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Chapter Three

I could feel Calis evil stare as Nick and I entered AJs grand house. I tried to act nonchalant, but somehow she always got to me. Even Nicks reassuring words couldn’t prevent me from feeling insecure. There was something about her. She would stop at nothing to get Nick. Nothing.

“And how are the perfect couple?” Brian grinned, hugging me tightly.

We are fine,” Nick smiled, absently caressing the bare skin on my back.

“Glad to hear it,” he replied. “It’s good to get rid of Nick for a while,” Brian admitted. “All I hear is… ‘I spoke to Mary Beth this morning’, ‘Mary Beth got a new job’, ‘you know I really miss Mary Beth’.” Nick punched Brian playfully. “Hey! I’m not knocking it.” Brian held his hands up in defense. “I’m jealous I guess. You guys are so lucky to have each other.”

“Real lucky,” Nick said, kissing my neck.

“Do you want a drink?” I asked Nick, who nodded before turning his attention to Brian. I scanned the walls of AJ’s dining area as I approached the drinks table. They were adorned with various framed pictures and awards and discs.

“Hello Mary Beth,” a cold voice said.

“Cali.” I said, stepping past her and grabbing some drinks.

“It’s been a while,” Cali continued and I realised that to anyone else it would appear as if we were having a friendly conversation. But to everything said it was as if there was an underlying meaning. “How are you?” How are you and Nick?

“Great,” I replied happily.

“That’s good,” Whore! “I’ve been busy.” trying to find a way to break you and Nick up!

“Yeah?” I wasn’t at all interested, but felt compelled to at least be civil. “Well I better get back to Nick. See ya.” I hurried back to Nick with the drinks.

“What is wrong with you?” my friend, Darla, asked me, handing me a soda and sitting down opposite me.

“Nothing. I’m fine,” I replied half-heartedly.

“Mary Beth, I have known you for years… and I can tell when something is wrong.” I didn’t return her gaze which rested on me, not faltering until I sighed in defeat.

“It’s Cali Tempest.” I began but was interrupted from going further by Darlas outburst.

“Again? What has she done this time?” then without pausing for my answer, said, “I don’t get her. I mean sure Nick’s a catch… but he’s obviously in love with you… and she’s such a…” she stopped, finding herself at a loss for words.

“Bitch?” I offered with a laugh. Her hazel eyes sparkled as she laughed with me.

“That’s an understatement,” she leaned back in the restaurant booth. “So… what has she done?”

“Her most recent attempt at splitting us up was to invent some guy as my latest fling.” Darla looked at me sympathetically.

“Don’t worry. Cali won’t be able to split you guys up. Your relationship’s too strong for that.” I smiled, but was not reassured by her.

Chapter Four
Her Obsession
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