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I looked up at the large school building, surprised at what a nice place it looked. I had moved to Tampa in an attempt to boost my grades. I had got in with the ‘wrong crowd’ back in Chicago and my mom, as a last resort had transferred me to Florida. I was staying with my aunt Karin, who was pretty cool considering she was my mom’s sister.

“Hey, watch out!” But it was too late. The basketball bounced off my head and sent my books flying to the floor. I quickly bent down to retrieve them, hoping that not too many people had seen me. “Sorry babe!” The same voice said to me. I stood up and found myself looking into the eyes of a handsome guy, a little taller than myself. “I’m Zack and the idiot who threw the ball too high so I couldn’t catch it, is Nick.” I looked behind me and found an even taller guy with sparkling blue eyes looking at me.

”Yeah, sorry,” he said. I smiled, but was prevented from speech by a squeal at the entrance to the building.

”Nicky!” He cringed and rolled his eyes.

”Hey Casey.” He kissed the girl on the cheek and she looked me over with interest.

”And you are..?” I wasn’t impressed by her tone, but decided it would be best not to make any enemies on my first day.

”I’m Laney.” Nick smiled at me.

”So babe,” Zack said, throwing his arm around my shoulder, “How about I take you to your class?”

”Sure.” I looked behind to see Nick and Casey walking the other way. “Where are they going?”

”Cutting I guess.” Zack smiled, “So Laney, you wanna go out tonight?” Wow, this guy worked fast… but then again I didn’t really know anyone yet.

”Yeah, okay.” Zack grinned.

”Cool, well this is your class.” I gave him my number and went to endure my first day as ‘the new girl’

Chapter One
Second Chances
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