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Chapter One

I flew out of the front door and raced down the pathway, hurling myself into Nicks arms. He kissed me passionately before loosening his grip so he could look down at me.

“Man, did I miss you Mary Beth,” he said, brushing a few strands of hair away from my face.

“I missed you too,” I replied, running my hands up and down his smooth, tanned arms. “But we have three whole weeks, and I plan to spend as much of that time as possible with you.” He smiled and, taking my hand in his, led me away from the house.

“Well we have seven concerts and some promotions, but other than that I’m all yours.” Nick and I had been dating for eleven months, having met at a mutual friends birthday party. And to a certain extent we were inseparable – considering the minor detail of Nicks touring and busy schedule. Luckily I had nor received any death threats when the public found out about our relationship, although I was verbally insulted on many occasions by some fans, but I had expected that. “AJ’s having a house warming party tomorrow night,” Nick said as we walked down the quiet road. “You want to go?”

“He bought that house over a year ago!” I laughed, “But yeah… if you want to go.”

“Free food,” Nick stated, “I’m there.”

“You and your stomach.” I patted his stomach lightly. “Will Cali be there?” I asked, with a more serious tone. Nick shrugged,

“I don’t know,” he answered, “I expect so… but it doesn’t matter,” he continued, dismissing the subject, “because I’m with you!” He wrapped his arms around me and began kissing my neck, causing me to break into a fit of giggles, and forget all about Cali Tempest.

Cali Tempest was, what could only be described as a manipulative, selfish, attention-seeking bitch. I had never like her, hating her attitude from the first time AJ introduced us. Her keen interest in Nick had only strengthened my dislike for her, and her attempts at breaking us up only reinforced my initial opinion of her. When she realised that, although Nick was kind to her, he was not going to dump me she resorted to lying. Inventing stories about my past, or telling Nick that she had seen me with another guy whilst he was on tour. So far none of this had affected my relationship with Nick, it had only fueled my theory that she was after all she could get from knowing the Backstreet Boys.

Chapter Two
Her Obsession
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