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Chapter Five

“Shit!” My head banged and the ring of the alarm vibrated through my body. I jolted upwards and slammed my hand down on the alarm clock, finally stopping the intolerable ring. Nick mumbled as he turned over and began to softly caress my thigh. I pushed his hand away and swung my legs over the side of the bed. Mary Beth Aberay, daughter of the rich Dennis Aberay. That was me and that was how I was always known. As ‘Dennis Aberay’s daughter’. That is except for with Nick and the other Backstreet Boys, and of course Darla. I looked back at Nick who was now laying, sprawled across the bed on his stomach. I gently brushed his blonde hair away from his face, smiling fondly down at him. I loved him so much. That was what made me afraid. Afraid of losing him Not necessarily to Cali, but just not having him in my life.

“Hey Bethy. You okay?” Nick asked, pulling himself up and sitting me between his long legs.

“Yeah…” I replied, leaning back and kissing his soft lips. “You know I love you, right?” I said seriously.

“Yeah,” Nick replied, laughing almost nervously. “Mary Beth… is everything okay?” I took his hands in mine and grasped them together.

“Nick, will you promise me something?” I asked quietly.

“Depends what it is,” he laughed, trying to break the slight tension in the room.

“Promise you’ll never hate me.” My request must have startled him because I could feel the sudden tension that enveloped his body.

“Well don’t give me anything to hate you for,” he replied finally.

“No Nick,” I said, standing up and pulling on my dress. “I mean no matter what I do, or if you don’t love me anymore, just please never hate me. I couldn’t bear the thought of you hating me.” Nick was thoroughly confused by what seemed like insecurity on my part. Have I done something to make her think I don’t love her anymore? Nick wondered to himself.

“I do love you Mary Beth,” he said, standing up and approaching me. I took a step back, not quite sure why I didn’t want him to touch me. His eyes filled with confusion and hurt. I pulled on my shoes and quickly grabbed my bag.

“My Dad’ll be worried. And I know he hates the thought of me spending the night with you.” I attempted a small laugh, “I’ll see you later.” I kissed him on the cheek and hurried home, anxious to figure out what I was feeling and knowing that Nick would also be trying to interpret my behaviour.

Nick threw the ball to Brian, who accurately and with ease threw it into the net.

“I don’t know how to help you Nick,” Brian said, quickly retrieving the ball. “It doesn’t sound like Mary Beth at all. She’s usually so confident.”

“I know,” Nick replied, “That’s why I’m so confused. It was the whole promising never to hate her thing that got me worried.”

“Maybe she broke your favorite Nintendo game,” Brian laughed, but quickly stopped when he saw Nicks serious and agitated expression. “Go and talk to her. I’m sure it’s nothing,” he tried to be reassuring. “Besides, what’s the worst that could happen?”

Chapter Six
Her Obsession
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