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Chapter Seven

Cali picked up the book which was filled with magazine articles and newspaper cuttings, all of which were neatly labeled and dated in her handwriting. Dating back to 1995, when the obsession had begun. And now Cali could destroy them. Destroy their perfect, would-be happy ending relationship.

“Mom? Dad?” I called, throwing my keys on to the table in the spacious, high-ceilinged hallway.

“In here sweetie,” my mother’s voice drifted to me from the lounge.

“Hi mom,” I greeted, falling back on to the sofa.

“Did you stay with Nick last night?” my mother asked, peering over the top of her reading glasses at me. I nodded in response. “You know I like him Mary Beth, but you also know how your father feels about you spending the night with him.”

“I’m nineteen mom… I can make my own decisions.” I picked up my shoes, which I had carelessly removed when I entered the room and now made the move to leave.

“That nice Cali Tempest was here,” my mother called as I reached the bottom of the grand staircase. I listened motionless as she continued. “She waited for a while, but left about ten minutes before you got back.” My heart started pounding at such a rate that I thought it would explode out of my chest.

“Where did she wait?” I asked, my voice sounding almost emotionless, though panic ran throughout my body.

“In your room. We didn’t think you’d mind.” Without responding I raced up to my room, hoping that the dread in the pit of my stomach was just a force alarm. The pain in my stomach felt almost crippling as I saw the top drawer of my desk open, no long holding my book.

It was then that I realised that Cali Tempest had the one thing that could destroy me and Nick. And she would destroy us. My mind raced as I tried to think clearly enough to take action. Nick. I had to get to Nick before she did. But what if she had already reached him. I felt sick at the thought.

I frantically put the keys into the ignition and pulled almost recklessly out of my drive way. All the way over to Nicks I prayed that I would get their first.

Chapter Eight
Her Obsession
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