, "where's AJ?"

"Kerry rang to see where you were. I didn't want to wake you... plus AJ went over, so..."

"Oh, wonder why I wasn't wanted at home." I laughed. "What time is it?" Nick glanced at his watch,


"I should go, got school tomorrow." I said, getting up with reluctance.

"Why don't you stay? I told Kerry you could if you wanted." Nick asked. taking hold of my hand, after standing up.

"I dunno... I'd have to get up early so I could go home and change."

"Set the alarm," he said, pulling me close and pleading with is eyes. He looked so cute I had to give in. "Ah, I knew you couldn't resist my charms." he said, leaning down and kissing me gently. I returned the kiss, then pulled away.

"So where am I sleeping?"

"My room.." Nick answered, mischievously.

"I don't think so." I said, taking his hand, "I haven't known you that long." He smiled and led me upstairs to the guestroom.

"Here you are." he said, swinging open the door and entering. Nick sat down on the bed whilst I looked at the many gold discs with his name on them.

"Wow, what is this? A Nick Carter shrine?" He laid back on the bed,

"Mum has to keep them somewhere." I sat down on the side of the bed.

"Mmmm..." I began to think, I am so lucky. Here I am, alone in a bedroom with Nick Carter. Thousands of girls would kill to be in this position.

"Ella, you okay?" Nick asked, sitting behind me on he bed.

"Yeah, fine. I was just lost in thought." I laughed.

"You English girls are weird." he joked.

"Hey!" I said defensively, turning around so I was facing him. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Oh nothing," he replied with a cheeky grin, "now come here and kiss me." He pulled me to him and proceeded to kiss me thoroughly. I became lost in it, then realised that Nick was beginning to lift up my top. I pushed him away and stood up.

"I want to sleep now Nick." He looked up at me, confused.

"I... what's wrong?"

"Nick, I've known you for about a month. I have no idea whether we are going out or just dating. I live in England, you live in Florida, you're famous... need I go on?" He sat in silence for a while,

"Well... over a month is a long time, I ant to be your boyfriend and to the last three all I can say is 'so'?" I approached him and gently pushed back some of the golden strands.

"Nick, once I leave, we may never see each other again. I mean if I lived here, then maybe... but... how about we just go out and have fun. Enjoy ourselves while I'm here?" He nodded and stood up,

"Well, you better get some sleep. Haha - you've got school tomorrow!" He laughed.

"Shut up!" I smiled. We kissed goodnight, I stripped to my underwear and climbed into bed.

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